What is you cause?Find your cause, Turbomind Poweridea #81
What would you be willing to die for?
Yes, is kind of a dramatic question but it’s a very important one. If you don’t know what you would be willing to die for, you haven’t found your sweet spot, meaning your cause, something that gives meaning to your life.
Life is not a succession of days with no real meaning. Life is about purpose, about making a difference, about something that has real value for you.
What would you give your life for?
what injustice would you like to help with?
By Miguel De La Fuente, founder of Turbomind, and Turbomind Coaching Academy. www.turbomind.com. Contact him at 507-62463797 or Skype ; Turbomind1, for an Transformational introductory coaching session.
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