Complaining takes you nowhere, Turbomind Poweridea #58
The more you complain about, the more things you will have to complain.
The more grateful you are, the more things you will have to be grateful for. It’s like a spiral.

This is a universal truth because what you focus on, tends to expand..

People who complain about everything tend to be the ones who go from one drama to the other. It’s a continuous of drama hits.

Take out complaining for one week. See the results.

Focus on the positive. Focus on solving things and improving situations.

Ask yourself something like this…..

How can I dramatically and easily improve this situation?

By Miguel De La Fuente, founder of Turbomind, and Turbomind Coaching Academy. Contact him at 507-62463797 or Skype ; Turbomind1, for an Transformational introductory coaching session.



Complaining takes you nowhere, Turbomind Poweridea #58
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