10 things I learnt from the “Power of relentless”, by BY WAYNE ALLYN ROOT, 7 secrets to achieving mega success, financial freedom, and the life of your dreams
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
This is another of my favorite inspirational books to read over and over. This type of book you want to have it nearby, as inspiration, motivation and to remind yourself that an with extraordinary commitment anything is possible.
If you are trying to achieve something extraordinary, something amazing, to break records, do something really difficult, this book is for you. I recommend you read it fully, more than one time.
I don’t care what you are trying to achieve, the universe will test your resolution over and over and over and you will have to earn that big achievement you are looking for.
The most successful people in the world are relentless; they don’t stop until they get what they want. They are flexible in their approach but committed in the results.
The 10-Most important things I learnt from this book:
I don’t care what you want to achieve or make a reality in your life, what Big goal you want to realize, you will encounter unlimited amounts of obstacles, problems, and difficult situations. This comes with the territory. The bigger the goal the bigger the challenges. So, the challenges, problems and difficulties are part of the equation, so basically you better welcome and be ready for them.What is the secret to extraordinary achievement and success? Well, the answer is called relentless. It’s refusing to give up. It’s giving your very best. It means not stopping until you get what you want.
Your results depend on you, on your actions and your relentless level. The results you will achieve in your life will depend on your relentless level, how determined are you to make your dreams come true. It’s not your ability, it’s not even your talents, it’s more your determination, commitment, ferociousness to make them real. With boldness, determination, commitment, and relentless almost anything is possible.
How intense is your relentless level?
How determine are you to manifest something truly exceptional? How committed are you to overcome your hardest and biggest obstacles, regardless what it is, to disregard any negative comments, over and over, to continue your path and effort to create your ultimate life?
Erase the word “Impossible” from your dictionary, truly relentless people make the impossible possible.
- Positive thinking is great, healthy, but it’s not enough if you want to achieve the unachievable. It’s not enough to achieve incredible things. The missing link is RELENTLESS ACTION. Three of the most successful books of all time in the personal development category are: Think and grow rich, The Power of Positive Thinking and The Secret. The missing link of these books is the power of relentless.
Positive thinking plus relentless commitment to act equals exceptional achievements.
The missing ingredient after positive thinking to overcome real world obstacles and challenges is the power of relentless.
Relentless people are simply unstoppable, they simply don’t stop, they create miracles, make the impossible possible, are ready for any challenge, and move mountains. They are always looking for the knockout punch that makes them champion.
- Some important principles to become a relentless person are:
1. Relentless heart
2. Relentless Grit
It’s the grit, staying power, stick-to-it-iveness, aggressive action, intrepidity, perseverance, the ability to bounce back from failure, relentless chutzpah
3. Relentless ambition and Goal Setting, average attainable goals are boring
4. relentless preparation
5. relentless Branding
6. Storytelling, video is the best way to tell stories, its huge leverage. It’s the future of human communication. One video can have a massive impact on your career, and even change your entire life. “The secret”, which top over $300 million started as a video, a documentary, then it became available on DVD then as a book. The video because massively popular. Everything for The Secret started as a video.
It is the ultimate test for a relentless person. Ware your obstacles down. Without constant aggressive action your biggest dreams will not become reality. Take aggressive (not violent) action in the direction of your biggest dreams and desires
Always be selling (ABS). Always be promoting (ABP). Some people think that when they are selling or promoting themselves they are lowering themselves down, when the reality is the opposite.
Promote yourself endlessly, unlimited, tire people down. Keep banging the door with a hammer and a chain-saw.- RELENTLESS NETWORKING
Never stop networking, every person you meet, add them to your list and network, make them your friend, and remember their names. Make an effort to meet new people constantly, expand your friends, your groups, your contacts.
Why do I always have to be on the attack? Out of sight out of mind.
There is no such thing as reminding people too often. Work repetition the same way advertiser do, or politicians with relentless radio and TV advertising when they are campaigning, sometimes repeating the same add thousands of times
Promote relentlessly the same as politicians, advertisers, Coca-Cola, Viagra, Mercedes or BMW. They never stop advertising or promoting even though they sell billion a year.
- Relentless follow up too.
You got to be hungry and relentless, especially in the follow up.
In every industry there is very little follow up, and that’s where the big money is, in the follow up. If you relentlessly follow up you easily increase your sales.
Companies invest a lot of money in trying to get new clients and then forget or disregard following up with the leads they already have. The big money in sales is in the follow up.
You need relentless OPTIMISM to seize every opportunity that comes along and could potentially change your life.
In a study done by Dukes school of business, the number one trait for successful executives was optimism, and not regular optimism but over the roof optimism. Practice optimism, make an effort the positive side of things. Negative thinking will destroy your life.
The most successful executives and people in our society are risk takers. Their optimism and faith gives them the energy and courage to take risks. The greatest risk takers entrepreneurs are usually the most successful ones.
- Excellent Suggestions step by Wayne,
- Find your passion and purpose. This is something can change or adapt along life.
- Map out your goals. Short term goal are 6 months to a year and long term ones are 2 to 5 years.
- Create a dream book or vision board. Choose images that represent what you want and excite you. You can create a dream photo album, or vision board. You can do it on your computer, cell phone or the wall. In my case, I prefer to use the three of them, cell phone, computer and wall.
- Create a contract with yourself. I like this technique also; I use it in my life. You write a contract with yourself stating what you will do and not do, what you want to attain. In the contract detail the specific steps you will take to achieve these goals.
- Write your obituary. How do you want to be remembered when you are gone? Write it down.
- Write a Diary where you keep all the memories, achievements, mistakes, etc.
Personally, I also like to do this journal in the form of video, instead of having to write, I prefer to do a video, a video can be much more empowering that just write something. I like to do a V-Diary, or a Video Diary. As a matter of fact, we at turbomind.com we are working on a Video diary software and online app right now. - Make a daily hit list. With the most important things you want to do and make happen.
- Choose an accountability partner. This is like a coach, but more like a buddy coach. You create a team with someone else that or will meet once a week, personally or virtually and you will support each other in achieving your greatest dreams and desires.
- Find a mentor.
- Find a business school.
- Keep a progress and reward chart.
- Follow up on our goals.
Go to turboday.com and download turboday total success diary app, this app will help you become more successful, more productive and happier than ever before. Probably thebest 10 minute investment you can do. It’s absolutely free.
Also call me for a TotalSuccess coaching session to develop a crystal clear vision for your life and the commitment to follow through, basically to take your life to the next level.
You can donate inspirational accessories at turbmind.com.
Quotes that I love:
- Positive thinking plus relentless commitment to act equals exceptional achievements.
- The missing ingredient after positive thinking to overcome real world obstacles and challenges is the power of relentless.
- What happens when you hear NO several times a day?
- NO” is just the start of the negotiation. “NO” means you are one step closer to hearing a “YES” that will change your life.
- Be willing to do what no one else wants or is willing to do.
- Without constant aggressive action your biggest dreams will not become reality
Think and grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
The Law of success, Napoleon Hill
The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale
Enthusiasm makes the difference, Norman Vincent Peale
The Secret, Ronda Byrne
Billy Graham, Just as I am, by Billy Graham
How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie
The art of war by Sun Tsu
The magic of thinking Big, by David Schwarz
The secrets of closing the sale, by Zig Ziglar
The greatest salesman in the world, by Og Mandino
Long walk to freedom, Nelson Mandela
Running scared, the life and treacherous times of Las Vegas Casino King Steve Wynn by John L. Smith
Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand
Churchill on Leadership, by Steven Haywad
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
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