Always Say something nice, Turbomind Poweridea #80

Always Say something nice, Turbomind Poweridea #80 This is an awesome habit to develop, always say something nice, and have a nice word for someone, recognize great things happening. If you can remember to start with something nice each conversation, it will create a huge positive impact in your relationships. Usually is the opposite. Naturally […]

Commit to excellenceTurbomind Poweridea #79

Commit to excellenceTurbomind Poweridea #79 Make a commitment to excellence in your life, to be the best you can be. Make a commitment to stand for your best, to innovate, to read, to learn, to constant improvement, make a commitment to shape up your life and revolutionize your world on a regular basis.   Stand […]

The Extreme Power of Small Actions.Turbomind Poweridea #78

The Extreme Power of Small Actions.Turbomind Poweridea #78 The other day I was talking t a friend who used to be a personal trainer, used to train, but she looked really out of shape. She hasn’t exercise for a long time. She looked a little frustrated with herself. I told her to start with the […]

Adversity makes you better

Adversity makes you better. Turbomind Poweridea #77 Do you like adverse situations? Do you like being really challenged by life? Most of us love safety and comfort. We don’t like so much being challenged. However, everything in nature serves a purpose. If you can use it, Adversity makes you so much better, so much stronger, […]

You are destined for greatness, Turbomind Poweridea #76

You are destined for greatness, Turbomind Poweridea #76 You were born as a genius. You came to this world as a genius. You are unique an extraordinary in your unique ways and you have something special to do in this world that no one can do as well as you. You are destined for greatness, […]

Aviod mediocrity at all cost, Turbomind Poweridea #75

Aviod mediocrity at all cost, Turbomind Poweridea #75 Mediocrity comes naturally, with the territory, excellence takes effort and commitment. It’s so easy to fall prey to a mediocre life; a life lived in an apparent safe place instead of taking the risk and dare great things. It all starts with your attitude. Do you want […]

The best get better, Turbomind Poweridea #73

The best get better, Turbomind Poweridea #73 The best in any field think differently. They just don’t go through  the movements, they make an effort to get better, to improve. The ones that are not the best tend to stay there, but the really great ones make a huge effort to get better. It’s about […]

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