The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy, TURBOMIND Book Summary by Tylor Jones
You can learn a little about him here,

In every human being there is a limitless reservoir of power, which can overcome any problem, any obstacle, any challenge and achieve any dream. It’s the power of your subconscious mind.

The biggest obstacle to your success and achievement is your own thought or mental image, your self limiting beliefs, negativity and mental blocks..

Your subconscious mind never grows old. It is timeless, ageless, and endless. It’s part of the universal mind of God which was never born, and it will never die.

You are as young as you think you are.

Give thanks for all the blessings in your life several times a day. Additionally, pray for peace, happiness, and prosperity for all the members of your family, associates, partners, all people everywhere.

The good you do to for others comes back to you in like measure, and the evil you the same way.

 10-Things I learnt from “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”

By Joseph Murphy

Tylor Jones, Master Coach at
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….

Hi, today, we have the summary for the book THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONCIOUS MIND by Joseph Murphy, here are some of the most important things I learnt from the book.

At  TURBOMIND BOOK CLUB do summaries of the best books in the world on personal growth, spirituality, mindpower, business, coaching, personal success, etc….. things that we love to learn…the best way to learn something is to share it with someone….


This book by Joseph Murphy is a classic; it was written over 50 years ago but the concepts in here at timeless…talks about the extraordinary power of your subconscious mind, a power that affects every area of your life.  He recommends reading this book several times, and I agree with him.

This book when you put it into practice it will change your life, or at least dramatically improve it.

10-Things I learnt from “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”

    Your habitual thinking, your thoughts and images that you have consciously or subconsciously create your destiny. They are very powerful, most of the time you are not even aware. However, this doesn’t mean they don’t impact your life. Every time you give an opinion, you use word you are creating your destiny.
    You can use this power to heal yourself, and achieve incredible things.Think good and good follows. Think evil and evil follow. You are what you think all day long.When you pray it is not the thing believed in that brings an answer to your prayers, the answer comes as a result when the individual’s subconscious mind respond to the mental picture or thought in his mind. This law of belief operates in all religions, rituals, offering, sacrifices but solely because of belief or mental acceptance and receptivity about that for which they pray.The law of life is the law of belief, as a man thinks feels, believes, so is the condition of his mind, body and circumstances.

So, your external circumstances are being influenced and directly affected by your thoughts, believes, mental pictures and emotions.
When you change your internal game, your change your external circumstances.

You have infinite power within yourself. A power that can help you get, create and achieve whatever you really want in life.
Change your thoughts and you will change your destiny.

Your subconscious mind is a recording machine, which reproduces your habitual thinking. Think good of the other, and you are actually thinking good about yourself. A hateful or resentful thought is a mental poison.

    Whatever you want you can draw forth. A magnetized piece of steel will lift about 12X its own weight. A magnetize person who is full of confidence and faith, which achieve much more than and a demagnetized one, full of fear and doubts.The biggest secret of the universe is the infinite power of your own subconscious mind, the last place you would look for it. It can help you find the right buyer for your house, your ideal mate, your ideal partner, etc.Whatever you impress on your subconscious mind is expressed as a condition, experience and events.

Remember, is not the thing you believe in but the belief in your own mind, which brings about the result. Your prayers are answered according to the degree of your belief.

Begin to saw beautiful thoughts of peace, love, good will, prosperity, gratitude and you shall reap a beautiful life.

    When you constantly repeat words like “I can’t afford that, I am poor” your subconscious mind takes that command and makes sure you won’t be able to buy it. As long as you keep repeating that you can’t afford the car, or whatever it is, and that you are poor, you will stay that way. Yu will stay that way until you change.Your subconscious mind doesn’t understand right or wrong or good or bad, only accepts the commands you give them and follows instructions, like computer software. And it works 24 hours a day without interruption. He doesn’t argue with you, he only follows what you say.

    When you say things like “I am fat, I will never be able to lose weight”, your subconscious mind will make sure you will stay that way, fat.When you say, “There are no good man out there, the good ones are already taken, I will end up single” your mind accepts that command and makes sure you will stay single, and if a good opportunity shows up it will makes sure it will sabotage before he is following your command in order to protect you.

You have to be very careful with what you say to yourself and what you accept as true, because your subconscious mind will make sure it creates that really for you.

Stop calling yourself poor, calling yourself fat, stop calling yourself stupid or that’s what you will end up being.
After listening to Joseph lecture, about how ideas could be conveyed to the subconscious mind by repetition, faith ad expectancy, a 75 year old widow woman, with a large family start repeating frequently with feeling:
I am wanted. I am happily married to a kind, loving, and spiritual man. I am secure

After two months she married a retired pharmacist.

Your subconscious mind has the answer to all the questions and the solutions to all the problems, if you tell your subconscious mind, “I want to get up at 6 A.M” it will awaken you at that time.

Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good fortune and that’s you will start to show in your life.

  1. There are 2 levels of your mind, the rational, or conscious, and the subconscious or irrational. Your subconscious mind is the seat for your emotions, intuition and creative mind.Once the subconscious accepts and idea, it begins to execute it.The law of your mind is this: you will get a reaction or response from your subconscious mind according to the nature of the thought you hold in your conscious.The subconscious is unable to make selections and comparisons, which are necessary for a reasoning process.

    If a hypnotist suggests to one of his subjects that he is Napoleon Bonaparte, or a cat or a dog, he will act out the part with incredible accuracy.

    Remember to give your subconscious only suggestions that heal, elevate, and inspire you. You subconscious cannot take a joke; it takes you at your word.

    From infancy the majority of us have received many negative suggestions, a campaign of negative and destructive ideas about ourselves, not knowing of to neutralize them, some we accept them as reality and the way we are. Some of these suggestions were made to try to control you or instill fear into you.Things like:
    -You can’t
    -You will never amount to anything.
    -You will fail.
    -You haven’t got a chance.
    -You are all wrong.
    -Its no use.
    -its not what you know but who you know.
    -The world is ending
    -things are getting worse and worse.
    -You are too old for that. You are too fat for that. You are too ugly for that.
    -You cannot win.
    -Love is for the birds.
    -Pretty soon you will go bankrupt.
    -You cannot trust anyone.
    -Watch out you will get the virus.
    -There is no way out, I am lost.If you say “there is no way out, I am all mixed up and confused, why don’t I get answer to my prayer?” Because you are neutralizing your prayer with the negative suggestions.When you impregnate your subconscious with these negative thoughts, it responds accordingly to these suggestions.

Unless you use constructive autosuggestion, which is reconditioning therapy, the impressions made on you in the past will cause failure in your life.  Autosuggestion is a way to release you from the mass of negative verbal conditioning and create new behavioral patterns.

You can reject and neutralize all these negative suggestions by giving your subconscious mind constructive suggestions and counteract all those destructive ideas

Reject any negative suggestions and refuse the give them any attention or power. You are govern by your own thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
The suggestions by themselves have no power over you except the power you give them through your own thoughts. You have to give them mental consent; you have to entertain the thought. Then it becomes your thought and you do the thinking. It’s like a seed growing inside of you. Remember, you always have the capacity to choose.

  1. Dr James Esdaille, a Scotch Surgeon perform over 400 major operations of all kinds, such as amputations, removal of tumors, eye operations etc only with mental anesthesia. The mortality was very low. Patients fell no pain. He would do the interventions putting their patients in hypnotic state.
    There is a power and intelligence within you that transcends your intellect.Symptoms of almost any disease can be induced in hypnotic subjects by suggestion.As William James, the father of American Psychology said, “The power to move the world is your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is one with infinite intelligence and boundless wisdom”Whatever you impress upon your subconscious mind, the latter will move heaven and earth to bring it to pass. You must therefore, impress it with the right ideas and constructive thoughts.


    The healing power is inside your subconscious mind. Imagination and blind faith act on the subconscious mind realizing the healing power.


Your subconscious is the builder of your body and maintains all its body functions. It does its job 24 hours a day and never sleeps.

The reason there is so chaos and misery in the world is because people do not understand the interaction between the conscious and the subconscious mind.

    Another way to convey whatever you want to your subconscious mind is through scientific imagination.Sustain and repeated imagination will bring you success.Imagination is your most powerful faculty. You are what you imagine yourself to be.What you form in your imagination is as real as any part of your body. The idea and the thought are real and will one day appear in your objective world if you are faithful to your mental image.


    He recommended a man who was suffering from functional paralysis to make a vivid picture of himself walking around in his office, touching the desk, answering the telephone, and doing all the things he ordinarily would do if were healed. The idea of perfect health would be accepted by his subconscious. When he shifted his attention to the healing power within him he started to heal.
    Whatever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. MATT.22

Imagine the happy ending or solution
to your problem, feel the thrill of accomplishment, and what you imagine ad feel will be accepted by your subconscious mind and bring it to pass

  1. HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS:Your conscious mind grasps an idea, which induces a corresponding vibration in your voluntary system of nerves. This in turn causes a similar current to be generated in your involuntary system of nerves, thus handling the idea over to your subconscious mind, which is the creative medium. This is how your thoughts become things.
    The principle reasons for failure are
    : lack of confidence and too much effort. Many block the answer to their prayers by failing to understand how the subconscious mind works.
    Failure can easily come from neative suggestions repeated oover nd over with intensity and emotion, as:
    “Things are getting worse”. “I will get no answer”. “It is hopeless”To believe is to accept something as true, or to live in a state of being it. AS you sustain this mood, you shall experience the joy of the thing you want already manifested.
    The best time to impact your subconscious mind is before sleeping and after waking up, when you are in a drowsy state of consciousness.
    To impregnate your subconscious the best is to get into a drowsy state, with minimum effort on your part.
    To avoid conflict between your conscious and subconscious get into a sleepy state. Imagine the fulfillment of your desire over and over.
  1. FINANCIAL FREEDOM: Why affirmations fail:If you are having financial difficulties, if you are trying to make ends meet, it means you have not convinced your subconscious mind that you will ALWAYS have plenty and some more. You don’t know how to tap your subconscious mind. WEALTH IS A SUBCONSCIOUS CONVICTION.
    Poverty, in most cases is a mental disease.Additionally, one of the causes many people do not have more money is that they are silently or openly condemning it. Sometimes you don’t even realize you are doing it. Remember, YOU LOSE WHAT YOU CONDEMN. YOU CANNOT ATTRACT WHAT YOU CRITICIZE.

After speaking to many people I have found that Affirmations sometimes don’t work because when being repeated people felt they were lying to themselves.

There was a mental conflict or argument. You do not believe what you are saying to yourself. There was an example of a person repeating “I am prosperous” for weeks and nothing happened, things got worse, as she said. The problem is the conflict; the person doesn’t use feeling and doesn’t believe what is repeating. Inside of himself is thinking “who are you kidding”.

You can say a neutral affirmation like “By day and by night I am being prospered in all of my interest” or “My sales are improving every day

Eliminate negative destructive affirmations as:
There is not enough to go around
There is a shortage
I will lose the house because of the mortgage
I am full of fear about the future.
I won’t be able to make the payment.

When you are full of fear about the future you are writing a blank check.
When you start saying negative affirmations like these ones, stop for a moment and repeat the affirmation:
By day and by night I am being prospered in all of my interest”

When you convince your subconscious mind that wealth is yours, and that is always circulating and expanding in your life, you will always inevitably have it, regardless of the form it takes.

(The way Tony Robins does the affirmations is he converts them into “incantations” using all of your body, your voice, gestures, facial expressions, body tension, the whole body becomes an affirmation)

Money is a symbol of exchange. When money is circulating freely in your life, you are economically healthy. When people start to hoard money, to put it away inn boxes and become full of fear of losing it, they become economically ill.

Some Great exercises from this section:
1. Be bold enough to claim that it is your right to be rich and your subconscious mind will honor your claim.
2. Stop condemning people who are successful
, who are rich. Bless these people and their success. When you condemn creates lack in your life. Condemning successful people, calling them names like “crooks”, “thieves” etc, is typical of a person who is trying to make ends meet. When you try to make ends meet, that is exactly what most likely you won’t be able to do. Aim higher, be bolder.  STOP CONDEMNING THE THINGS YOU WANT AND DESIRE and the people who have it. Bless prosperity and you will have more, regardless in what form or who has it.  Whatever you bless it expands in your own life.
3. Stop condemning yourself with destructive affirmations about yourself, your finances or your future. You can repeat affirmations like
“Wealth is always circulating and expanding in my life” or
By day and by night I am being prospered in all of my interest”
“I am getting wealthier every day”
“Wealth is flowing to me now”
“whatever I do I prosper”
“Infinite intelligence governs and watches over all financial transactions, and whatsoever I do shall prosper”

I like money, I love it, I use it wisely, constructively, and judiciously. Money is constantly circulating in my life. I release it with joy, and it returns to me multiplied in a wonderful way. Money flows to me in avalanches of abundance. I use it for good only, and I am grateful for my good and for the riches of my mind.”

4. Close your eyes and repeat to yourself just the word SUCCESS, or  WEALTH. This cannot create conflict inside since it’s just a word. Do this for several minutes.
5. Sleep and Grow Rich: Before going to sleep choose a word like ”WEALTH” or “SUCCESS” ad repeated…go to sleep with this word I your mind. Let it sink to you and give your wealth dreams.

6. Specialize in some particular branch of work and know more about it than anyone else. Give your time and attention to this chosen specialty.

7. Make sure that whatever you desire it’s not selfish, it must benefit humanity.

8. Make a habit of giving thanks for your blessing, during the day, when you wake up and before going to sleep. The more thanks and grateful you feel about your life the more the doors open for more prosperity and abundance.

9. Rejoice in the success, promotion, and good fortune of the other. In doing so, you attract good fortune to yourself.

    Your subconscious mind never grows old. It is timeless, ageless, and endless. Its part of the universal mind of God which was never born, and it will never die.

You are as young as you think you are. You are as strong as you think you are. You are as useful as you think you are.

The secret of youth is love, joy, inner peace, and laughter.

Some men are old at 30 while others are young at 90.  The most productive years can be from 65 to 95.
George Bernard Shaw was active at 90.
Socrates, the Greek philosopher learn to play musical instrument at 80.
Michelangelo was painting his greatest canvas at 81.
Isaac Newton was working fanatically at 85
John Wesley was directing and preaching at 88

You grow old when you lose interest in life, when you cease to dream, to hunger after new truths, and to search for new worlds to conquer.  When your mind is open to new ideas, new interest, and when you raise the curtain and let the sunshine and inspiration of new truths of life and the universe, you will be young forever.

Make sure that your mind never retires.


1. Reject any negative suggestions about yourself and refuse to give them any attention or power. Invite constructive criticism, but don’t let destructive suggestions from others or even from yourself have any power on you. You are govern by your own thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

  1. Establish a major premise in your thinking that the infinite intelligence of your subconscious mind is guiding, directing, and prospering you mentally, materially and spiritually. And that your subconscious is directing automatically in your life, your investments, and your decisions.3. Create several empowering affirmation scripts that can and will empower and direct your subconscious mind to work for you.4. Watch what you say. You have to account for every word you say. If you say “I will fail” that’s exactly what will happen. Your subconscious cannot take a joke. It brings all these things to pass.
    Never say “I can’t”. Tell yourself “I can do all the things through the power of my subconscious mind”
    5. Prior to sleep, turn over a specific request to your subconscious mind and prove its miracle-working power.6. Imagine the happy ending or solution to your problem, feel the thrill of accomplishment and what you imagine ad feel will be accepted by your subconscious mind and bring it to pass.
  2. Give thanks for something you really want as if you already had it in your life. Give thanks as if that what you want was already present in your life. The more real the thanks the better.8. Become emotionally mature and permit other people to differ from you.  They have a perfect right to disagree with you and you have the same freedom to disagree with them. You can disagree without being disagreeable.

Whatever you impress upon your subconscious mind will be experienced in your world.

The good you do to for others comes back to you in like measure, and the evil you the same way.

The biggest obstacle to your success and achievement is your own thought or mental image.

Your subconscious mind never grows old. It is timeless, ageless, and endless. It’s part of the universal mind of God which was never born, and it will never die.

You are as young as you think you are.

Life plays no favorites.

You have to learn to forgive yourself before you start to forgive others.

The solution lies within the problem. The answer is in every question.

Sigmund Freud, the Austrian founder of psychoanalysis, said that unless the personality has love, it sickens and dies. Love includes understanding, good will, and respect for the divinity in the other person. The more love and good will you emanate and exude, the more comes back to you”.

As William James, the father of American Psychology said, “The power to move the world is your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is one with infinite intelligence and boundless wisdom”

According to your belief is done unto you. Infinite intelligence and the power of your subconscious mind respond according to your faith.
Any method which causes you to move from fear and worry into faith and expectancy will heal.

Once the subconscious accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.

Poverty, in most cases is a mental disease.

Accept as if the desire has already been fulfilled.

Nothing happens by chance, this is a world of law and order.

Ask, and it shall be given you, seek, and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. MATTHEW 7:7

A thankful heart is always close to the richest f the universe.

Your subconscious will bring to pass any picture held in your mind backed by faith.

Your thought with feeling becomes a subjective belief, and acordig to your belief is it done unto you.

You grow old when you lose interest in life, when you cease to dream, to hunger after new truths, and to search for new worlds to conquer.  When your mind is open to new ideas, new interest, and when you raise the curtain and let the sunshine and inspiration of new truths of life and the universe, you will be young forever.


(Read them aloud slowly, several times a day knowing that they are sinking deep down into your subconscious)

For wealth and prosperity:

“Wealth is always circulating and expanding in my life” or
By day and by night I am being prospered in all of my interest”
“I am getting wealthier every day”
“Wealth is flowing to me now”
“whatever I do I prosper”
“Infinite intelligence governs and watches over all financial transactions, and whatsoever I do shall prosper”

I like money, I love it, I use it wisely, constructively, and judiciously. Money is constantly circulating in my life. I release it with joy, and it returns to me multiplied in a wonderful way. Money flows to me in avalanches of abundance. I use it for good only, and I am grateful for my good and for the riches of my mind.”
“The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life”.

For selling a home:

“Infinite intelligence attracts to me the buyer for this home who wants it and who prospers in it. This buyer is being sent to me by the creative intelligence of my subconscious mind, which makes no mistakes. This buyer may look at many other homes, but mine is the only one he wants and will buy, because he is guided by the infinite intelligence within him. I know the buyer is right, the time is right and the price is right. Everything about it is right. The deeper currents of my subconscious mind are now in operation bringing both of us together in divine order. I know that is so”
(Remember when you want to sell a home, or property of any kind, there is always someone who wants what you have to offer by using the powers of your subconscious mind).

For attracting the Ideal Wife:
“I now attract the right woman who is in complete accord with me. This is a spiritual union because it is divine
love functioning through the personality of someone with whom I blend perfectly. I know I can give to this woman love, light, peace, and joy. I feel and believe I can make this woman’s life full, complete and wonderful”

“I know decree that she possesses the following qualities and attributes: She is spiritual, loyal, faithful, and true. She is harmonious, peaceful, and happy. We are irresistible attracted to each other. Only that which belongs to love, truth, and beauty can enter my experience. I accept my ideal companion now.”

“I know there is an irresistible law of attraction and that i attract to me a person according to my subconscious belief. I attract that to which I believe to be true in my subconscious mind.”

I know she wants me and I want her. I am honest, positive, happy, loving and kind. I have wonderful gifts to offer her. They are passion for life, goodwill, a joyous heart, and a healthy body. She offers me the same. It’s mutual. I give and receive. Divine intelligence knows where this woman is, and the deeper wisdom of my subconscious mind is now bringing both of us together in its own way, and we recognize each other immediately. I release this request to my subconscious mind, which knows how to bring my request to pass. I give thanks for the perfect answer and person for me.”

I am wanted. I am happily married to a kind, loving, and spiritual man. I am secure
General Affirmations:

Infinite intelligence leads and guides me in all ways. Perfect health is mine, and the law of harmony operates in my mind and body. Beauty, love, peace and abundance are mine. The principle of right action and divine order govern my entire life. I know my major premise is based on the eternal truths of life and I know, feel, and believe that my subconscious mind responds according to the nature of my conscious mind thinking”

I am one with the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind which knows no obstacle, difficulty, or delay. I live in a joyous expectancy of the best. My deeper mind responds to my thoughts. I know that the work of the infinite power of my subconscious cannot be hindered. Infinite intelligence always finished successfully whatever it begins. Creative wisdom works thorough me bringing all my plans and purposes to completion. Whatever I start, I bring to a successful conclusion. My aim in life is to give wonderful service, and all those whom I contact are blessed by what I have to offer. All my work comes to full fruition in divine order.”

The infinite intelligence which gave me this desire leads, guides, and reveals to me the perfect plan for the unfolding of my desire. I know the deeper wisdom of my subconscious is now responding, and what I feel and claim within is expressed in the without. There is a balance, equilibrium, and equanimity”
“I am the only thinker in my universe. I am responsible for what I think. No one is responsible for my thoughts. I refuse to give power to any person, place, or thing to annoy me or disturb me. I wish health, success, peace of mind, and happiness for every person in the world. I sincerely wish every human being the best, and I know they are divinely guided in all their ways.”

health and healing script:
“My body and all its organs were created
by the infinite intelligence in my subconscious mind. It knows how to heal me. Its wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones. This infinite healing presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect now. I give thanks for the healing I know it’s taking place now. Wonderful are the works of the creative intelligence within me”

“I am completely free from this habit: harmony and peace of mind reign supreme

“I believe that the subconscious power which gave me this desire is now fulfilling it through me”

“I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy”

1. You will never will sell the house, but I was convinced 100% I would sell in 55.000 and I place the goal of 55.000,
2. I would never sell the lake house not even permit, 100.000
I was walking and for the first time I thought it was sold, but from a very deep true thought…..
3. Lady calls, this person will buy the house right away this is the person who will buy the house.

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You can contact me with suggestions at migueldelafuente511(at), or by whatsapp 507-62463797


If you are looking for other exceptional books on mental training as well as mental toughness here are my favorites, the ones I have personally read:

  1. How Champions think by Dr Bob Rotella,
  2. An IRON WILL, by Orison Swet Mardin,
  3. The Champion´s Mind, by Jim Afremov.
  4. With winning in Mind, by Lanny Bassham,
  5. Chasing Excellence, by Ben Bergeron,
  6. Mind Gym, by Gary Mack,
  7. Tom Coughlin, by him,
  8. No Limits, by Michael Phelps,
  9. Relentless by Tim Grover,
  10. Unbeatable Mind, by Mark Divine,
  11. Get the Life You Want, by Richard Bandler.
  12. Can´t Hurt Me, by David Goggins,
  13. Make Your Bed, by Admiral William H- McRaven,
  14. The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone,
  15. Discipline Equals Freedom. Jocko Willink,
  16. RAFA, by Rafael Nadal,

I keep updating this list regularly….

Tylor Jones, Master Coach at
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….

You become what you think about,

 “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” Joseph Murphy
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