“HIGH PERFORMANCE HABITS” by Brendon Burchard, TurboMind Book Summary by Tylor Jones. Our passion is learning. And sharing.
You can visit Brendom here: https://www.growthday.com/coaching
Or get his books here: https://www.amazon.com/Brendon-Burchard/e/B001IGOFHY%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share
His High Performance Institute: https://www.highperformanceinstitute.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brendonburchard/
This is the TURBOMIND BOOOK CLUB, and this week, we have the 10-Things I learnt from “HIGH PERFORMANCE HABITS, how extraordinary people become that way
This is one of my all time top 10 books on coaching.
THE only thing I don’t like about this book is the over, the design, the rest is simpy excepcional…thanks for writing this book Brendom…
These are the top 10-things I learnt from this Book.
This book is great if you are a Coach, a Manager, an Entrepreneur, buy it, read it and re read it several times, at least 3 times…
- What is High Performance? Well its basically succeeding beyond standard norms consistently over the long term. It’s about real impact not just improving. They consistently exceed standards and expectations and results. Its different from skill development like a chess master, it’s a more rounded success, succeeding in different areas of your life, not just money wise, but having great relationships, a healthy life, positive emotions. Its not about earning a billion dollars with no friends. It’s not about getting ahead at all costs.
high performers are happy, are admired, are healthier, work passionately.
They just don’t develop skills but people. - There are habits that transform an average performer into a high performer
- Most people feel undeserving or unready to rise to the next level.
- Very interesting: scientific research shows that succeeding is less about a type of person and more about a specific set of practices, in other words, people from all walks of life can succeed.
- When you start a new project what do you consciously and consistently do to set yourself to win?
- If you want to reach higher levels of performance these are some things you must do
seek clarity, on what you want, and how interact with others
generate energy, without energy is hard to get anything done
Raise the necessity for high performance, understanding why you must perform well
Increase productivity in your primary field of interest, focus on PROLIFIC QUALITY OUTPUT –PQO
Develop influence, develop a positive support network
if you are not performing well most likely you are missing one of thee habits. However, any improvement in any particular area lifts the rest also.
Demonstrate courage, without it nothing extraordinary happens either. - If you want to achieve extraordinary things you will have to stretch and growth far beyond what’s natural to you.
- People who talk about high performance, and how they feel they mention feeling full engagement, joy and confidence in that particular order.
- High Performance Habit #1 is seek clarity.
Successful people tend to know what are their values, their goals and their plans to achieve them.
Decades of research shows that having specific and difficult goals, meaning goals that stretch you, help you increase enjoyment, productivity, profitability and satisfaction in your work or life.
(Results, intentions, outcomes, aims, missions)A-ENVISION THE FUTURE:
which involved self, social, skill and service
high performers can articulate their future IDEAL Self with more easy than other peoples. They are focused on creating their ideal self.
If you could describe your ideal self, the person you want to become how would you describe it? High performers work and act towards that ideal vision of themselves.
Three words that define your ideal self.Exercises:
describe yourself in several situations in the last two weeks, then now, describe how your ideal self would be, how you would be acting, living, expressing yourself.
2. What three skills are working on the will be more successful and achieve more?
HP tend to separate blocks of time separated for these three skills they are working on. And they tend to work on skills that focus on your PRIMARY FIELD OF INTEREST. These are passionate interests, setting up routines to develop the skills in those areas. High performers tend to specialize in those areas. It’s not about learning music, but about learning to play the guitar. Brandon specialize in email marketing and video production, and try to learn everything about it.Also how do they want to interact with others, how do they want to treat other people. The 4 worst behaviors that lead to divorce are criticalness, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling
High performers obsessed about adding value, inspire others and making a difference, about being unique. This is the question they have in their heads,
What will provide most value to those you serve? (Other question in this area would be something like, how can I add the most value?)
High performers focus on adding value, not just earning money.
how can I serve with excellence?
How can I serve in unique ways?B-Determine the feeling you are after:
What is the primary feeling I want to feel in this situation?
High performers demonstrate tremendous degree of emotional intelligence, what Brandon calls “Willful feeling” they train themselves into the emotions they want to feel, like joy, passion, etc…
high performers generate more often the feelings they want.Questions:
what do I want to feel today? What feeling do I want to feel in X situation?
Always try to define and decide the feeling you are after inn any situation, before you go on a date, in school class, with your family…etcC-Define what’s meaningful:
High Performers figure out what is going to be meaningful to their lives, their experiences.
What activities do bring me the most meaning in my life?
what am I most excited about?Summary of this part:
1. 3 words that describe my ideal self?
2. 3 words that define how I want to treat others?
3. 3 skills I want to develop fully?
4. 3 simple ways I can add more value to those around me?
5. The main feeling I want to feel in my life?
6. Things I can d to create more meaning in my life? - High Performance habit #2 Generate Energy
Energy doesn’t necessarily is physical, is also as positive emotion, ad mental alertness. In Brendon studies find that CEOs have the equivalent energy of a professional athlete. Institutions should get serious about developing people’s energy scores. Stress is the ultimate energy and well being killer. You can dramatically increase your energy with a few simple practices.
Release tension, set intention
2. Bring the joy
3. Optimize health.On of the thing I like in this section is about doing TRANSITIONS
Releasing and setting intentions.
The easiest and fastest way to increase energy and productivity is to master transitions.
You are constantly changing activities right, drive I the car for an hour then go to the gym. Or you are tying for an hour and then go to eat, whatever. So every time during the day you do a transition, you do these two things, gym,
Lets say you have been driving for an hour and you are going to the gym,
1. Release exercise, it’s a simple 2minute meditation exercise that you close your eyes, it’s very simple, close your eyes and focus on different parts of your body and simply say release, release. You do this while deep breathing.
2. Set Intentions:
What do you want to do, or to feel, or to achieve in this next activity, at the gym for an hour? You are clear about what you want to achieve, do, feel, behave etc….you always do these two exercises every time you make a transition during the day. This can dramatically increase performance and productivity.
It’s the same as Tony Robbins says about asking yourself what do you want? - Every time you are sitting down every hour you stop ad do some movement, breathing exercises. This is the famous Chinese’s factory exercises; they do it every 1.30 I think. And it’s great. Deep breathing with movement is a simple exercise to dramatically increase your energy as well as your joy and well being.In bring the joy sections,
create mental Triggers,
for example you can set the alarm at different times during the day to remind you to be thankful, or every time you go through a door to feel great, whatever you decide. I do 7 times deep breathing during the day.
I do it with posters, like that one, which you can buy at turbomind.com11. High Performance habit #3, Raise Necessity
You must develop an absolute necessity to excel. Reach a point where success is not an option, or a preference but a soul deep necessity.
Its your duty and its urgent, cannot wait.
High performers not only have a high standard of excellence, they put more effort, also they check during the day if they are living up to those standards.Whatever I have tried to do in life,
I have tried with all my heart to do it well,
whatever I have devoted myself to,
I have devoted myself to completely
-Charles Dickens-
The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen fled of endeavor
-Vince Lombardi
1. Know who needs your A game. In order to excel you need to understand it’s an absolute necessity t do so. Its not maybe or perhaps, but a MUST. (Tony Robins coaching and the 10X rule by grant)
Ask yourself, who need my A game the most right now?
A game means you are giving your BEST EFFORT, with full focus on a singular task at hand.
2. Affirm the why. The power of Why, when you verbalize and communicate something it becomes more real, powerful, and important for you. Declare to yourself and others-what do you want and why you want it.
By the way, don’t keep your goals for yourself, share with people, the more the better. This is a major distinction about high performers and under performers, under don’t share their goals or their whys. This is a necessary practice and it allows people to help and support you. Forget about negative people or criticism, there will always be there. Also, it creates SOCIAL PREASSURE. This is critical. If I say I am going to do something and I don’t do it I loss value, I am on the spot to create and do what I say. When you verbalize something it becomes more powerful, more real for you. This is one of the secrets of super achievers.
3. Level up Squad. Spend more time with the most successful and positive people in your peer group. (my advice, if you can’t find any, create a new peer group online or offline).
“Find a group of people who challenges and inspire you, spend more time with them, and it will change your life” –Amy poehler-
–add one more awesome friend, you don’t need 1000s
–Volunteer, the easiest way to meet great people
–Play sports
–Keep mentor-ship with a person you admire and is successful.
–Earn it: You want to surround yourself with successful people, then become exceptional at what you do.
High Performers are very curious people. They want to master their primary field of interest. Certain level of insanity and recklessness is necessary to advance, master and innovate anything. Is this obsession for mastering something that makes us feel the need to perform at higher levels. His obsession you can feel it within minutes of talking with someone. High performers are focus on doing what matters when maters. We change and improve over time only when we must.
High Performers are people with a greater all around necessity, skills, and team spirit.
- Second group of High Performance habits are 4, 5, 6, which are,
Increase productivity
5. Develop influence
6. Demonstrate courage - High Performance habit #4 is Increase productivity involves these three
set priorities and avid distractions.
What we are capable as human beings is remarkable, and what we will attempt is constrain only by our beliefs.Increase outputs that matter. High Performers master the art of prolific quality output – PQO. They produce more high quality output then the others. That’s how they become more effective. While they minimize distractions.
Figure out what you suppose to produce, prioritize the creation of these items in quantity and quality is the key for high performance. Create things that matter.
Great question:
what thing could I do today that is going to advance me the most in my career or business? What thing can I create today that will be remember in 10 years from now?
This is a critical distinction for coaches, first is to decide what output should their clients be creating, the most important ones. Then reorient their whole schedules towards creating that output, as quickly as possible. It should be about 60% of their time in that task, n the prolific quality output. Producing real things that you are proud of.
2. Chart your 5 moves. If you had to choose 5 moves to make your goal happen what would they be? You decide what are the 5 most important moves to reach the goal. Write down you 5 moves for every major goal you have.
3. Get insanely good at key skills.
To become more productive and successful you have to master the primary skills needed to win in your primary field of interest. Think about the 3 major skills you need to develop over the next three years to grow into the person you are looking to become or into the business you are looking to build.
You can achieve your most extraordinary goals with effort. Everything is trainable. No matter what skills you want to learn they re trainable. This is the growth mindset from the book Mindset, amazing book.I can’t is usually a code word for, I am not willing to develop the skills, I am not willing I invest time, money in effort in becoming extraordinary.Develop through progressive mastery, which I similar to what Anders Erickson calls deliberate practice, you focus on improving a specific area of your mastery and you pound on that.
for example, Tiger Woods doesn’t just hit the ball 300 times in practice, he hits the ball with the goal of putting it at 1 meter from the flag……
“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone”
-Pablo Picasso-
- High Performance habit #5, Develop influence
here involves 3 processes or sub habits,
Teach people how to think. Evaluate on how you want people to think about themselves, other people, and the world at large. Then communicate that consistently. You can shape peoples thinking by saying things like: what would happen if we try this? What do you think about this?
Or when someone deepest like an activity ask them how do they see themselves, what they think of themselves, when they perform this activity? And how to reframe their identity…
how can they think about themselves if they are going to win?You can also ask yourself these questions:
-how do you want them to think about themselves?
-How do you want them to think about other people?
-how do you want them to think about the world at large?2. Challenge People to Grow:
Observe peoples character, contributions, strengths and challenge them to develop those things even further. You can ask them:
how could you serve with higher excellence than what you are doing now? How can you contribute more?
how would your best self approach this situation?
-looking back do you feel you gave it all?
-are you bringing the best is this situation?3. Role Model the way:
High performers want to be a role model for others. You can ask,
How can you handle this situation in a way that will inspire others to believe in themselves?
Demonstrate specific behaviors so that others will emulate that exact behavior, which will help us move towards a specific results.
If you want to influence more ask people questions, especially important questions about themselves, their lives, business….
Ask for what you want, a lot of people struggle because of this, they don’t ask for what they want, so people don’t know. Studies show that If people do something to help you, they tend to like you more after they have done that to help you. People help support what they create.
Demonstrate sincere appreciation for those you seek to influence. When you show up with genuine praise, respect and appreciation, you stand out. Be grateful for people, just by giving thanks you have more probabilities of being help in the future.
List 2 people who influence you inn a positive way
1. What specifically made them so influential to you?
2. What was the greatest lesson each person taught you?
3. What values and traits did they inspire you to embody in your own life?
- High Performance habit #6: Develop Courage
Remember this, the more you do something, the better you become at it, the more confidence you gain and the less fear you feel. Until it becomes second nature, easy, automatic and exciting. That is why you must act your way to success by showing courage in action. As with all the emotions courage is contagious, like envy, or any other.Imagine your future self 10 years from now, stronger, more powerful, more courageous, than you imagined yourself to be, what courageous action would this future self advise you to take?
Here we have three sub habits
1. Honor the struggle
The struggle is necessary to create and achieve what I want and create a better future for myself.
When you are on a mission, and you have the opportunity to serve you don’t complain about the effort involved or the process. It’s part of the game.
The struggle which is usually present in every important goal and ambition you may have is part of creating something valuable and learning important lessons along the way. Have reverence for the challenge. The struggle is what makes the achievement so valuable.
Remember this, the more you do something, the better you become t it, the more confidence you gain and the less fear you feel. Until it becomes second nature, easy, automatic and exciting.
“Success is giving 100 percent of your effort, body, mind and soul to the struggle” –John Wooden-
2. Share your truths and ambitions
consistently share your true truths, feelings, needs and dreams with other people. Live your truth. Do not pay small to make other people happy. Be yourself; honor your dreams and your values.
3. Find someone to fight for:
What’s fascinating is that you will tend to do more for others than you would just for yourself. You need a noble cause to rise for. High performers tend to make that cause for one person.
1. Master transitions, relax, set intentions, and move every hour.
2. Describe situations and your ideal self how would do it.
3. create mental Triggers,
for example you can set the alarm at different times during the day to remind you to be thankful, or every time you go through a door to feel great, whatever you decide. I do 7 times deep breathing dring the day.
4. People who set up goals and regularly monitor those goals are 2.5 more likely to achieve those goals. They are more motivated and develop better plans but putting goals and monitoring them. Monitoring progress is as important as setting goals. If you don’t self monitor you will be less consistent and will advance more slowly. Set standards and self monitor those standards are critical. Decades of research prove that people who put specific and challenging goals outperform those who place vague and non challenging goals.
5. By the way, don’t keep your goals for yourself, share with people, the more the better. This is a major distinction about high performers and under performers, under don’t share their goals or their whys. This is a necessary practice and it allows people to help and support you. Forget about negative people or criticism, there will always be there. Also, it creates SOCIAL PREASSURE. This is critical. If I say I am going to do something and I don’t do it I loss value, I am on the spot to create and do what I say. VOICE YOUR DREMS. Every day share a little more with people.
- This is a critical distinction for coaches, managers, CEOs, professional athletes, just about everyone. First is to decide what output should their clients be creating, the most important ones. Then reorient their whole schedules towards creating that output, as quickly as possible. It should be about 60% of their time in that task, n the prolific quality output. Producing real things that you are proud of.
7. I can’t is usually a code word for, I am not willing to develop the skills, I am not willing I invest time, money in effort in becoming extraordinary - Ask for what you want, a lot of people struggle because of this, they don’t ask for what they want, so people don’t know. Studies show that If people do something to help you, they tend to like you more after they have done that to help you. People help support what they create.
9. Demonstrate sincere appreciation for those you seek to influence. When you show up with genuine praise, respect and appreciation, you stand out. Be grateful for people, just by giving thanks you have more probabilities of being help in the future. One step further beyond appreciations to be a champion for them, find out their passionate about and cheer on their ideas and dreams. - ask about role models,
List 2 people who influence you inn a positive way
1. What specifically made them so influential to you?
2. What was the greatest lesson each person taught you?
3. What values and traits did they inspire you to embody in your own life?
11. Remember this, the more you do something, the better you become at it, the more confidence you gain and the less fear you feel. Until it becomes second nature, easy, automatic and exciting. That is why you must act your way to success by showing courage in action. As with all the emotions courage is contagious, like envy, or any other.
1. Not only about goals, dreams, and plans, the future also should be focus on the person you want to become, and the feeling you want to feel.
What type of person you want to become?
- When you are fighting, and feel depleted, you don’t think about the future. You are just trying to survive.
3. When someone becomes disconnected from their future and their contribution to it, they underperform.
4. Difference between emotions and feelings. Emotions tend to be more instinctive, reactionary, a feeling refer more to a mental portrayal of an emotion. It’s not a precise definition here.
5. People who set up goals and regularly monitor those goals are 2.5 more likely to achieve those goals. They are more motivated and develop better plans but putting goals and monitoring them. Monitoring progress is as important as setting goals. If you don’t self monitor you will be less consistent and will advance more slowly. Set standards and self monitor those standards are critical.
6. High Performers succeed over the long term because they have the courage to expect something great from themselves and their lives.
7. What we are capable as human beings is remarkable, and what we will attempt is constrain only by our beliefs
8.Its helpful to organize life into 10 distinct categories, Health, Family, friends, intimate relationships, hobby, spirituality, mission/work, finances, adventure and emotion. And write your goals in these 10 categories. And measure them, if you are not measuring them how do you if you are making progress.
9. Some great slogans to live by:
Be honest. Be yourself. Do your Best. Treat people with respect. Be a good citizen. Follow your dreams. Believe in yourself and your future.
10. Don’t let people criticisms sway you from your convictions. If you believe in your dream, stay on your path. Do not play small. Don’t feel guilty because you have high aims. Those dreams were seeded in yourself for a reason and it’s your duty to honor them. Holding back is not humility but lying to yourself. It’s the lack of your voice that is building the barricade to your potential. Share more and you will have more support in your life. VOICE YOUR DREAMS.
10. We will do more for others than for ourselves. And in doing something for others we find our reason courage, and our cause for focus and excellence.
1. Describe in the last two weeks different situations, with your spouse, work, ….now describe how would your ideal self do these things…….
Give three words to describe this ideal self
2. What three skills are working on the will be more successful and achieve more? Look into the future, identify key skills, and obsessively develop those skills.
Summary of this part:
1. 3 words that describe my ideal self?
2. 3 words that define how I want to treat others?
3. 3 skills I want to develop fully?
4. 3 simple ways I can add more value to those around me?
5. The main feeling I want to feel in my life?
6. Things I can d to create more meaning in my life?
What will provide most value to those you serve?
How can I serve with excellence?
How can I serve in unique ways?
What do I want to feel today? What feeling do I want to feel in X situation?
What activities do bring me the most meaning in my life?
Who need my A game the most right now?
Did I perform with excellence today? Did I live up to my values and expectations by giving my best today?
What thing could I do today that is going to advance me the most in my career or business? What thing can I create today that will be remember in 10 years from now?
9. If you had to choose 5 moves to make your goal happen what would they be?
1. What is a norm, in what country? When ? for whom? Regarding what?
WORDS important
Consistently exceed your standards, your expectations and your results.
Consistentemente excede tus estándares, tus expectativas y tus resultados
my Word:
massive, persistent, focus, meaningful action MPFMA
Living in congruence with the best of who you are is one of the primary motivations of humankind.
vivir en congruencia con lo mejor de lo que eres es una de las altas motivaciones del ser humano…
A teacher affects eternity. –Henry Adams-
“Success is giving 100 percent of your effort, body, mind and soul to the struggle” –John Wooden-
Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
William Faulkner
Ecstasy is a full, deep involvement in life.
-John Lovell
Whatever I have tried to do in life,
I have tried with all my heart to do it well,
whatever I have devoted myself to,
I have devoted myself to completely
-Charles Dickens-
The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen fled of endeavor
-Vince Lombardi
“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone”
-Pablo Picasso-
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
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