Powerideas from the book CRUSHING IT, by Gary Vaynerchuk
I LOVE THIS BOOK, IS full of value information and inspiration.
Welcome to the turbomind book club, this week we have an extraordinary book by Gary called CRUSHING IT, which is the continuation of crush it, publish about 10 years ago and a reference to the online social media, we will create the video summary this sunday february 3, 2018

Here are the most powerful ideas,
This whole book is about one thing: which is also a very inspiring idea,
Can you live life on your terms, can you earn a great living doing your passion, what you absolutely love to do? Is it truly possible

Well this is the whole idea behind this book, Cruhing it,
Living life on your terms, doing what you love and making a great living at it,
1. You can earn a great living by doing your passion. By doing what you absolutely love. You can live life on your terms.
You can live the life you want to live, and loving it every single day.
2. You don’t need to do something you just tolerate or even hate,
3. maybe you have to do it temporarily, while you are doing your passion.
4. How to leverage internet platforms the best way possible to do that by creating a personal brand.

Live Life on your terms, the life you want to live
Making a great living
Doing what your passion, monetize your passion
Using the internet to create a personal brand
Don’t just tolerate a job, hate, this is a lie
Best time to be alive
The only thing stopping you, is you.
You are your biggest obstacle and your greatest Opportunity.
You can earn a great living by just being YOU.

How to best leverage the internet platforms to create a powerful personal brand,
Entrepreneur who are crushing it doing just that, which are no different from you and I
You need to find your niche, your place and your voice, every person is different. This is why you need to experiment, to develop AWARENESS
You become rich on internet by becoming really good at what you do and by working dam hard, no one else can keep up.
If you are earning what you need to earn to live the life you want, and you are loving it every single day you are crushing it. Don’t do something you tolerrte or even hate, do something that you love.
You can earn a great living by doing your passion. By doing what you absolutely love.
This is the best time to be alive, in human history
We often are told the lie that you need to tolerate or even hate a job to move ahead, this is not the case anymore. This is not true; your choices are infinite when you learn the digital world
The only thing stopping you is you.

The most popular Instagramers can earn 7 figures per year from their social media efforts alone. Even 1000 followers can earn you $5000 extras per year with just 2 posts per week. 10.000 followers can earn you over 20.000 per year.
YouTube is closing the gap on TV,
You can earn a great living by just being YOU. That is when you have become a truly influencer. You are getting paid for being you.
Don’t be limit to just one platform. Crete a personal brand that TRANENDS platforms, products, services or even your passion.
Don’t think it’s easy, it won’t be, like anything you achieve, an extraordinary achievement takes an extraordinary commitment, there is no way around that.
You are going to eat shit for a long time, but it will be worth it.
Be optimistic. Be patience. Execute
This is the most important: intent, authenticity, passion, patience, speed, work, and attention.

The entrepreneurs truly successful have three characteristics:
1. A commitment to service
2. A desire to provide value
3. A love for teaching.
Gary is addicted to the process of owning the Jets.
CARE is the best marketing strategy ever.

Find a niche that you are so good at, and expand slowly, but first focus on your niche.
I don’t know of anyone who is working around their passion who does not love it. Your business cannot simple be a job, it has to be a calling, something that has deep meaning for you, a reason to do it.
BE passionate about GIVING.
Passion keeps you happy. Makes You Work Harder.

Go deep and not wide. Analytics don’t tell the whole story. Stop chasing likes, and clicks, and create content that really provides value.
Follow Your Passion with EXTREME Vigor. Be Patient, Worker Harder than Anyone else in Your Niche.
You are only Crushing it if You are living entirely on your own terms.
Gary’s advice: Eat shit for a long as you have to. Be a Bigger Man or Woman than everyone around you.
Be Patience for the Long term and Create Speed for the Short Term.
Be unafraid of making mistakes. Makes life much easier.
Do your thing from 7 pm to 2 am. Those are your golden hours for your side hustle.
If you are not willing to do the job, to work hard, to be persistent, to Improve Every Day, please,
DON’T COMPLAIN when you are not living the life that You Know You Could Be Living.

No Excuses Day
NO ONE Who Ever Played Safe Made it BIG. This is Your Life. There is NOTHING You can’t Recover from.
Everyone looks like an ass when trying to do something New. Just Do it.
You’ve ALWAYS Has the POWER to Achieve Your WILDEST Ambitions. Its Time to USE this Power.
Yutube is probably the best way to change your life faster than anywhere else. Getting closer to beat regular TV. A lot of people watching Youtube on their TV sets. It has created more wealth than any other platform.

Talent has little Value without Patience and Persistence.
It Pays to Be Brave.
Remember, you are not trading in Your Day Job for an Easier Life. There is nothing easy about becoming an entrepreneur. You are trading it for a Different Life, with more Fun.
Formula for Success: Be Very Good at what you do and Very Passionate about it.

My favorite example for successful entrepreneurs building a personal brand is Jared Polin, FroKnowsPhoto,
He locked himself for 2 years doing one video every single day, developing about everything you want to know about photography. He bought the camera equipment with a 15.000 credit card limit.
Within 6 months he saw a increase in his view ship, 100 views, 200 views, interacting with people. He made himself available with anyone who want it to talk.
In 7 years he has created over 2400 video. At the end of the2 years he was doing 80.000 per year in income. Now he has a 7 figure business.
His inability not to complain, creating hundreds of hours of content with little traction up front.
And that’s the difference between him and most people reading this book-he didn’t give up too early.
It’s ALWAYS too SOON to Give Up.

ADVICE from Gary’s Book:
1. Build Your Personal Brand. These are infinite income possibilities building your brand, as but not limited to adds, affiliates, speaking engagement, books, sponsorships, and many more.
- Develop High Quality micro content across multiple platforms. This means content that is specifically design for each platform. Any success will be massively determined by the quality of your content.
Great content is the Result of Passion plus Expertise.3. Your learning Process is part of the content. This is very important. Means DOCUMENTING what you are doing, meaning Your Life. Turn on the video and capture your process, not just your successes, our mistakes, frustrations, getting advice, etc. Document Your Journey.4. Work massively hard, 12 to 17 hours per day. If you have a job, work on your passion from 7 pm to 2 am.
Your Natural Gifts will take you so Far. If You Want to Be the BEST, You Will Have to Work HARD, which means avoid being a perfectionist.
- Fuck the Naysayers. Be Yourself. Be Authentic. If you haven’t heard the haters, and the critics you are not doing anything spectacular.
- Everyone should start building a Facebook business Page, regardless where they are.
7. Collaborations with other people are one of the Best ways to grow your fan base quickly, but still will take time. - Video needs to be the first 3 seconds captivating, and MUST compel to take action.
- 9. CREATE CONTENT FOR ALEXA NOW, Huge opportunity in the voice first like Amazon Echo, Alexa and Google Home , it’s a fierce competition, great opportunity developing a briefing skill.
By 2020 most brands will be there. To the 201 skills. What apple did for apas, and facebook for social networking Amazon is going to do for skills, and flash briefings. This is probably the fastest way to get discover now.
The passion he felt for twitter and youtube I 2008 is the same he feels now for 2018. - Always reinvent improve, you are building a brand not a blog, remember how blogger very successful 7 years ago and some disappear or lost relevance? They didn’t adapt to new platforms and technologies. YOU ARE NOT BULDING A BLOG, BUT A BRAND with multiple platforms. This means…
- YOU PLAY OFFENSE all the time. If you don’t play offense you will end up having to Play Defense.
- Record your life, record everything for the future, it will serve you, open the video, document your life.

Questions for Gary:
in the voice first which is a massive opportunity, there are briefing skills for the alexa you can upload, you say to create short briefing skills, one minute, what about 201, longer, and video?
MY SUGGESTION for finding your passion:
how do you find your passion? A lot of people I couch they don’t know what their passion are? Or have many things they like, here are some questions you ask yourself:
1. What do I love to do more than anything else?
2. What can you do for hours and don’t get tired or lose track of time?
3. What would you do even if you wouldn’t get paid?
4. If I gave you a million dollars now, what would you do with the money, your time? Where would you live,

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone”
-Pablo Picasso-

Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
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