Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….


Your number one obstacle to achieve your most extraordinary life, goals, dreams and desires is probably FEAR.

Specially fear of failure. Successful achievers are not absent of fear. They act and live in spite of being afraid and being uncomfortable.

The question is, are you letting your fears run your life? And your mind?

Are you allowing yourself to take the necessary risks to succeed in life?

A lot of people they just won’t allow themselves to take the necessary risks to succeed in life. They just play too safe so they are ok at what they are doing, instead of risking growing and improving.

They are living an ok life instead of an extraordinary life. There is a big difference.

You must develop the courage to overcome your fears. And the easiest way is just to do what you fear the most. Confront your fears like your worst enemy.

You worst enemy is your comfort zone. The place where you are kind of successful but where you don’t grow and improve.

The challenge with fear is that if you don’t do anything to fight that fear, it will get STRONGER and more powerful. By not doing anything or confronting your fear, automatically gets stronger, you are feeding the fear…you making it more powerful

How do you overcome it? You starve your fear to death….

You confront it and do what you fear…..that’s the way you beat it…

Exercise, write your 3 biggest fears, and make a plan of specific actions to defeat them.

Some fears are just mental, like for example fear of getting cancer, or dying early, or the world ending, these fears you need to work internally, there is no external actions to confront them…besides eating healthy and doing exercise…..

But mostly you need to work them internally……


So in this case, the best to confront these is with empowering affirmations, visualizations and by writing a diary and dissolving the fear.

One of the easiest and most powerful ways that I have found is by writing a diary, expressing your fear, writing everything.

When you write a diary you eliminate anxiety and stress.

So here are some other exercises,

  1. Write your diary every single day, do this by downloading my coaching app totalsuccess, this is the best app for this, it will help you. Writing a diary is like having coffee you get an instant energy shot.
  2. Write some empowering affirmations, lets say you are afraid of dying early, what would an empowering affirmation be? Something like this, “I live to 100 years in perfect health, energy and vitality” whatever works for you, write several empowering affirmations for different areas of your life.
    Finanacial affirmations like,
    I am creating an absolute financial abundance now
    Every day I am richer wealthier, and more prosperous
    I am exponentially multiplying my income and assets
  3. Create an empowering visualization, get in a relax sate and visualize whatever you want to achieve do or experience. You can write it, record it on your phone and play it once per day, this is great tool and exercise. It can be a 7 minute visualization.

Remember, if you don’t confront your fears in any way shape or form, your fears will get stronger, more powerful and they will dominate your mind and your life. Start right now. Take action. You have the power.

Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….


How do you overcome Your fears? TotalSuccess-Diary #53
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