Aviod mediocrity at all cost, Turbomind Poweridea #75
Mediocrity comes naturally, with the territory, excellence takes effort and commitment.
It’s so easy to fall prey to a mediocre life; a life lived in an apparent safe place instead of taking the risk and dare great things.
It all starts with your attitude. Do you want to live an ordinary life or make your life exponential?
The exponential life is contrary to mediocrity. An exponential life is one in which you are living your greatest dreams and desires, you are making anything happen.
So easy to settle for average, for mediocrity, but you are born for greatness…
By Miguel De La Fuente, founder of Turbomind, and Turbomind Coaching Academy. www.turbomind.com. Contact him at 507-62463797 or Skype ; Turbomind1, for an Transformational introductory coaching session.
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