“To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness” Bertrand Russell

“To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness” Bertrand Russell There will never be a perfect situation and to be happy you have to learn to deal with not having everything you want. That is part of happiness. Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com. Contact me Through WhatsApp […]

How we PROGRAM our minds for failure -WITHOUT- even noticing. The 7-worst beliefs to hold in your mind

We create our own life by the quality of our thoughts. Some thoughts empower us while others sabotage us. The other day I was in Spain visiting my family, where I originally am from. My mother is 82, my father 84; they are amazing people, couple and support team. My mother is one of the […]

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