What it takes to succeed? Turbomind Poweridea #44
It takes enormous discipline, determination, action to turn your vision into reality. Of course, all goals, visions and dreams are not the same.
But a big goal requires also a big commitment.
It also takes focus, sometimes laser focus until you make your business successful and then even more to take it to the next level.
I know it doesn’t sound sexy, but success more than ever takes a continuous effort to provide value for other people.
So here is the recipe for anything you want to achieve or make happen…
- Clear goals of what you want.
- A written and strong commitment that you read every single day.
- A plan, a strategy
- Focus on that goal, focus action….
- Being able to say NO to other opportunities that will derail you from the original goal and vision.
- A huge discipline to act on that plan and strategy.
- The determination to see it through and overcome the challenges that will appear along the way.
By Miguel De La Fuente, founder of Turbomind, and Turbomind Coaching Academy. www.turbomind.com. Contact him at 507-62463797 or Skype ; Turbomind1, for an Transformational introductory coaching session.
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