If You want to be Rich

If You want to be Rich find what everyone is doing and do the opposite. Robert Kiyosaki The majority is usually wrong. The majority of people live lives of quiet desperation. To achieve extraordinary levels of success and abundance you have to think different, you have to develop what experts call “critical thinking”.  Evaluate, observe, […]

I know that God wouldnt give me something I cannot handle. I just wish he wouldn´t trust me so much. Mother Teresa

I know that God wouldn’t give me something I cannot handle. I just wish he wouldn´t trust me so much. Mother Teresa I believe we all have a duty in this world, and it is our obligation to fulfill this personal duty. It is beyond goals and objectives into something more profound which is your […]

If Your Think in Positive terms you will get Positive Results.

If Your Think in Positive terms you will get Positive Results. If you think in negative terms you will get negative results. Norman Vincent Peale The secret to an extraordinary life is to have an extraordinary psychology. The secret to an extraordinary psychology is to have extraordinary thoughts. Make a commitment to be positively pro […]

Problems are a sign of Life

Problems are a sign of Life. The only ones who don’t have them are the ones in the cemetery Norman Vincent Peale One of my favorite books of all time is the one by Norma Vincent Peale, The Power of positive thinking. I read this book when I was about 13 years old. What a […]

I can Live for a month on one good compliment

The best food for someone is a sincere and honest compliment. By Miguel De La Fuente founder of Turbomind &Turbomind Coach. Do you have a dream you want to accomplish? We can help. Call 507-62463797 for a special introductory Coaching Session Post Views: 908

We are Bound to our Posture

We are Bound to our Posture like an oyster to its shell. Lift it, care for it. Plato A good posture is essential for good health, not only for physical side,  but also for the emotional and psychological part of it. A good posture helps you maintain healthier breathing patters. Its very hard to breathe […]

Most People Live in a Very Restricted Circle of their own Potential

Most People Live in a Very Restricted Circle of their own potential being. We all have reservoirs of Genius to draw upon, of which we do not dream. William James, Energies, 1899 This is one of my favorite quotes.  Most humans live in a very restricted place of their own potential. Make an effort to […]

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