The Prosperous Coach by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler, Turbomind Book Summary by Tylor Jones
You can visit Rich Litvin site:
and Steve Chandler:
Ok today we have in TURBOMIND BOOOK CLUB, a book on coaching, and by the way, it’s one of my favorite books, as a matter of fact is one of the three best books I have read on coaching excellence.
Another book i like is “The Coaching Habit” , you can read it here,
I am a coach who loves coaching and who wants to get really good at it. I want to be the best. I am committed to always keep improving and getting better.
And reading and studying the best coaches in the world. So, I don’t get this summary from a business summary service, I read, not only read, I study these material.
This book is not so much as it teaches you how to coach, but it teaches you about how to make your coaching business successful. You might be an excellent coach but a horrible list builder.
80% of the coaches struggling, they are making less than minimum salary, 80%, so and most of them is not because they are bad coaches, is just they haven’t learn how to market themselves.
This book tries to teach you exactly this. How to make your coaching business successful. How to go from good to great.
As with any profession, you not only need to be great at what you do, but also great at marketing and selling your services.
You see in so many professions is the same. Great professional with no money.
By the way, it’s fascinating the world of HIGH END COACHING. It’s almost like secret society. Is amazing how high end coaching goes around $150.000 a year up, with full payment advance at one shot. That is the world of high end professional coaching. And that’s the world I am entering starting today.
Be fearless n your coaching.
Show you R clients what they cannot see.
Say to your clients what no one else would dare to say.
And you will have all the clients you desire.
The key is to build deep, meaning connections that lead to referrals and clients.
The two fears that coaches have are, one on side they try to please clients, instead of give them powerful service. And then the fear of selling and enrolling clients.
This book is for coaches who want to be WORLD CLASS. Remember; every time you coach you change the world.
If you are a coach, you WANT TO BE as good as a coach as an enroller. The key of a successful coaching practice is to master the client acquisition process.
The question is who do I sell without being afraid? And also, how do I get new clients? That’s the two questions in every coach head.
Most coaches give up. They are money fear, and tend to confuse service with personal worthiness.
The average coach is making less than minimum wage.
A great coach changes clients view from one based on fear to one based on possibility.
When you are a PRO Coach, you are in the MIRACLE business.
In the deep coaching session clients share their dreams, their bigger purpose, their fears, deep motivations, life mission, You ask the why being the goal, and keep asking and asking. You dig deeper. What BIG CONTRIBUTION YOU WANT TOO MAKE IN THE WORLD?
The power of sharing your mission with the world.
The most important thing you can do in coaching is to help your clients become more successful and help them achieve their dreams.
The key is to help your clients see the world differently, when you do, they become more successful. They create results and reach goals that looked impossible before, ad that is a miracle.
Another key point in the book is the suggestion not to go to lunch, or a chat, instead focus on offering deep coaching conversations for free so the clients can really experience your transformative coaching.
Most coaches spend too much time posting on social media, developing their web sites and lots of different things when the most important action is to build your client list, offering deep coaching sessions.
The coaching profession has two problems, one is very easy to entry and the other it has a high bar for success.
There are three levels of engagement in coaching
- PRO COACH, makes primary living through coaching, a good living comparable to a doctor.
- Part time coach: has another primary vocation, but charges a good fee for coaching.
- Personal growth coach: has received the training as a coach but doesn’t do it professionally.
Good coaching can help anyone you interact with.
Some of the top coaches make high six and even seven figure incomes from coaching.
The key to remember is that your clients are paying for their dreams and their dreams are priceless.
The struggling coach usually is afraid to ask for fees for coaching. They prefer to wait until everything is perfect.
The pro coach loves coaching as well as the business part of coaching.
He understands that being uncomfortable is the only way to grow.
You must create powerful agreements to make sure your clients don’t miss a session or are late for one.
As Rich states, “The pro coach understands there is no such a thing as a high paying client. Your fees are just a filter for the client you would love to coach”
The pro coach also hires the best coaches to help him improve and achieve his dreams. He understands and believes in the power of coaching.
The pro coach believes that confidence is the results of taking action, and is not a requirement to take action.
“Safety is the enemy of success. Be proud of your mistakes. Take a risk. Fail spectacularly. And then go out and fail more”.
The Prosperous Coach
50% to become a successful prosperous coach is by creating clients. You need to love this part of coaching if you want to be successful. Slow down your conversations.
Rich states that now his coaching plan is to meet fun and interesting people. His attention is on building relationships and coaching people and making bold proposals. Hi enrolls his clients by coaching them.
Lead you clients powerfully, challenge them how they see the world.
You need to consider and create the lifestyle you would like to have.
Who are your dream clients? Where would you love to be coaching?
People don’t pay you what they decide your coaching is, they pay you for what you decide what your coaching is worth. How much you decide now your coaching is worth?
To be successful as a coach, you need to master three areas,
- Master the area of creating clients, to be highly successful you need to love this area as much as you love coaching people.
- Become a FEARLESS COACH, which means to lead your clients in the most powerful way possible.
- You need to work on yourself, to do deep inner work so you can see your own blind spots.
It’s not about getting clients or even attracting clients. A high performing, high paying client is created in an impactful, life changing coaching conversations.
Coaches can create a super successful practice with a few high performing, high paying clients a year.
And for this they don’t need a website, business cards, go to networking events or any of the traditional marketing. The formula Steve and Rich teach doesn’t involved marketing.
It’s based on relationship at a time, honoring the person.
Rich now coaches three days a week, have 5 clients, zero marketing dollars and takes two months vacation a year.
Put your focus on people and relationships instead of money and attracting clients and you will see incredible results. GET A COACH.
Some necessary disciplines to be a great prosperous coach
- Sell the experience, not the concept.
- Use deep coaching conversations
- Keep a success list, use certainty versus belief.
- Share stories and case stories.
- Find the goal behind the clients goal.
- Stay with their wants versus your needs.
- The lamp post metaphor, even if you do one thing, just listen to them as a lamp would do.
- Maintain innocence in getting your yes or not. Yes lives in the land of no.
- Be the leader. Direct the action.
- Slow down, forget about to do list and focus on who is next.
- Get a coach.
- Leave the conversation in a context of possibility not affordability.
- Limiting creates value; choose your clients very well.
- Do not surrender your power; be constantly aware of role reversal.
- Be great at what you do, not just good. Growth as a coach, read books, watch movies, etc.
Have your day about the conversations you are going to have, schedule conversations. All coaching agreements start at a conversation.
Get a long description of your client’s DEFAULT future. If you were doing doing coaching today, what would be the default future?
What is the downside of this default future?
Is this something you would like to do? Direct the action at the closing. Show leadership.
Say something like this at the closing,
OK, so we are ready to start, Open your calendar so we can put our first session on it. What is a good date for you? Ok you can pay as a wire transfer, credit card, or paypal. Any questions? Ok I look forward to this.
It’s a great service to direct people when they want your caching.
At the end of the coaching conversation always end on possibility,
so, going back, what was your dream? Ideal lifestyle?
What would be possible if we work together?
What do you want?
what do you what to change?
why don’t you have it now?
If you can tell me why is not in your life now, we can create a plan to have it in your life, would the results be worth that investment?
Limit your availability. This is very important strategy. You can take only some clients per week.
You choose clients based on their coach ability, not the other way around.
Make a conscious effort to get better as a coach every single day. Coaching is really good for people. Coaching is not therapy, you try to find, coaching is about results, about make it happen.
Therapy is about the past, try to heal, coaching is about the future and how to create an extraordinary future. Is about creating a different future that you would have arrived by default if you had no coach.
Some interesting questions to ask anyone you are interested in coaching:
- How is your business?
- What are you up to?
- What’s your next big project?
- What is your biggest challenge?
- You need help with that?
If you can help people get what they really really really want, they will find a way to become your clients. People don’t care what you have to offer, about your certifications, about your degrees, they only care if you can help them achieve their goals and dreams. That’s all they care. The only question is if you can help your clients dive deeper into the question, what do you really really want?. Help them develop an inspiring vision.
Be able to create coaching MAGIC with every one you spend time with, because they will do whatever it takes to experience more of it.
Dot wait until 100% readiness, go and start now. Risk messing up.
Most coaches are so afraid that don’t make a proposal. They get so blog into logistics and packages, etc.
You can have an offer like this:
I only work for a minimum of six months with a specific client. It’s a onetime fee up front. You will be $12.000 for 6 months of coaching, $22000 for one year of coaching.
You can be selective and tell a potential clients something like:
lets slow down and find out we are a great fit together. I have 5 considerations for anyone to work with. The must be inspiring, have an inspiring mission, the must or be ready to make a big impact in the world, they must be fun and bring along a challenge. And the most important, they must understand the power of commitment.
Would you like to know a little more how we work together?
Also you can tell something like this: I love coaching so much that I have several coaches. I love having someone hold me accountable for a bigger vision.
Serve your clients so powerfully that they never stop talking abut you.
Falling is not the problem. Failing is how you get there.
Stop wanting things and start engaging inn the process of creating them.
Coaching gives clients a secret weapon, a competitive edge. Coaching is for people who want to reach their higher calling. Coaching expands your world.
You need to practice the disciplines to become successful. There are no secrets or tips, there are disciplines.
Potential clients are all around you.
Different levels of coaches
- Student is learning to become a coach.
- A beginner, you coaches regularly. You have coach at least 50 people.
- A Novice, get paid regularly for coaching, have at least 10 paid clients.
- A competetent, you can cover your monthly expenses with your coaching practice.
- A Virtuoso you can create clients whenever you desire.
- A Mastery, you can take extended vacations and create income while you sleep.
Magic is someone spending more time on something than anyone else might reasonably expected. Teller
Fearless coaching is magical in its impact, results are produced.
Some tips on the coaching session (that I like):
- Be bold. You are not there to be their friend. You are there to help them achieve their dreams. It doesn’t matter who yur client is or what they have achieved, they are paying you to be willing to be one of the few people in the world who is willing to say the things no else will.
- Ask this question: Who can I serve so powerfully that they never forget our conversation for the rest of their lives?
When you serve people this way you will become an extraordinary coach.
I would like to add another question here, once you have the client in front, you can ask yourself, HOW can I serve so powerfully that they never forget our conversation for the rest of their lives? - SEE THE GLIMPSE OF GENIUS. Believe in your client even when they don’t believe in them.
- Be ok with silence.
- Pay attention to the words your clients use.
- Lead powerfully.
- Come from your higher calling.
- Seek permission. Is it ok if I ask you a question about that?
- Get clear that coaching creates miracles. Let you client know that. Increase expectations will help both of you.
- Invest in yourself
- Be you.
- Be willing to fail.
- Use your intuition
- Learn to love NOs, eventually they will lead to yeses.
Coaching is not about information, it’s about transformation.
Do one thing every day that scares you. Eleanor Roosevel.
Usually the more that clients commit, the more they achieved because they are fully engaged. You have to challenge them to make a big commitment to sign up with you.
The biggest Mistakes coaches make is that they place their own fears and needs ahead of the prospects; they don’t honor the person they are selling to. They don’t enter the potential client and try to solve their problems.
You are not getting paid by the hour; you are getting paid to get results, to help your clients achieve their dreams and desires. You are charging your clients for the breakthrough they are trying to achieve. You are getting paid to change the default future they would have without your coaching.
If you can dream it, you can do it. Walt Disney
What are your coaching goals?
Do your coaching personalize to your clients need and desires.
Both Steve and Rich Litvin coach other coaches to become more successful and be high end coaches.
AS Rich states, one of his apprentices signed his first $50.000 client within the first month they start working together. He billed over $400.000 while working with Rich. He signed his first three $50.000 clients and then his first $100.000. The most interesting thing is that he doesn’t even have a web site or business cards. Amazing, he?
By the way, coaching IS NOT FRIENDLY CHATTING. Many people get confused with the term. Coaching is transformation, commitment, achievement, accountability.
Every one needs a coach. Erick Schmidt, CEO of Google
Coaching can result in return of six times investment.
“Your clients want you to lead because it gives them permission to lead in their own lives. Do not be afraid of stepping into your power as a coach”.
Steve Chandler. The Prosperous Coach.
Focus completely on total service.
You can provide extra service by
1. Emailing an article
2. Call to check in with them.
3. You offer them a coaching review session as an ex-client.
Ask yourself, who would you love to coach?
Exponential growth seems like nothing is happening and then suddenly you get this explosion at the end. Ray Kurzweil
3o minutes intro sessions is an unlikely way for you to create long year clients. It’s more likely to create short several month clients.
Free instant confidence sessions? What is this
To live an exponential life, you have to be willing to do things differently and be open to the possibility that everything you want is closer than you think.
Rich Litvin. The Prosperous Coach.
Ask yourself on a daily basis, which of these tasks I have to do will bring me wealth, will put income in my bottom line?
Ask clients about their dreams but also ask them to make their dreams much bigger, to see what they come up with.
You don’t need a coach. You want a coach.
Money is a sign of the impact you are having in the world. Is the result of the impact you are having in the world. Money is most perfect expression of your creativity. Increase your proposals and the money will follow.
The coaches that don’t make it they don’t have a routine.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
Record your success. Have a success diary that you can record your successes, achievements and great moments. Fill it up with those.
Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can.
Don’t ask what he world needs, ask what makes you come alive, and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
Howard Thurman
Be you. The more you you become the fun you will have I your life. Don’t try to imitate other successful coaches.
There is only one of you in 6.5 billion people. You are a rare commodity.
MIRACLE: An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers.
Phrases I love from this book,
It’s lonely at the top. 99% of people in the world are convinced they can’t do great things, so they aim for mediocre. Tim Ferriss.
- Overcome the notion that you must be regular. It robs you of the chance to be extraordinary. Uta Hagen.
- Be ready to do the impossible.
- great Russian spiritual teacher Gurdjieff said, “If you help others, you will be helped. Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in a hundred years, but you will be helped. Nature must pay off the debt. It is a mathematical law and all life is mathematica“
- “Si tú ayudas a otra persona, serás ayudado. Tal vez mañana o tal vez en 100 anos, pero serás ayudado. La naturaleza debe pagar la deuda. Es una ley matemática, y el universo funciona con leyes matemáticas. Siempre que ayudas a alguien, serás ayudado”
Gurdjieff, Líder Espiritual Ruso - Every time you coach you CHANGE the world.
- Coaching helps you go from good to great
- This book is for coaches who want to be WORLD CLASS.
- A great coach changes clients view from one based on fear to one based on possibility.
- Show you clients what they cannot see.
Say to your clients what no one else would dare to say.
And you will have all the clients you desire - The hell with circumstances. I create opportunities. Bruce Lee
- The most important thing you can do in coaching is to help your clients become more successful and help them achieve their dreams
- Your clients are paying for their dreams and their dreams are priceless.
- confidence is the results of taking action, and is not a requirement to take action
- It’s not about getting clients or even attracting clients. A high performing, high paying client is created in an impactful, life changing coaching conversations
- The majority is almost always wrong. Earl Nightingale
- Put your focus on people and relationships instead of money and attracting clients and you will see incredible results. GET A COACH
- Get clear that coaching creates miracles. Let you client know that. Increase expectations will help both of you.
- Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
- To live an exponential life, you have to be willing to do things differently and be open to the possibility that everything you want is closer than you think.
Rich Litvin. The Prosperous Coach.
- Build your client list, this is the number one activity
- See, this is what happens most coaches take a certification, they are excited, become coaches and they start coaching for free to friends, family, etc , low fees, become desperate and stop coaching, but they could become extraordinary coaches, but they stop. You must stay in the game
- Be fearless in how you create clients.
Stay in the game. 80% of coaches they earn less than 20.000 a month, same as a flight attendant. They are not successful.
- By invitation and referral only.
- Do one deep coaching session, 2 hour deep session, as the best way to sell your service.
- You work with committed clients that want to achieve something extraordinary, make a difference
- ALWAYS end up the call with the highest possibility for your clients, with the client doing the describing of the highest possibility
- Every time you coach you CHANGE the world
- Show their clients what they cannot see,
Say to your clients what no one else would dare to say - This is for coaches who want to be world class.
- Your clients are paying for their dreams and their dreams are priceless.
Yu are not getting paid for hour, you are getting paid for results. - What is your BIG DEAM? What do you thinks is holding you back right now?
what are your fears? What are your pains? - Coaching helps you go from good to great
- If you can help your clients get what they really really want they will find a way to become your clients.
- The real magic is whether you are willing to help your clients dive deeper than they have ever gone with the question what do you really really want?
- You don’t need your clients, your clients need you.
- You don’t attract clients, you don’t get clients, you create clients, I like this concept. Its fearless coaching. You need to become a great enroller as a coach, for your clients sake and your own sake.
- A great coach changes clients view from one based on fear to one based on possibility.
- Who would be your ideal client? Who would you love to coach?
- Show you R clients what they cannot see.
Say to your clients what no one else would dare to say.
And you will have all the clients you desire - The most important thing you can do in coaching is to help your clients become more successful and help them achieve their dreams
- He understands that being uncomfortable is the only way to grow.
- You must create powerful agreements to make sure your clients don’t miss a session or are late for one
- It’s not about getting clients or even attracting clients. A high performing, high paying client is created in an impactful, life changing coaching conversations
- Put your focus on people and relationships instead of money and attracting clients and you will see incredible results. GET A COACH
- Get clear that coaching creates miracles. Let you client know that. Increase expectations will help both of you.
- To live an exponential life, you have to be willing to do things differently and be open to the possibility that everything you want is closer than you think.
Rich Litvin. The Prosperous Coach.
and this is how i undertand the process of a prosperous coach,
SECUENCE for successful coaching business
- Offer a deep coaching session for free, in this session you go deep into the question: what do you really really really want? As well as their dreams, desires, fears, believes etc.
This is about a 2 hour session. The only way to be able to have this session is by invitation or referral. Most of your time as a new coach needs to be spent in here, having deep coaching conversations with potential clients, not doing web sites, or business cards, or marketing, but “Deep coaching conversations”
The goal is to create a session that will be remembered for a lifetime. A session with massive impact.
End up the coaching session ALWAYS with your client’s highest possibility for their lives, not any money issues. - Sign up clients for at least 6 moths of coaching contract, onetime payment fee up front. Make a written agreement. When you go into really high end coaching it’s usually a one year coaching agreement paid in full at the start. Challenge them to make a big commitment to sign up with you.
- Use most of your time having deep coaching conversations with potential clients, become really good at this. Ask yourself: Who can I serve today?
- Be very selective with your clients. Coach only truly committed people who are committed to their dreams and making a difference in the world.
- Ask for high fees. The bigger the fee the bigger the commitment
by your clients. Have few high paying clients that are absolutely committed to achieving their dreams and impacting the world.
Remember, you are NOT getting paid for coaching; you are getting paid for RESULTS. Your client’s dreams are priceless. Some high end coaching fees are $100.000 all the way to a million. - Use most of your time building your clients list regardless of your clients situation or the number of clients you have now.
- Keep having deep coaching conversations and getting better and better.
- How much would you start charging for a new coach?
- What’s the minimum coaching contract time frame do you recommend?
- How do you make the increment in asking fees?
- Do you have a standard contract agreement you can provide?
- What are the highest paid yearly fees for coaching that you know off?
- Do you always charge one year in advance?
- Free instant confidence sessions? What is this?
So, in summary, an extraordinary book on being successful as a coach, as a PRO COACH. It is one of the best five books available on coaching.
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
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