This week we have another awesome book, by Brendon Burchard, called “The Millionaire Messenger”.
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
Even though this book was written in 2011, over 8 years, still the information is very relevant today.
I like this book because it gives you a road-map on how to become an expert and offer your expertise to the world.
In one way or another, every one of us is an expert at something even though we don’t realize it.
The world is changing very fast but still much of the information in this book can help you become and expert and offer your expertise.
You can visit Brendon and get the book here,
Remember something IMPORTANT: if you KNOW SOMETHING THAT IS VALUABLE AND CAN HELP PEOPLE, IT´S YOUR DUTY AND OBLIGATION TO SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD. And you can become and expert and create an expert empire from your PASSION.
Here are a few great ideas from the book….
- Things can move very fast when you crack the code on positioning, packaging and promoting your message.
- Within 3 years Brendon published a best seller book (Life´s Golden Ticket), commanded a $25.000 + per speech key note, and sell out about every event (some of them at $10.000) per person) he offered, having a multi-year waiting list for small business consultation. He did this working from home and without having a single full time employee, AMAZING! This is the power of the expert industry.He has been offered $500.000 to help a man restructure his company, and he is not an expert at restructuring companies. $2000 to coach a woman going through her divorce even though he is not a divorce expert or lawyer.
- Within a few months he went from charging $300 an hour for coaching to $600, then all the way to $5000 an hour and the phone was still ringing. It´s about the value you provide and the difference you can make as an expert.
- MOST PEOPLE undervalue what they know or have not think about how to use this knowledge to help others. EVERYONE HAS A MESSAGE AND A LIFE-STORY THAT CAN HELP OTHER PEOPLE.
- RICK WARREN created a best-selling nonfiction best seller, The Purpose Driven Life that sold over 30 million copies with a 20.000-member congregation in California. This is the power of a book. Wayne Dyer created over 30 best-selling books in his career with audios and videos programs.
- In the expert field, YOUR WORK IS ENTIRELY YOUR PASSION. Your work anywhere and anytime, starting NOW. It can be lonely sometimes because you don’t talk to a single person.
- THE BIGGER YOUR AUDIENCE THE BIGGER THE REVENUES. This is assuming you are creating and adding value to other people´s lives. YOUR PAY IS EQUAL TO THE VALUE YOU PROVIDE, not the hours you work.
- The beauty is you don’t need a big team. Mark Victor Hansen was selling 100 million books with a small team of about 5 employees. Others had even less than that. The average industry leader has between 1-3 full time employees.
- FINANCIAL INCOME BEATS other industries. You are a results expert. You are giving SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS. (Five mistakes people make when buying a property, five ways to negotiate when buying a home)
- EXPERTS ARE STUDENTS FIRST. You can study, research any topic and become an expert. Interviewing experts, reading their books is a great way to become one yourself. The three pillars of expertise, the result expert, research expert and role model. Research your topics deeply, go deeper than other experts.PICK ONE TOPIC AND LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT TOPIC. PRACTICE. IMPROVE. GET BETTER. Find a topic that fascinates you for the next 5 to 10 years (these days maybe less)
- PICK YOUR AUDIENCE AND DISCOVER IT´S PROBLEMS. This is very important, focus your attention on their problems and how to solve them.
What frustrates you the most about X?.My audience often dreams of achieving……
My audience has a recurring problem with….If you could give your audience any information it would be….. - DEFINE YOUR STORY. This is also critical to define and express your story.
- CREATE A SOLUTION. This is where most people fail. They fail to create an empowering solution.VERY FEW WILL DO THE WORK, WRITE THE BOOK, CREATE THE AUDIOS, THE COACHING PROGRAM, draft the speech, create the seminar and shoot up the videos to sell her audience. There are too many distractions.
As with anything this takes time, dedication and commitment to a process. MOST people jump from one thing to the content is the obvious first step to that solution.
- CREATE A 3-DAY SEMINAR AS AN EVOLUTION OF YOUR BOOK. There is a segment of your audience that will always want more from you.
- The 6 profit pillars:
You will have to wear many different hats as part of a prosperous business strategy.
Giving Seminars
Online Marketing - MILLION DOLLAR EXPERT EMPIRE IN 5 STEPS:-Create a low priced information product, between $20-200.
You can create an audio program with 7-hour content for $197.
1000X197 equals 197.000.-Create a LOW-PRICED SUBSCRIPTION PROGRAM. This is a membership program. You can charge from $9.97 -197 per month.
1000×100 equals $100.000 per month, 1.2 million per year.-Create a mid-tier information product. This is a more comprehensive program; this is a $200-999 program. A $497 is considered high tier in the personal development space but CHEAP in the online marketing space.-Create a HIGH-TIER MULTI DAY SEMINAR. This is probably the MOST LUCRATIVE EMPIRE-BUILDING STRATEGY. Brendon´s fort seminar was a $2000 for a weekend. He has $56.000. His total cost was $5000 to host the event.-Create a high-priced coaching program. This can be around $2000 per month program. Here you will coach one on one. People pay a lot of money to shorten their learning curve. - YOU NEED TO HAVE A GRAND VISION FOR YOURSELF DESPITE YOUR CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES. This will propel you into action and achievement.
If you are looking for other exceptional books on mental training as well as mental toughness here are my favorites, the ones I have personally read:
- How Champions think by Dr Bob Rotella
- The Champion´s Mind, by Jim Afremov
- With winning in Mind, by Lanny Bassham
- Chasing Excellence, by Ben Bergeron
- Mind Gym, by Gary Mack
- Tom Coughlin, by him
- No Limits, by Michael Phelps
- Relentless by Tim Grover
- Unbeatable Mind, by Mark Divine
- Get the Life You Want, by Richard Bandler.
- Can´t Hurt Me, by David Goggins
- Make Your Bed, by Admiral William H- McRaven
- Be Obssesed or Be Average by Grant Cardone
- The 10X Rule, by Grant Cardone
- Discipline equals Freedom.
- Rafa by Rafael Nadal
I keep updating this list regularly….
- There is no traffic beyond the EXTRA mile.
- My voice and life experience is valuable
- YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO SHARE YOUR MESSAGE. When you know about something that is valuable, it´s your duty to share it with the world. Have a hunger to share and serve.
- You are a student first, teacher second and servant always.
- Sharing your voice is critical to your development as a human being.
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
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