Be Obsessed or Be Average, by Grant Cardone, TURBOMIND Book Summary by
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at
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Hi, this week we have a best seller by Grant Cardone, one of my favorite books.
“Be Obsessed or be Average” is not for everyone, but everyone could benefit from it. It’s an extreme point of view but one that could benefit almost anyone.
If you need a wake up call in your life, or are just tired of regular results with an average life, and an average mind set, this book is for you.
People have been telling Grant that his obsession with success is a bad thing, that he is a work addict, and obsessive. That might be true, but it’s the kind of obsession helps you to become better, and reach the highest levels of success.
Grant believes his obsession has never created a problem, actually is a gift. Denying his obsession is what created problems.
When you learn to control and focus your obsessions you will become and unstoppable person, one who is capable of making all your dreams reality.
As he says, “I am not afflicted, I am gifted”.
Obsession is not about settling or sacrificing things that are important to you. Obsession is about having it all: health, faith, family, career, and money. You don’t need to trade of one for the other. You can have it all. That is the basic idea of this book.
To have what you really want in life, you have to give yourself permission to go full out. Ask Yourself, “What do I want to become completely obsessed with that will lead to success?
Its ok to want it all. Discover what you are capable of. Go for your biggest desires, goals and dreams. You deserve the best. What are your wildest, most crazy dreams and monster purpose?
Your obsession is the most valuable tool you have to build the life you want.
There are billions of people around the world living and operating way below their potential. No one feels sorry for you and no one is going to help. You have to take charge of your life.
The obsessed are monster dreamers who are confused by the fact why so many people think so small. When it became not popular to dream big? The obsessed would rather be disappointed by not reaching a massive target or outcome than never try to reach it at all.
The average, the haters and the naysayers don´t try to reach, they just talk and try to discourage others from dreaming and achieving big because it would make them uncomfortable.
The only people who will tell you not to be obsessed are ordinary people committed to average lives.
Every time he would tell his mother “one day I am going to make it big” she would hug him and tell him “why can’t you just be grateful with what you have?”
After having problems with drug addiction he decided to change his obsession to becoming the best of the best is sales and make himself very successful along the way.
He decided to start focusing on where he want it to go. He decided to write his biggest goals and biggest opportunities for his life as well as his life manifesto and to this day he writes his goals every single day on a notepad both in the morning and in the evening.
There is an epidemic of “average” ……
-Studies show between 62-76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
-The Average American works under 35 hours per week and almost 70% are disengaged at their jobs.
People are lazy because it´s tolerated. People accept the idea of being average and living an average life because their environment says its ok. They are happy to settle for less rather than become obsessed with their dreams and their potential.
There is a whole generation of people obsessed with their problems instead of their dreams, desires and goals. That is the reality. They spend a huge amount of time, energy and money feeding their problems, talking about them, putting names to them.
Millions of people spend 3-4 hours a day (mostly on the workday) scanning through social media like Facebook and then going home to watch hours of junk TV on a 90-inch screen they bought on credit. They watch the constant negative news networks with pure drama, violence, terrorism, celebrity scandals, and then they ask themselves why they feel down, stress and depressed.
They fill their mind with garbage and terrifying information around the clock.
You can break out from the average cycle and life-you MUST.
Remember, You can always improve, you can always get better.
Average is a failing formula. Never take advice from a quitter. Average people are quitters. They quit striving for a better life and they quit short of their potential and possibilities.
People like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, or Mother Theresa were obsessed with their purpose and dreams. Their story inspire humanity. IN order to have greatness you just claim it.
In Silicon Valley they know what is immersion. They work 100.Hour workweeks, borrowing money from family and friends to make their ideas successful. Victory comes at a price, so does settling and being average.
History shows that only the obsessed make it, people like Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Elon Musk, Mozart, Leonardo Da Vinci. We all know these people.
These people fought against all odds and were unwilling to settle.
Discovering your Purpose
Personal Interest questions:
What excites me?
What is the one thing I always wanted to do?
Money Motivation:
If money had nothing to do with my life, what would I do with it?
How much money would I need to have financial freedom?
Skills and talents:
What can I do better than anyone?
what are my natural abilities?
What comes natural to me?
What do I want to be remembered for?
what contributions can I make to society that I would be most proud of?
What makes me feel good?
what gives me energy?
Wat if….
If I knew I couldn’t fail, what would I do?
if I could be known for one great thing, what would it be?
Whatever you give attention to is what you get and the more you attention you give something, the more you feed it and the more powerful it grows.
So, as the question, what drives me?
Go to sleep and wake up focusing on your goals, on what you want to achieve and make happen. Write them down every morning and read them every night until they are part of your life. Without these goals your purpose tends to slip away. This is a way for your mind to focus on what’s most important.
The best way to feed your beast is to learn something new on how to get better at what you do. Turn anytime into learning time.
All of Grant´s companies have created a culture of success focused on feeding the beast together. They do this with lots of urgency and deadlines, becoming single-mindedly focused for short periods of time. They become obsessed with projects and fulfilling them.
Anything worth doing is worth doing every day.
DOUBT IS THE MOST DANGEROUS FORM OF MENTAL TERRORISM IN THIS WORLD. Destroys everything that becomes in contact with.
We live in a society in which many people think you are powerless, you cannot do anything to change. You are that way because you parent´s gave you too little attention or too much of it.
Some people cannot afford to buy a house but almost everyone has a counselor, rent-a-friend who is going t tell you how screwed up you are.
A whole industry told Grant how emotionally scarred, powerless and addict he was. They told him, his obsessive nature was part of his genetic make-up and he couldn’t do anything about it.
There is a whole generation of people obsessed with their problems instead of their dreams, desires and goals. That is the reality. They spend a huge amount of time, energy and money feeding their problems, talking about them, putting names to them.
Make it clear to everyone that you are done with assigning blame to anything or anyone, you are done felling and living powerless. Remind them not to fight your genius but to get behind it. Sell people on your concept, on your dreams, convinced them it´s better or demand that they get behind and away from you.
Tell people, “I am addicted to, obsessed with, and committed to my future, regardless of my past”. This is an awesome line by Grant.
When Grant was working on a seminar business and felt overwhelm he had to go back to his purpose. Burn out is not necessarily a symptom of working too many hours. Burn out is a symptom you are working on the wrong things.
If you get back to your purpose in life and clarify your goals, you will get back on track.
The burnout can happen because you are no longer obsessed with fulfilling your monster purpose and continuing to build on that purpose.
Take inventory of your life and ask yourself these questions…..
What is my purpose in life and what I am currently doing?
What do I need to be doing to be obsessed with what I am doing again?
The only thing is going to ultimately renew you is not a vacation but getting obsessed with your purpose. Sometimes vacations can take away more energy than working intensively on something you deeply care about.
Free time is one of the biggest threats to your success.
Grant is not happy unless he is working. He says that doesn’t make him defective. It makes him productive. Don’t let other tell you how you should feel about your obsession with success, and quit apologizing about wanting it all.
The world is filled up with people who had given up on their dreams and now spend their time and energy trying to get others to give up on theirs.
There are plenty of haters and naysayers in the world. You can´t afford to be one of them.
Notice how you have an internal critic trying to put you down. Ignore it. Write your biggest goals, dreams, desires. Focus on your monster purpose.
Things people tend to tell You:
-Be careful
-Watch yourself
-Be patient
-Go slow
-^Play it safe
-You don’t need to do that
-We just love you the way you are
-Why take risks
-can’t you just be happy?
-When are you going to have enough?
These people are trying to convince you that having less is better. Some of these people are even “experts”.
When social media came out, the so called “experts” advise him on not posting so much, telling him he was overexposed. At the end he became exceptionally successful in social media standards.
Massive Success is the ultimate revenge against the haters, critics and naysayers.
People often ask Grant, How are you able to get everything done?
He does this by writing the parts of his life that he wants to be great in, and then he becomes obsessed with making time for them rather than making excuses.
It´s not true that it takes money to make money. It takes courage to make money: 80% of all millionaires today are first generation millionaires. You need courage, hard work, persistent, commitment to make money. Not necessarily money.
There is so much money in the planet is mind-boggling. Yet, most people have next to zero. They believe they don’t deserve it, there is a shortage of money, and they don´t do anything to change their situation.
Who has your money, for your new suit and shoes?
If you are not influencing the way your people think about money, someone else is.
Be obsessed about people doing well and you will become important in their lives. Show a person how to produce more money they dreamed of while pursuing a greater purpose and they will become loyal to you.
-what is your money mantra? The idea you believe and tell yourself over and over.
-How much is a lot of money to you?
Become an authority on something and get your message out there.
What do you do better than anyone?
What are you passionate about?
What do you have strong opinions about?
What is important for the world to know?
Dominate Your Brand:
Become obsessed with communicating the world your ideas, solutions and opinions. Find every outlet possible to push your content.
Some massive and Brutal Action by Grant:
- Put 78.000 tweets posts in 48 months.
- 9000 videos in 60 months
- 150.000 social posts
- 13000 speaking engagements
- 3 million flight miles
- 700 interviews
Is that too much? Not if you want to dominate your niche.
He uses social media far beyond what’s normal, but it’s necessary to get your message across. Now he tweets 100 unique tweets every day. He says that anyone who says it’s too much doesn’t understand the enormity of the internet.
He became one of global users of social media.
The reason most people fail in social media is they underestimate the effort required to dominate their niche.
Get OUT of Your Comfort Zone
The best moves Grant has done is to get out of a familiar and comfortable setting.
Comfort is the enemy of progress and of the obsessed.
To be dangerous force yourself out of your comfort zone, try a new city, or a new place.
Stay dangerous even during an economic collapse.
Fear is an indication of what you should do, not what you shouldn’t do. Commit yourself to the feeling of discomfort because there lies your greatest potential. The Greatest You will be discovered far outside your comfort zone. Be obsessed with danger and discomfort.
Grant says he has been scared most of his life and if he is not scared, he starts to worry that he is not challenging himself.
When the financial crisis hit in 2008 and his world was deeply challenged he told his wife, “I have failed you as a husband and our kids as a father, and I will never allow this to happen again”
It takes an enormous amount of courage and honesty to tell that to your wife.
If you want and expect your people to be as obsessed with sales as you are, meet with them daily and feed their vision.
If you work for yourself, you should have a meeting with you every day even if you are the only attendee. …jajaaj.
The goal is to get the team focused. Go over the same thing each day.
Giant companies make giant claims, kind of hyperbole.
Giant claims, giant adds.
Make giant claims like Coca-Cola: “Happiness in every can”.
What massive claim can you make in about your company or product?
If you are not the greatest out there you need to become the greatest. Become obsessed with being the BEST.
No one values average. No one will stop for average or exchange their time and money for average.
Grant makes giant claims as,
-I don’t have competition, I have imitators.
-To do business with anyone but me is a mistake of massive proportions.
If you don’t push for performance at a higher level, you will never know how great you can be.
Raise your game, take a look constantly at your commitment level to be at the top. You are successful to the degree you make your commitment known to the world.
The obsessed are willing to be reckless. They are willing to create and manage chaos in order to get growth. They are geniuses to the degree they are courageous. As Grant says, “I find my genius when I am completely committed.”
Over-promise and over deliver
Deliver confidence…….say things like……
-I can fix it
-I can get it done
-I will figure it out
-Leave it with me
-we can have the solution
Robert Kraft, owner of the Patriots makes the team start with a total commitment to dominate the season and win a super Bowl. Go all in, commit to doing whatever it takes to win (that is ethical).
Your pitch can always be improved on, can always be improve, shortened, made it hit harder, in order to be more effective.
Create a pitch that makes your value scream. Don’t put it soft, go all the way. Be outrageous. Break your conservative nature and tendencies. Imagine you had 30 minutes for a Super Bowl commercial. Tell the world why you are amazing. You just manufacture an excuse to perform at a much higher level.
Get obsessed with exploiting every weakness of your competition.
Believe your offer is worth more than what you are asking for.
The ultimate value-add is YOU, and doing business with you.
Give your clients exceptional value and service, go out of your way to over deliver and over commit.
Tell the world you are the Best. It might cause people to say “you are this or that”. However, as you won’t take advice from people who quit ion themselves, the person who says you shouldn’t brag has nothing to brag about.
To be the Best you MUST surround yourself with the Best.
-Don’t hire people just to do their jobs. Hire people to grow your business.
Reward performance not how long a person has been in his job.
-Don’t just hire, build a culture.
Grant intends to dominate the thinking of his employees. He works very hard to protect the Grant Cardone culture.
–At Grant companies every day they create, narrate and disseminate the success stories of the companies.
–2 or 3 times per day he texts staff about breakthroughs, accomplishments and client successes.
–He plaster his environment with his missions, slogans, messages and posters. He has them everywhere.
–He starts every day with a meeting talking about their successes and continue to expand on those stories along the day.
You as a leader must be the most obsessed person on the team and have the people around you believe in your mission and purpose. If you want spectacular people, you start by being spectacular yourself.
It has become acceptable for people to quit and give up on their goals and dreams. Only quitting is failure. The super successful don’t just overcome their failures. They use it as fuel to persist and achieve.
Here are some expels of pure persistence:
- Walt Disney was turned down 302 for financing. His first animation company went bankrupt.
- Stephen King´s first book Carrie, was rejected 30 times. He even threw the manuscript in the trash.
- Ophra Winfrey was told she was unfit for television.
- Fred Astaire was told during his first screen text he couldn’t act, “Can’t act. Can’t Sing. Slightly bald”.
- Lady Gaga´s first record deal was dropped after one month.
- Steven Spielberg was rejected from film school 3 times.
- Mark Cuban failed as a carpenter, as a waiter and as a cook.
- Bill Gates dropped out of Harward.
- Howard Schultz´s employer had no interest in his coffee idea and sold him the brand name “starbucks”.
Notice how many games are won in the last minute of the game. They never quit and even if they lost they gave their full effort, and showed up like champions.
Stick and stay it is bound to pay.
Expect others to quit. Persistence starts and ends with you. Be prepare for people around you to be ready to quit and even try to persuade you to do the same.
Use yesterday’s successes to persist today.
Most people quit right before the miracle happens. They gave up just too soon. They weren’t strong enough.
Persist and look for signs for best direction to go. Your breakthrough is just around the corner. Miracles happen when you refuse to quit.
If you refuse to quit, it doesn’t matter what you are trying to accomplish, you will not fail. It´s just a matter of time before you figure it out.
This is your miracle moment. This is the moment when you think you have “tried everything”, when you have gone over the limit of what you think you can do. Go beyond that moment one more time. When you do that everything turns around.
Your movement forward during the hardest, most challenging times, most soul crushing times, those times that are filled with impossibilities, guarantees your success. Life is testing you. When the “sane” people would not continue, the obsessed put one foot in front of the other and refuse to quit.
This creates your miracle moment.
“Those who are truly obsessed are willing to persist when it no longer makes sense”
Persistence is the trademark of legends and geniuses who were called crazy. They didn’t quit when the reasonable thing would be to do it.
When you persist long after others quit, regardless of the outcome, your confidence, creativity and personal power is strengthen.
This happens because you show yourself how resilient you can be in the face of adversity and challenges. Every time you persist your “persistent” muscle becomes stronger and more capable. You are closer to your full potential.
No one wants to fight the guy that persist and keeps coming back.
Your future may very well be determined by how much you have persisted through tough times.
Miguel´s personal note:
I believe life will require you to deserve the miracle you are looking to receive or create. You must deserve this miracle, and sometimes it will appear but pure persistence. When nothing seems to work the simple act of persist will transform a situation. It will produce a breakthrough.
Obsession is not about settling or sacrificing things that are important to you. Obsession is about having it all: health, faith, family, career, and money. You don’t need to trade of one for the other. You can have it all.
Quit apologizing about wanting it all. Stop seeking balance. Go for it all.
Being obsessed is not a deficit, it’s an asset, a gift. It´s ok to be obsessed with your goals, desires, your dreams and your potential. Its ok to being obsessed about having a massive impact.
The people who have changed this world for the better were obsessed with their dreams, messages and passions. People like Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Einstein Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs and many others.
Many people are obsessed about their problems, their past and focus on blaming. They keep talking and victimizing about everything its wrong in their lives.
The world is filled up with people who had given up on their dreams and now spend their time and energy trying to get others to give up on theirs
The only people who will tell you not to be obsessed are ordinary people committed to average lives
Average is a falling formula. Run away from it. You must break away from the average cycle. Average is not good enough. It creates pain.
Get addicted to, obsessed with, and committed to your future, regardless of your past.
The obsessed are monster dreamers who are confused by the fact why so many people think so small. When it became not popular to dream big? The obsessed would rather be disappointed by not reaching a massive target or outcome than never try to reach it at all.
Again, Quit apologizing about wanting it all. Stop seeking balance. Go for it all.
When the financial crisis hit in 2008 and his world was deeply challenged he told his wife, “I have failed you as a husband and our kids as a father, and I will never allow this to happen again”
It takes a lot of courage to say that to your wife when things are the worst. And this is a sign of an obsessed and deeply committed individual.
Fear is an indication of what you should do, not what you shouldn’t do. Commit yourself to the feeling of discomfort because there lies your greatest potential. The Greatest You will be discovered far outside your comfort zone.
You can always improve; you can always get better. You can always find faster ways, better ways, easier ways.
The super successful don’t just overcome their failures. They use it as fuel to persist and achieve.
The obsessed keep going. The difference between success and failure is staying in the game long enough, when others throw in the towel.
Notice how many games are won in the last minute of the game. They never quit and even if they lost they gave their full effort, and showed up like champions.
Miracles happen when you refuse to quit. PERSIST UNTIL THE MIRACLE HAPPENS. Your future may very well be determined by how much you have persisted through tough times.
So, here are some important questions to keep moving forward,
-What is Your potential?
-What are your limits?
-How much are you capable of?
-What do you need to do to fulfill your potential?
-What else are you capable of that you haven’t done?
-Who is encouraging e to live my life purpose?
Maximizing your potential is your responsibility and duty as a human being.
Remember, nothing will inspire you more than surrounding yourself with people who are achieving more than you have. Be friends with the most successful people you can think of.
Work with a coach and mentor who can help you to another level. Mentors and coaches can be invaluable to your success.
Look at things and people that are way beyond your level right now. Go see the biggest mansions for sale. Look at jets and yachts for sale. Visit museums with extraordinary art. Use anything that inspires you. Visit the most extraordinary buildings in the world, the most spectacular hotels, the biggest stadiums.
For the obsessed, the world in a place of infinite opportunities. The sky is not the limit. The cosmos is the limit. The universe itself is the limit.
Push yourself hard, not only to make it big, but to contribute in a big way too.
Grant in 2016 when he wrote this book donated almost 30% of his gross income. Amazing.
Fascinating Ideas:
- Contrary to public opinion, He believes his obsession has never created a problem, actually is a gift. Denying his obsession is what created problems
- Grant writes the goal to be known by 7 billion people. This is a crazy moonshot goal which drives him to achieve and take action. The probabilities are small of this occurring but it’s a huge goal that drives him while at the same time expands his massive vision.
- Be obsessed about people doing well and you will become important in their lives
- The reason most people fail in social media is they underestimate the effort required to dominate their niche
- Fear is an indication of what you should do, not what you shouldn’t do
- The super successful don’t just overcome their failures. They use it as fuel to persist and achieve
- PERSISTE UNTIL THE MIRACLE HAPPENS. How many games have been won in the last minute or even second of the game? Miracles happen when you refuse to quit
Spectacular habits and consistency:
- He writes his biggest goals and dreams twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, in a Notepad. He has done this for the last 15 years.
- Has a meeting with his sales people every day to stay focus, motivated and push them to be better.
Some massive and Brutal action by Grant:
- Put 78.000 tweets posts in 48 months.
- 9000 videos in 60 months
- 150.000 social posts
- 13000 speaking engagements
- 3 million flight miles
- 700 interviews
Keywords and phrases:
- You can break out from the average cycle and life-in fact, you MUST.
- Average is a failing formula.
- Never take advice from a quitter. Average people are quitters.
- IN order to have greatness you must claim it.
- Victory comes at a price, so does settling and being average
- In Silicon Valley they know what is immersion. They work 100.Hour workweeks, borrowing money from family and friends to make their ideas successful.
- History shows that only the obsessed make it. These people fought against all odds and were unwilling to settle.
- Anything worth doing is worth doing every day.
- DOUBT IS THE MOST DANGEROUS FORM OF MENTAL TERRORISM IN THIS WORLD. Destroys everything that becomes in contact with
- Remind people not to fight your genius but to get behind it.
- Tell people, “I am addicted to, obsessed with, and committed to my future, regardless of my past”.
- The only thing is going to ultimately renew you is not a vacation but getting obsessed with your purpose
- Free time is one of the biggest threats to your success
- Obsession is not about settling or sacrificing things that are important to you. Obsession is about having it all: health, faith, family, career, and money. You don’t need to trade of one for the other. You can have it all.
- The world is filled up with people who had given up on their dreams and now spend their time and energy trying to get others to give up on theirs.
- There are plenty of haters and naysayers in the world. You can´t afford to be one of them
- Haters are going to hate while the obsessed are going to create. Haters will promote you more than even your biggest fans. Use the negative energy they provide to fuel something creative.
- Stop wasting time on tasks that don’t matter.
- Be obsessed about people doing well and you will become important in their lives
- Its ok to be unpopular. Success is not a popularity contest.
- Diversification is for idiots. You cannot get rich by spreading too thin.
- The only people who will tell you not to be obsessed are ordinary people committed to average lives
- No one who has made great contributions on this planet rest on their laurels.
- Fear is an indication of what you should do, not what you shouldn’t do. Commit yourself to the feeling of discomfort because there lies your greatest potential. The Greatest You will be discovered far outside your comfort zone.
- If you are not the greatest out there you need to become the greatest. Become obsessed with being the BEST
- No one values average. No one will stop for average or exchange their time and money for average
- Committing BIG makes you deliver BIG. When you commit 100% and have no other option than to deliver at that level, you will find a way to get it done-regardless how impossible it seems.
- You are successful to the degree you make your commitment known to the world
- The obsessed are willing to be reckless. They are willing to create and manage chaos in order to get growth. They are geniuses to the degree they are courageous. As Grant says, “I find my genius when I am completely committed. Commit first and figure the rest later.
- Over-promise and over deliver.
- You can always improve; you can always get better.
- Tell the world you are the Best. It might cause people to say “you are this or that”. However, as you won’t take advice from people who quit ion themselves, the person who says you shouldn’t brag has nothing to brag about.
- It has become acceptable for people to quit and give up on their goals and dreams. Only quitting is failure
- The super successful don’t just overcome their failures. They use it as fuel to persist and achieve
- The obsessed keep going. The difference between success and failure is staying in the game long enough, when others throw in the towel
- PERSIST UNTIL THE MIRACLE HAPPENS. How many games have been won in the last minute or even second of the game? Miracles happen when you refuse to quit
Grants Slogans in the Office:
-We´re in a Hurry to serve
-Success is my Duty
-If a buyer doesn’t buy its out fault.
-I refuse not to call my customers back, even if they tell me not to.
-Not buying my products cost you more than buying them.
-I do more than is asked of me.
-I refuse to show up average
People are lazy because it´s tolerated. People accept the idea of being average and living an average life because their environment says its ok. They are happy to settle for less rather than become obsessed with their dreams and their potential.
Millions of people spend 3-4 hours a day (mostly on the workday) scanning through social media like Facebook and then going home to watch hours of junk TV on a 90-inch screen they bought on credit. They watch the constant negative news networks with pure drama, violence, terrorism, celebrity scandals, and then they ask themselves why they feel down, stress and depressed.
There is a whole generation of people obsessed with their problems instead of their dreams, desires and goals. That is the reality. They spend a huge amount of time, energy and money feeding their problems, talking about them, putting names to them
- Studies show between 62-76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
- The Average American works under 35 hours per week and almost 70% are disengaged at their jobs.
- It´s not true that it takes money to make money. It takes courage to make money: 80% of all millionaires today are first generation millionaires
Some of Grant´s crazy Goals
1. 7 billion people know my name
2. I am going public with a 4 billion+ real estate fund.
3. I am producing a hit TV show.
- Go to sleep and wake up focusing on your goals, on what you want to achieve and make happen. Write them down every morning and read them every night until they are part of your life. Without these goals your purpose tends to slip away. This is a way for your mind to focus on what’s most important
- Make it clear to everyone that you are done with assigning blame to anything or anyone, you are done felling and living powerless. Remind them not to fight your genius but to get behind it. Sell people on your concept, on your dreams, convinced them it´s better or demand that they get behind and away from you.
- Don’t let other tell you how you should feel about your obsession with success, and quit apologizing about wanting it all.
- Notice how you have an internal critic trying to put you down. Ignore it. Write your biggest goals, dreams, desires. Focus on your monster purpose continuously.
- Get out of a familiar and comfortable setting. Comfort is the enemy of progress and of the obsessed. To be dangerous force yourself out of your comfort zone, try a new city, or a new place. Succeed anywhere, make friends anywhere. Create your own happiness and success independent of the location.
- Make a priority of constantly meet new people. Connect to new people, more influential and smarter than you.
- Assume the role of a successful person even if you are not yet.
- If you want and expect your people to be as obsessed with sales as you are, meet with them daily and feed their vision. If you work for yourself, you should have a meeting with you every day even if you are the only attendee. …
- Make Your Commitments Big and Small known to the world. That way you are on the line. You make yourself have to perform.
- PERSIST UNTIL THE MIRACLE HAPPENS. How many games have been won in the last minute or even second of the game
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-62463797. keep updating this list regularly….
My Favorite Lines from the Book
- When the financial crisis hit in 2008 and his world was deeply challenged he told his wife, “I have failed you as a husband and our kids as a father, and I will never allow this to happen again”. It takes a lot of courage, love and honesty to say that.
- Fear is an indication of what you should do, not what you shouldn’t do. Commit yourself to the feeling of discomfort. The Greatest You will be discovered far outside your comfort zone.
- If you want and expect your people to be as obsessed with sales as you are, meet with them daily and feed their vision. If you work for yourself, you should have a meeting with you every day even if you are the only attendee. …jajaaj
- You are successful to the degree you make your commitment known to the world
- You can always improve; you can always get better.
- It has become acceptable for people to quit and give up on their goals and dreams. Only quitting is failure
- The super successful don’t just overcome their failures. They use it as fuel to persist and achieve
- PERSIST UNTIL THE MIRACLE HAPPENS. How many games have been won in the last minute or even second of the game? Miracles happen when you refuse to quit.
If you are looking for other exceptional books on mental training as well as mental toughness here are my favorites, the ones I have personally read:
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
- How Champions think by Dr Bob Rotella,
- An IRON WILL, by Orison Swet Mardin,
- The Champion´s Mind, by Jim Afremov.
- With winning in Mind, by Lanny Bassham,
- Chasing Excellence, by Ben Bergeron,
- Mind Gym, by Gary Mack,
- Tom Coughlin, by him,
- No Limits, by Michael Phelps,
- Relentless by Tim Grover,
- Unbeatable Mind, by Mark Divine,
- Get the Life You Want, by Richard Bandler.
- Can´t Hurt Me, by David Goggins,
- Make Your Bed, by Admiral William H- McRaven,
- The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone,
- Discipline Equals Freedom. Jocko Willink,
- RAFA, by Rafael Nadal,
I keep updating this list regularly….
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