The 10X-Rule by Grant Cardone, TURBOMIND book Summary by Tylor Jones
You can visit Grant here,
Here for Grant 10X Con,
Here for Cardone Capital:
This week’s book summary is one regarding Grant´s Cardone extraordinary book “The 10X Rule”, the only difference between success and failure.
This is one of my all time favorite books on personal and business success.
Most people don’t achieve their goals and dreams not for the lack of ability or opportunity but because they underestimate the amount of action and effort it will take to achieve them.
Most people underestimate how much action they will need to achieve what they want. This is the most common denominator on goal attainment. People don’t estimate correctly what is going to take.
What most people do when they don’t achieve their goals and dreams?
They lower their goals and expectations. They make them smaller. This is exactly what you shouldn’t do.
What should you do instead? You should exponentially increase the level of action you take. You multiply what you thought you needed by 10.
This is basically the 10X rule. Setting the right levels of actions in order to achieve what you want.
This book is about taking massive. It’s about taking huge amounts of focused action in order to achieve
your most spectacular results. You have an obligation to use your full potential.
The second part of the 10X rule is to expand your thinking massively to create extraordinary results. It’s to place your goals and dreams way beyond what you thought was possible into the stratosphere. It’s taking your thinking into the 10X, or ten times bigger.
The 10X rule establishes the right level of thinking and action that GUARANTEE success and ensures that you will continue to operate at this level.
The 10X rule is the one ingredient that shares all successful people.
Basically the 10X rule is a discipline, is not an education or gift.
The biggest mistake Grant made was to set his targets not high enough in his life. It takes the same amount of energy to have a great marriage than to have an average one, as the same amount of energy to earn 10 million as to earn 10.000. Maybe it sounds crazy but it does.
Sufficient levels of motivation, work ethic, and follow up are in shortage today.
One key ingredient of success is the ability to estimate the right amount of effort and energy required to achieve a goal.
Most people fail to achieve their goals because they underestimate the amount of effort, energy and time it will take to accomplish these goals.
Chapter 1
The 10X rule is the one thing that will guarantee what you want, even at amounts greater than you thought possible.
This rule it’s based on understanding how much effort and thought are required to achieve anything successfully.
If you look back in your life probably you will realize that you have under estimated how much effort something was going to take.
This is a common mistake any person does.
The second part of the 10X rule is to adjust your thinking so you dare to dream at levels previously unimaginable.
One of the things present in any great success that Grant had in his life was that he put 10 times the amount of activity than others did.
Ten times the amount of activity and the amount of effort is what made him successful. The single most important determining factor is massive action.
Extraordinary by definition is anything outside the realm of what most people would consider possible.
The reality is that in order to get to the next level in your success you must act differently than what you have done.
Success is the degree or measure of attaining some desired goal or aim.
People who are truly successful continue to expand on that success they already have. They reinvent their success into something even better.
They realize that their efforts must continue in order to realize new and bigger achievements. If they don’t spiral their success into something bigger and better, it will come to an end. So it’s basically survival instinct.
Grant is obese about his next level of accomplishments, about leaving a legacy, about making a footprint o the planet.
He is the happiest when he is in quest of reaching his full potential and abilities.
He believes is his ethical obligation to create success for himself, his family and his company.
Regardless what you are trying to achieve, you will required to think differently, embrace a die-hard commitment, and take massive amount of action, 10 times higher than you think necessary.
Limiting the success you desire is a violation of the 10X rule. When you start limiting your desire of success you will also limit your commitment and your actions.
The reality is that most people do not have the level of success they want. And who doesn’t want better relationships, more income, a bigger contribution etc…..
Important points:
You must set targets that are 10 times what you think you want and then commit to 10 times the amount of action it will take to accomplish them.
Massive thinking must be followed my massive action.
The rule is pure domination. You don’t do what others do; you do 10 times bigger, better and 10 times more action than the others. It’s not about controlling others but being a model for others and for what’s possible.
The 4-most common Mistakes people make when setting goals:
1. Setting goals too low. Letting your fears run your goal diary, and not your confidence and faith. Humankind by large tends to set targets and goals too low, at subpar levels. Any goal you are going to set for yourself will probably be hard and challenging to achieve it, why not aim at 10 times higher so it requires a massive effort and action on your part? Probably you will be more disappointed by putting small goals than larger ones.
2. Severely underestimating what will take to achieve them I terms of thinking, action, time etc.
3. Spending too much time competing and not enough dominating, on being competitive and not enough on truly dominate your business, your niche, your industry. Most people operate with a herd mentality; they do what others in their industry do. Do what’s best for you, not what your neighbor is doing. The goal is to dominate your sector, not compete doing the same others do.
4. Underestimating the amount of adversity they will have to overcome in order to achieve their goals.
Why work 8 hours a day when no one recognizes you and you know the market rewards excellence? Why go to the gym once a week? Why spend your life only making enough money to end up not having enough money?
Talk to really successful people who work really hard and thy will tell you it doesn’t feel like work.
The goal or target doesn’t matter as much as the mind set you develop and the actions you take to make it happen. You need to commit to 10X thoughts and actions, regardless what you what to achieve.
Chapter 2: Why the 10X rule is vital
Previously, in almost every project Grant tended to underestimate the amount of effort and resistance it would take to make them successful. It took 10 times more calls, 10 times more emails, 10 times more visits than originally predicted.
It not enough to occupy a territory, you must be able to keep it.
Once he commit to increasing his efforts by 10 times, his results start to change. He went back to the marketplace with the right estimate of efforts and time to make a product or company successful.
Instead of making 2 or 3 calls per day he started doing 20 calls per day.
He started to get 4 times the results from 10 times the effort.
He has consulted with thousands of companies in the last 20 years and he hasn’t one of them estimated correctly effort and think.
The right manager will encourage someone to push a person to do more at the risk of coming up short instead of lowering the goals.
Never reduce target, instead increase actions.
The 10X rule assumes that the goal is never the problem. The problem is the thinking and action. Any goal attacked with the right amount of thinking and action is attainable.
The problem when calculating effort is that people tend to calculate everything but the level of activity necessary. It kind or a default built in system in mankind.
When calculating multiply effort by 10, if at the end it’s not necessary just be pleasantly surprise.
Interesting tip from Grant:
manage every action as if you had a camera on you every step. Pretend you are being recorded as a model for your children.
Attack everything with the ferociousness of a champion athlete who is getting his last opportunity to win and make a legacy.
Success does not merely happen; it is the results of relentless action over time.
Only those people who operate with the proper view and the corresponding actions will enjoy they deserve the success they want.
Your luck is directly proportional to the level of your thinking and the actions you take. The more action you take, the higher the probabilities of getting “lucky”
Chapter 3: what is Success?
Success can be found in many areas as in financial, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, philanthropic, communal or family.
Three important things to know about success are:
1. Success is important
2. Success is your duty
3. There is no shortage of success.
Think of success in terms of EXPANSION. Without continuing to grow, any person or entity (even the human race) would cease to exist.
Disaster occurs when expansion stops. Success is needed in order to perpetuate people, things and places.
You should never reduce the power of success in your mind or in a conversation because it’s vital.
Success is vital to our survival. It’s not enough to just play the game, it’s vital that you learn to win at it.
Additionally, success is equally important to a person’s sense of self. It promote confidence, imagination etc.
This is an important question:
Are you trying to diminish the importance of something because you haven’t been able to attain it?
Chapter 4: Success is your Duty
A key turning point in your life will be when you stop waiting for success to happen and instead start to approach it as a duty, obligation and responsibility.
You must consider success as your obligation.
When Grant was 20 he had no direction and no purpose. He couldn’t hold a job, he surrounded himself with losers, was terminally hopeless, and using drugs and alcohol on a daily basis.
His life changed when he committed to sales as a career, and when he decided to do whatever he had to do in order to become successful at selling.
He realized that greater quantities of success were necessary than most people think and that it shouldn’t be approached as a choice but s a duty, as an ABSOLUTELY MUST.
Ask yourself, how close are you to your full capacity? That is an important question too asks. Maybe you don’t like the answer.
The problem with most people is that they don’t approach success as a MUST have obligation, do or die mission.
They approach it as an option, an alternative or a possibility. And they spend their lives making excuses and explaining why they didn’t have it.
That I what happens when you consider success as an alternative and not an obligation.
Success is an honor, an obligation a duty.
Quit lying to yourself about its importance.
There is no such a thing as an overnight success. It’s usually the results of a lot of prior action taking place, sometimes, even seemingly insignificant action. Everything ads up.
Chapter 5: There is no shortage of success
There is no limit to how much success can be created it.
Some people have a scarcity mentality towards success. They think that if someone else is successful, it will take away from their success. His is scarcity mentality. Other people success has nothing to do with your ability or capacity to produce understanding results.
It’s not a scarce commodity. Actually is the opposite.
Creativity ad solving problems is not limited to one person or community. The founders or Google didn’t stop the creation of facebook.
The people with scarce mentality about success are the ones that live with envy, disagreements, unfairness, and those who made it big had an unfair advantage.
People in this category complain about not being jobs available, or not having enough time.
You have t get rid of the idea that success can be restricted in any way.
Money is created by man and printed by machines. It doesn’t exits in shortages, it merely suffers from reduction.
To get rid of the scarcity mentality you have to realize that others achievements actually create opportunities for you to prosper.
Success by any individual or group is ultimately a positive contribution to all people and all groups as it provides validation of the possibilities to all.
That is why people get inspire by watching someone else’s great achievement.
Reinforce your commitment that success is your duty and obligation.
Chapter 6: Assume control for everything
Crybabies, whiners, and victims don’t do well at attracting and creating success. That is the hard reality.
It is very hard to do something positive when you are spending your time making excuses.
Success is not something that happens to you. It’s something that happens because of you, and because of the actions you take.
People who refuse to take responsibility usually don’t do well at taking massive action and therefore don’t do well in the game of success.
On the other hand, successful people hate the blame game, hate excuses, explanations and justifications.
About 50% f the population pays the victim game. Those who give control to their success to another will lose control of their lives.
You must adopt the belief that no matter what happens in your life, you are the primary cause of what happens.
Take the position that anything that happens in your life, it happens because of you. You are the cause of everything that happens.
Increasing your responsibility level will inherently enhance your ability to find solutions.
The 10X rule refers to massive amounts of action taken persistently over time. You cannot afford to act like a victim.
Good things usually don’t happen to victims. On the contrary, drama happens to victims.
4 things that usually happen to victims:
1. Bad things happen to them
2. Bad things happen frequently.
3. They are always involved.
4. Someone or something else is ALWAYS to blame. Victims are destined to a life of bad luck and misfortune.
Successful people belief:
everything that happens to them comes as their own responsibility, not merely some outside force. Nothing happen to me, it happens because of me.
“No matter where I go, there I am”. This means that no matter where you go or where you are, you are both the problem and the solution in your life. You are the cause of the outcomes.
Maybe you don’t have a say in what happens to you, but you always have a choice about how to respond to it.
Chapter7: four degrees of action
The question is how much action is necessary to create outstanding success?
There are no shortcuts. The more action you take the better chances of getting a break.
Disciplined, consistent, and persistent actions are more important in the creation of success than any other combination of things.
Most people fail because they are operating at the wrong degree of action.
4 levels of action:
1. Do nothing. Here, basically you have given up on your dreams and you are willing to accept whatever it comes.
2. Retreat. Take action in reverse to avoid negative experiences they imagine.
3. Take normal action. The most prevalent in our society. Here people appear as if they are taking enough action to succeed. Here people create normal lives, normal marriages, and normal careers. This group almost never creates anything exceptional. Most is average. Average by definition is “less than extraordinary”.
They operate way under their true potential for action and for accomplishment. Taking normal action is the most dangerous of all the levels because is the most accepted by society.
Only when you someone moves from the third to the forth degree of action is that a person can take their lives from average to exceptional.
4. Take massive action. Massive action is the most natural level of action there is for all of us. Look at children; they are in constant non stopping action mode. Massive action is the level of action that creates new problems.
Approach every day as if your life would depend on the actions you took that day.
Approach everyday as if your life and your future would depend on the ability to take massive action.
Refuse to finish the day without knowing you did everything possible to create something extraordinary, a breakthrough.
Only the MOST SUCCESSFUL people take on very high levels of action, massive action.
Cold visiting companies will teach you more about taking massive action than probably any other activity you can think of.
When you are taking massive action you are not thinking on how many hours you work. You focus on results.
This level of action can be considered by some people on the borderline of insanity. But if you are not taking massive action you are not creating new problems.
The second you start making it big you will be judge by the mediocre.
In order to deliver at the level of massive action you must take every opportunity that comes your way.
Your biggest problem is obscurity, not talent. You must take constant, relentless effort. Massive action will help you.
Money and power follow attention. Whoever can get the most attention is the person who takes the most action and sooner or later will generate the best results.
You need to mentally occupy the space of the public.
Chapter 8: average is a falling formula
If you look around, most likely you will see a world filled with averages.
Members of the middle class are unable to get their heads above water.
This addiction to average can kill your dreams.
Consider these interesting statistics:
The average worker reads less than a book a year and works an average of 37.5 hours per week. This person makes 319 times less money than the top US CEOs, who read more than 60 books per year. These are kind of sad statistics for the average worker.
You need a greater than average thought and action processes.
Average fails every time. Anything conducted in standard amounts simply won’t get the job done.
Succeed so big that no one person or event can take you down.
Average level of anything will fail you. Average is a failing plan. It doesn’t work in any area of life.
Take unreasonable amount of relentless 10X actions that are necessary to see things though and are most of the time missing in a business plan. Prepare for massive, persistent action to achieve the level of success you want.
Most business fail because they are unable to sell their ideas.
Average never yields anything more than average and usually much less.
Study what average people do and prohibit yourself from ding the same.
Chapter 9: 10X goals
Contrary to popular believe, Grant believes that most people fail to achieve their goals because they are not big and challenging enough.
He does these three things every single day:
1. Write his goals every day
2. Choose objectives that are just out of reach. This opens up for his full potential.
He recommends to word your goals as if you have already achieved them….for example:
I am earning several million dollars per year…
The bigger and more unrealistic your goals, and the more they are aligned with your purpose and duty, the more they will energize and fuel your actions.
Most people goals are way below their potential.
Watch out with the term Realistic Expectations:
Realistic thinking is based on what others consider possible, not what you believe you can do, or what your true potential is. Realistic thinking is based on other peoples beliefs and thinking, not on your thinking.
What about if you set goals based on the top players in your industry or the world? Steve jobs goal was to create products that forever change our planet.
When setting goals:
Take into consideration when you set your goals that you have been educated with restrictions. Be aware of this so you don’t underestimate your potential, or what you can do as a person.
Take these into consideration also:
1. You have been educated with restrictions.
2. You are setting these goals for you, not anyone else.
3. Anything is possible.
4. You have much more potential than you realize
5. Success is your duty and your responsibility.
6. There is no shortage of success.
7. Regardless of the size of your goal, it will require work.
Write your goals every single day. This reinforces your values and exponentially increases your success.
Be obsessed with creating an exceptional life. Small thinking has and always will be punished in one way or another.
Chapter 10: competition is for sissies
One of the greatest lies by mankind is that competition is good. In the business world you want to be in a position of dominance, not competition.
Competition limits a person’s ability to think creatively because you are always focusing on what the other person is doing.
Grants success in creating sales program has been great because he has created something completely new from what was on the market already.
Forward thinkers don’t copy. They don’t compete. They create. They also look at what others have done.
Never make your goal to compete. Do everything possible to dominate your niche or market.
Don’t let the other company set the pace. Make this your organization job.
Don’t set your goals at a competitive level. Set them that will overshadow and dominate your industry completely.
Then the obvious question is,
how do you dominate? First you make a decision to do so. Then you do what others refuse to do. You do what they will not do. You create your own space. You develop an unfair advantage.
You can be ethical but not play fair.
Never play by agreed upon norms which others operate. The rules, norms, and traditions of any group usually limit new ideas, creativity and higher level of greatness and domination.
You want to be considered as the only viable solution in your niche, the real solution.
That is pure domination of your sector and not merely protecting your brand name.
Grant Cardones goal is to make sure every person on the planet relates sales training with him. Is it possible? Maybe not, maybe yes. However, that is the basis for making decisions in his company. That is his ultimate goal.
What is your ultimate goal?
That is a huge and massive goal, since there are over 100 languages and over 170 countries, but, who knows, maybe it’s possible. No one really knows what is truly possible in our lives.
Duplicate the best of others and make it yours, improve on what they are doing. Make your mark.
Become the expert and leader in that area and dominate it so incredibly that other people don’t even want to attempt to take it away from you.
Tell yourself this:
No one can keep up with me. I am not going away. I am not a competitor. I own the space.
Never underestimate how much activity it takes to get notice and to maintain that attention.
A couple of post in twitter and facebook is not going to do it. If you thinking terms of a couple of posts you don’t understand massive action.
For example, Grant was writing a post in twitter every 30 minutes. That is about 48 time a day.
This is a great example of domination.
You cannot dominate with regular levels of actions. Your biggest problem is obscurity.
Think about massive and outrageous thinking and action, especially in social media that almost doesn’t cost money, only time and effort.
You need to get through all of the noise that is in the marketplace. Take action that others consider unreasonably. Operate at levels no one is able or willing to match.
Take actions on a level that will separate you and your company from anyone else.
Be willing to spend all your energy, effort and creativity distinguishing from the rest in your market. Learn to dominate by being first in the minds of your market and your clients.
Even I you are in a temporary weak market, you will suffer less when you dominate your market.
The market is brutal and it will punish everyone who does not take the right amount of action.
Chapter 11: breaking out of the middle class
Make an effort to break from the middle class mentality, without any offense.
This is probably the group that is most trapped, manipulated and at risk.
It’s very hard to live on the average income for the middle class. Especially because middle class tend to be taxed the worst with the least deductions.
You need to make a huge effort to get out of the middle class trap.
The middle class just barely gets by. Most of its members are dependent on credit. Their lifestyles are maintained on credit.
People in the Middle class are a couple of paydays away from collapse. That is no way to live your life.
Grant thinks the middle class is the most suppressed, restricted, and confined socioeconomic in the world.
Today the wealthiest 5% control about 8 trillion dollars, more than what has been created in the history of mankind.
Chapter 12: obsession isn’t a disease, it’s a gift
Obsession, as the dictionary states is domination of one’s feelings or thoughts by a persistent idea, image, or desire.
People think an obsession as a disease, when it can be the only way to approach success. It might be a requirement for great achievement.
In order to dominate your sector first you need to dominate your thinking and attitude.
Until you become completely obsessed with your mission people won’t take it seriously. Until people understand that you are not going away, that you are 100% committed you will not get the attention you want. Obsession is like a fire, you need to keep adding wood.
To create the reality you want you have to follow up every action with an obsession to see it through. Otherwise, most likely you will not see the results you want. There will be just desires.
Most people don’t have the discipline to follow up their actions with obsession style intensity to see them through. They operate at a minimum to get by.
They do enough action to make it seem as work, while the true successful have a level of intensity in their approach that they see it through the reward. They receive the rewards by their massive action.
If your ideas don’t fill your mind constantly probably you don’t feel the desire enough to make them work.
You need to have kind of a fixation in your mind on what you want.
Something needs to absorb every space in your mind. Otherwise it might be just a wish or a low intensity desire.
Show me one person who has achieved something extraordinary, some truly great achievement who wasn’t obsessed with what this person was doing.
It’s very hard to achieve something truly exceptional without being obsessed. Greatness is the result of being obsessed with an idea, a cause. Greatness is the result of a fixation.
People who make a difference are people who are obsessed with making that difference. It’s a different type of action and commitment.
All time best artist, investors, designers, musicians, athletes are or were obsessed with being the best, not just average.
Simon Peres did 900 interviews in 18 month when he was 87 years old. That level of intensity you don’t get it by merely wishing something.
This type of obsessions are not problems, they are natural human state of being.
You got to become obsessed with whatever dream you want, never give up on achieving them and improve on them regularly.
What’s interesting is that once the obsessed become successful and well recognized, then instead of being obsessed, they become genius; they are full of admiration by the world.
So from obsessed to genius is just one step.
Do not dilute greatness, or reduce your passion to do something extraordinary. Demand the best from yourself.
Chapter 13: go all in and overcommit
Fully commit to every opportunity.
When you go all out, you don’t run out of energy. On the contrary, your energy and commitment grows.
Most society discourages to go all out because they tell you to play it safe.
People prefer to protect your loses rather than go all out, trying to get a big payoff.
There is no limit on how many times you can take massive action.
When you truly commit you will find a way to make it happen.
In reality, most people don’t ask for the order, not even one time, much less the 5 times supposed to be necessary.
You need to always present the client with a proposal to purchase. I other words, ask them to buy.
Society has taught us to play it safe instead of going all in with every customer and in every opportunity, which is the key to the highest production.
Why not over commit in your promise and then over deliver later?
The greater the commitment to a client, the higher your level of delivery naturally becomes.
Anyone who deals with the same problems over and over, their lives are not growing and improving.
Action TIP:
Over commit, be all in. Take massive action followed by more massive action. You will create new problems and you will deliver at levels you didn’t think possible.
Chapter 14: expand, never contract
Most people and businesses when there is a challenge tend to reduce or contract their operations. This is the time to expand, not contract.
Because contracting is a form of retreating, it violates the 10X rule.
It can be very hard to expand when the whole business community is contracting, but this is the best time to do it.
The idea of constant expansion is counterintuitive and probably unpopular but it will separate you from everyone else.
People usually attack to the point where they meet resistance and then they back off. If you approach trials this way, the market will not believe that you are committed to a persistent attack. Therefore, they will criticize you and you will back off.
At this point, you will believe that your efforts, plan or strategy didn’t work, but the only reason it didn’t work is BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T STICK WITH IT LONG ENOUGH for the market to finally submit to your efforts.
Repeated attacks over extended periods of time will ALWAYS be successful.
News about economic contractions should be used as an indicator to do the opposite.
If you keep pushing forward you will gain tremendous ground.
Your most valuable assets are your energy, creativity, persistence and commitment.
While everyone was contracting in 2008, Grant was expanding in every possible action area, as email communication, social media, blog posts, training material, radio interviews, articles, book publishing etc….
I would rather fail pushing forward than in retreat.
Spending money is not the only way a business or a person can expand, there are many other ways.
In summary:
You want to expand contacts and visibility with the objective to dominate your market. And you do this by getting attention through persistent massive action. You do this until everyone knows you are the dominant player in your market.
Chapter 15: Burn the Place Down
You must continually add wood to your fire. You can’t stop or the fire will die. This is a common mistake successful people do. They rest on their laurels and reverse their previous successes.
Winning Big is only possible with massive action.
The easiest time to continue taking massive action is when you are wining.
Keep taking action until you can’t stop your forward momentum.
Even after achieving success keep expanding your actions as well as your goals. Eventually, you actions will perpetuate themselves.
One of the challenges with success is that it demands continuous attention.
Remember that most competition is created by people who refuse to operate at much higher levels of action, who imitate other people efforts. You can’t never take too much attention or accumulate too much success.
Obscurity is the problem, not overexposure.
Chapter 16: fear is the great indicator
Fear isn’t bad, or something to avoid. On the contrary, fear is something you should embrace and act upon. It’s an indication you are expanding your world and you should welcome and get comfortable feeling that fear because it’s making you grow.
Most of the time fear is an indication of exactly the action you must take. That what you fear is exactly what you need to do most.
Do what others refuse to do and you will dominate your sector.
Fear doesn’t only tell you what to do,, it tells you when to do it, which is NOW. There is no other choice but to act, to just do it.
It’s better to fail while doing something than to fail by over preparing.
The problem with mot people and businesses is that they give their fear much more time and energy than they deserve. They make the fear strong instead of them getting strong by taking action on the fear.
You will be amazed how much more confident and stronger you become by taking action on what you fear.
Taking massive action quickly and repeatedly will make you appear fearless in the marketplace.
The problem with fear is that if you back of and don’t take the action you are giving oxygen to that particular fear and you make it stronger. In the future it will be harder to fear it.
Eat your fears, destroy them.
Chapter 17: The myth of the time management
Most people who are worried about time management are the ones who believe in shortages. They have a scarcity mentality.
Successful people tend to think in terms of “all” while unsuccessful tend to limit themselves or what they can do.
Ask yourself: how can I have it all in abundance?
Stop thinking in terms or either, or, and start to think in terms of all and everything.
Every single person on this planet has 168 hours available in a week.
“Most people work enough so that it feels like work, while successful people work at a pace that gets such satisfying results that work is a reward”.
Consider any action that is not adding wood to your personal fire to be a waste of time. If you don’t manage your time properly, you will tend to waste it.
Make a commitment to set priorities and to find solutions.
You need to squeeze every second of your day if you want to dominate your market.
Chapter 18: criticism is a sign of success
Receiving criticism is a sign you are well on your way too success.
No matter what you think or what you do, someone is going to criticize you. It’s better to receive it from people who are jealously about your success than from others who criticize you for not taking enough action.
Some people may criticize you inversely, as in:
why are you working so hard? Or
why are you spending so much energy on that particular client?
The moment you work to dominate your market you become a target for many people who feel challenged by your desire to dominate. It comes with the territory.
The highest performers study successful people and work on duplicating their success.
Chapter 19: customer satisfaction is the great wrong target
Customer service is the wrong target, increasing your customers is the right target. Customer satisfaction is important, but before that I getting customers. You can’t have satisfied customers without having customers.
The attainment of customers is the most important action for a company.
Brands that truly deliver customer satisfaction first focus on customer acquisition.
The objectives are
1. Acquire customers via amazing product or service
2. Impress them with how great you are during acquisition
3. Establish customer loyalty through repeat purchases, support, word of mouth..etc.
Chapter 20: omnipresence
Although this might be something kind of impossible or unlikely to do, it should be your goal.
You should also have impossible goals that really stretch your thinking and your actions.
The commitment to do something as big as this will be an adventure in itself.
Focus on the goal to get everyone on the planet to know about you.
When this is your goal, your actions will guide you to make it happen, as crazy as the goal might be.
Being normal doesn’t work in business.
Any truly great company has achieve omnipresence as coca-cola, Google, Mc Donald’s, Ford, Disney, Apple, Fox TV, Visa, American Express..etc.
Any and all great companies have achieved omnipresence. They dominate their markets, and their customer’s minds.
People who have accomplished omnipresence are people like Bill Gates, Elvis, Oprah, Michael Jordan, Mother Teresa, Mohamed Ali, Warren Buffet…and so on…
You want to be everywhere. When you take 10X actions consistently in order to dominate your market you will tend to be everywhere.
Think of the right volumes of action.
This big thinking is what is missing from most people expectations.
Make a commitment to have your company, product, name or service make a footprint on the planet. In order to do this you must be everywhere, omnipresence.
Stay active. Say yes to every opportunity. Commit to omnipresence.
Grant did over 200 videos, 150 blog posts and articles, 700 radio interviews, 200 posts on facebook, and wrote three books in the spam of 18 months. That’s massive, focus action.
“All powerful companies, ideas, products, services and people can be found everywhere. They dominate their sector and become synonymous with what they represent”
Make omnipresence the constant goal for you and your company.
Chapter 21: excuses
Most people use some type of excuse in their lives. An excuse is basically a justification for doing or not doing something.
Excuses are never the real reason for not doing something. They are just your revision of the facts that you made up in order to feel better about something you did, or didn’t do.
The problem with excuses is that they don’t improve your situation.
Some of the excuses you might have are things like…
I don’t have money. I am overworked. I am too old. I am too young. I am too ugly. I am too nice. I am too beautiful. I am too short. I am too tall, and so on.
Slaves and victims make excuses and suffer the consequences which are pain.
Successful people don’t make excuses. They take responsibility for their actions and non actions.
Nothing happens to you, it happens because of you.
There is no excuse that will make you truly successful. When you make success and option, then it won’t be an option for you.
Chapter 22: successful or unsuccessful?
The difference between successful people and of the others than don’t accomplish much is not so big. Successful people talk and approach challenges differently from most people.
Here are some of the biggest differences:
1. Have a can do attitude. People with the “I can do” attitude approach every situation and every challenge with the belief that it can be done. This attitude is more valuable than the best talent or product.
2. Believe that they will figure it out along the way. They are responsible and they look for ways to solve the problem or situation.
3. Focus on opportunity. Successful people see problems and challenges as opportunities. True success is overcoming a challenge. The bigger the opportunity the bigger the challenge.
4. Love challenges. Successful people love challenges and the opportunity to win from them. A challenge is an opportunity to engage more than an excuse to avoid something.
5. Seek to solve problems. Successful people seek to solve problems because they represent huge opportunities. “Problems for the successful are like a meal for the hungry”
6. Persist until succeed. Those who make it big don’t know how to give up. They just keep of keeping on. There is no one who has achieved something truly spectacular without some type of tribulation, challenge, difficulties, negatives…etc. It comes with the territory.
The ability to persist when things don’t go your way is one of the most important traits of highly successful people. Persistence is a necessity for anyone who wants to succeed big.
7. Take risks. Many of us have been taught to play safe, don’t take risks, be in your comfort zone, and stick to what you know, and so on. But is this the way to act in order to achieve something truly big? I don’t think so.
If you want to create extraordinary things in your life, most likely you will have to live permanently outside your comfort zone.
8. Be unreasonably. This means acting without rational consideration and not in accordance with practical reality. If you act reasonably you will end up in the same place as everyone else. Most inventions were considered unreasonably before they were invented and millions used them.
9. Be dangerous. Most people are so concerned about avoiding danger that they cease to truly live. Massive action demands that you take being cautious out of the equation.
10. Create wealth. Successful people know that money is already created. You don’t need to make money. It’s already there. They think about generating wealth in exchange of new ideas, products and services. People who invest in their won companies to so to create wealth not merely to have income.
11. Readily take action. The highly successful take an unbelievable amount of action, and they do it persistently.
12. Always say yes. Say yes to every opportunity to expand your brand and your footprint in the world.
13. Habitually commit. Successful people fully to commit to their goals, and missions. They dot go half way. They put everything on the line. It’s better to be committed than educated and with no commitment.
14. Go all the way. Half measurements achieve us nothing.
15. Focus on NOW. Take actions immediately will help you create the future you want. The10X rule requires you take massive action consistently and immediately. Don’t allow one second of worry or analysis to delay your success.
16. Demonstrate courage. Face dangerous situations in spite of fear. Courage comes to those who act, not those who think about acting. Do things that scare you frequently.
17. Embrace change. You should always look for ways to improve what you are doing.
18. Determine to take the right approach.
quantify what works and what doesn’t.
19. Break traditional ideas. Go beyond and challenge traditional thinking. Challenge traditions and create new ways of doing things. Break that already works to get to a better place. Don’t care about the things that have been always done in a particular way.
20. Be goal oriented. Set the most important gals for your life.
21. Be on a mission. Approach your activity as if you are on a religious mission. Consider your daily activity to be part of a more important mission that will improve things for humanity.
22. Have a high level of motivation. Be stimulated towards action. Create new reasons why you must do the things you have to do.
23. Be interested in results. Successful people value results not just efforts.
24. Have big goals and dreams. Successful people have huge goals and dreams. They are not realistic. The want to revolutionize the world. Think how extensively you can spread yourself.
25. Create your won reality. Successful people are a lot like magicians. They create and live in another reality from most people. They dislike mass agreement. Those truly exceptional people create a new reality that wasn’t there before.
26. Commit first, figure it out later. Commit 100% to what you want to create and do, before figuring out every single detail.
27. Be highly ethical. You can achieve and become truly success when you are truly ethical. This ethical acting is most important when everything is against you.
28. Be interested in the group. Look for the group and not just yourself.
29. Be dedicated to continuous learning. The most successful people read about 60 books per year. The average American reads less than a book per year. That’s 319 times.
30. Be uncomfortable. Put yourself on the line. Put yourself in unfamiliar situations and experiences.
31. Reach up in relationships. Surround yourself with smarter, brighter and more successful than you. Make an effort to “reaching up”
32. Be disciplined. Nothing great can be achieved without great disciplined.
A great discipline make the impossible possible. Disciplined is required to complete your activity and achieve your goal regardless of how uncomfortable and difficult it becomes.
Chapter 23: getting started with the 10X rule
When successful people get lazy they tend to add time to their decisions.
You have an obligation a spiritual obligation to use your potential.
Ask yourself constantly, what actions can I take today to move me forward to my goals?
I would modify the question a little, by saying:
what actions can I take today to advance me exponentially to my goals?
Take every little action that will get your name in the marketplace.
The “average thinking” will hammered you along the way. This is the type of thinking that says: “It can’t be done, it’s not realistic, you are over the top, companies are not hiring now” and so on.
The average type of thinking will be in front of you all along the way.
This type of thinking is what prevents most people from achieving extraordinary things.
Everyone who is working on getting their “break” is probably going through the same thing.
Disregard the naysayers. Focus on the mission to help people. Focus on the destination instead of the difficulties.
Keep your eyes on the target instead of the challenges.
Be constantly prepared for success so you can be ready to grab the opportunities when they show up, or better yet, create new opportunities.
In 10 minutes you should be able to explain your vision for your life, your ultimate vision.
Always keep feeding your vision and what you want to do, what is most important to you. Keep adding wood to your fire.
Most people are so caught up in their own negativity that they give up on creating their ultimate life experience.
When it comes to goals and dream there is no being reasonable or realistic. It’s what deep inside you believe you can do, manifest and achieve in your life. You are your own limit.
It’s very hard to do something truly exceptional thinking and living an average life. Mediocre thinking can kill any goal or dream.
“Big thinking, massive actions, expansion and risk taking are necessary for your survival ad future growth”
Keep thinking and acting small and no one will be able to see you or know that you ever existed.
Success is not about intelligence, economics or anything similar. It’s about thinking big and taking massive action consistently.
The world is filled with average thinking, average people and average actions. It’s filled with people resigned to live an average life, without much risk or rewards.
You deserve more than average. Your potential is not average, it’s unlimited. Weather you use it or now, that’s your decision, but the potential is there. You are not being true to yourself and your potential living an average life. The world is waiting for your unique contribution and gift.
Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility.
And always remember, your biggest problem is obscurity, do whatever it takes to create omnipresence, be everywhere.
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….

10 things I learnt from the book “The 10X Rule, by Grand Cardone”
- The main reason why most people don’t achieve their goals and dreams is not because lack of ability, motivation or resources. The most important reason is that they underestimate the amount of time, energy and effort is going to take to achieve what they want. Most businesses and business owners make this fatal mistake. They underestimate what it will take to make something successful. They have great ideas and plans but they fail in this very important issue.
Look back in your life and take a look at a goal you didn’t achieve, why didn’t you achieve it?
Most likely is that you underestimate the amount of effort, money and resources it would take. - Most people work and live way under their potential. They waste too much precious time doing nothing. They consider success as an option and not a must.It’s your duty and responsibility to use your full potential as a human being. Its also your duty and responsibility to be successful. If you take success as an option most likely it won’t happen.
- Grant Cardone created the 10X Rule as a way to solve the probem of people underachieving. This rule is the only difference between success and failure. The first part of the 10X rule establishes the right amount of thinking and action that GUARANTEES success. The 10X rule is about taking massive persistent action to achieve what you want. Think about how much something it will take, and multiply by 10 and you have what it will truly take to make something successful.
The 10X rule assumes that the goal is never the problem. The problem is the thinking and action.Any goal attacked with the right amount of thinking and action is attainable. Attack everything with the ferociousness of a champion athlete who is getting his last opportunity to win and make a legacy. Success does not merely happen; it is the results of relentless action over time. You are required to LIVE TO THE POTENTIAL you HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH. You are required to live to your full potential. The power of extreme goal setting.
The 4-most common Mistakes people make when setting goals:
1. Setting goals too low. Letting your fears run your goal diary, and not your confidence and faith. Humankind by large tends to set targets and goals too low, at subpar levels. Any goal you are going to set for yourself will probably be hard and challenging to achieve it, so, why not aim at 10 times higher so it requires a massive effort and action on your part?
Probably you will be more disappointed by putting small goals than larger ones. 2. Severely underestimating what will take to achieve them In terms of thinking, action, time, effort and dedication. 3. Spending too much time competing and not enough dominating, on being competitive and not enough on truly dominate your business, your niche, your industry. Most people operate with a herd mentality; they do what others in their industry do. Do what’s best for you, not what your neighbor is doing.
The goal is to dominate your sector, not compete doing the same others do. 4. Underestimating the amount of adversity they will have to overcome in order to achieve their goals. What do people do after they don’t achieve their goals? They reduce their targets when what they should be doing is increasing their actions. some suggestions about setting goals:
Take into consideration when you set your goals that you have been educated with restrictions. Be aware of this so you don’t underestimate your potential, or what you can do as a person. Take these into consideration also:
1. You have been educated with restrictions.
2. You are setting these goals for you, not anyone else.
3. Anything is possible.
4. You have much more potential than you realize
5. Success is your duty and your responsibility.
6. There is no shortage of success.
7. Regardless of the size of your goal, it will require work. 5. 4 levels of action
These are the levels of action you can take when you are working on achieving a goal:
1. Do nothing. Here, basically you have given up on your dreams and you are willing to accept whatever it comes.
2. Retreat. Take action in reverse to avoid negative experiences you think or imagine.
3. Take normal action. The most prevalent in our society. Here people appear as if they are taking enough action to succeed. Here people create normal lives, normal marriages, and normal careers. This group which takes normal action almost never creates anything exceptional. Most is average. Average by definition is “less than extraordinary”. They operate way under their true potential for action and for accomplishment. Taking normal action is the most dangerous of all the levels because is the most accepted by society.
Only when you move from the third to the forth degree of action is that a person can take their lives from average to exceptional.
Take massive action. Massive action is the most natural level of action there is for all of us.
- Run away from AVERAGE, from conformity. Do not be “realistic”. The world is filled with “average thinking”, average people and average actions. It’s filled with people resigned to live an average life, without much risk or rewards. Average thinking says: “It can’t be done, be realistic, relax from working so hard, there is no way to make it happen, it’s impossible”.
This type of thinking prevents you from reaching your full potential.
This thinking will hammer you along the way when you are trying to do something extraordinary. Stop thinking average and start thinking huge. - Be omnipresent. Your biggest problem is obscurity, not talent.
Do whatever it takes to create omnipresence, be everywhere. Create a personal or business brand that is everywhere. Brands like Coca-Cola, Apple, Ford, Disney, and Google are everywhere. People who have achieved omnipresence are people like Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, etc. Make a commitment to have your company leave a footprint on the planet, to leave a legacy, and the only way to do this is by omnipresence. Truly great companies and people achieve omnipresence. - Do not compete. Don’t try to be competitive. Go for DOMINATION. When you compete you tend to do the same things as your other competitors. Your goal should be to dominate your market, become the best and the go to person or company, to create your own standards not copy the standards of others.Don’t set your goals at a competitive level. Set them that will overshadow and dominate your industry completely.
- Success does not merely happen; it is the results of relentless action over time. The only way to achieve exceptional levels of success is to create it.
- Avoid excuses and victimism.
People who refuse to take responsibility usually don’t do well at taking massive action and therefore don’t do well in the game of success. You must adopt the belief that no matter what happens in your life, you are the primary cause of what happens.
Good things usually don’t happen to victims. On the contrary, drama happens to victims.
Everything that happens to them comes as their own responsibility, not merely some outside force. Nothing happen to me, it happens because of me.
“No matter where I go, there I am”.
- Live each day as if your life would depend on the actions you take today. Imagine someone is recording every minute of your life and it will be used as an inspiration for future generations to watch.
Be constantly prepared for success so you can be ready to grab the opportunities when they show up, or better yet, create new opportunities. Stop thinking in terms or either, or, and start to think in terms of all and everything. Ask yourself, how can I have everything in abundance?
By Miguel De La Fuente, at, 507-62463797.
If you are looking for other exceptional books on mental training as well as mental toughness here are my favorites, the ones I have personally read:
Download Now my TotalSuccess App, Your Daily Medicine against being “average”, for my most important ideas about these exceptional books. This app will help you develop the ultimate vision for your life and steps to get there.
- How Champions think by Dr Bob Rotella,
- An IRON WILL, by Orison Swet Mardin,
- The Champion´s Mind, by Jim Afremov.
- With winning in Mind, by Lanny Bassham,
- Chasing Excellence, by Ben Bergeron,
- Mind Gym, by Gary Mack,
- Tom Coughlin, by him,
- No Limits, by Michael Phelps,
- Relentless by Tim Grover,
- Unbeatable Mind, by Mark Divine,
- Get the Life You Want, by Richard Bandler.
- Can´t Hurt Me, by David Goggins,
- Make Your Bed, by Admiral William H- McRaven,
- The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone,
- Discipline Equals Freedom. Jocko Willink,
- RAFA, by Rafael Nadal,
I keep updating this list regularly….
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