Are you a coach, or want to be one?
do you want to become more successful in your life, more productive ad happier? Of curse we all do….
These are the 7 books every coach should read…
- Books every coach Must read,
Hi, these are the very best books I have read on coaching so far, I am a coach who is committed to become the best I can possibly be and to always keep learning and improving,
if you are a TRUE COACH you never stop learning and improving because once you do, you are left behind, the best of the best they never stop improving their coaching skills…..
80% of the coaches are not very successful themselves, earning less than 20.000 per year……if you want to be truly successful coaching you must read study and improve….
These books are a must if you want to become a coach or improve your coaching skills and knowledge,
If you want to be an exceptional coach these are some books you want to read and study, if you want to become really good at coaching one thing is for sure, you need to practice, learn and improve. You cannot be satisfied.
By the way I just created an exceptional app for daily coaching, for coaching yourself, becoming more productive, successful ad happier, its 10 minutes a day, TURBODAY TOTAL SUCCESS APP, 10 MINUTES A DAY TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE….into a high performer….
- High performance habits, brendon Burchard,
on number one place of all time of coaching books that I have read so far, and this list will expand and change every year….the undisputed champion of the world of coaching is…..
what is a high performance person? What habits does he she have?
one thing I like is….
distraction and interruption
Tell people about your goals, your dreams, your desires, tell people, the more you tel, especially people that can support you the better, the clearer and it will create social pressure to make them happen…
I am going to manifest, and marry the woman of my dreams this year…..have four kids and spend a life in love…..
-become your goals and dreams, understand them better
-help them become a reality
The prosperous coach by rich litvin, Richard Chandler,
- this is an exceptional book about how to build a successful coaching business practice….….How to become exceptionally successful with only a few coaching clients…..what do the most successful coaches in the world, its like the secret society of coaching…
-you can be a great coach but not havig a coaching practice
-80 don’t succeed
-good coches but don’t know howto develop a thriving coaching practice….
_how to have a successful practice with only a few clients
-secret sciety
- The coach habit, say less, ask more, and change the way you lead forever….Michael Bungay Stanier
very practical and great book about coaching essentials, how to coach in 10 minutes or less…..and how t do it every day all the time, coaching is not a onetime thing but an everyday thing….
one thing I like about the book….
ask more questions to lead people instead of telling them what to do….
the first question , whats on your mind? - The 3% man by Corey Wayne ,
dating and relationship secrets that only 3% of the world men know about being successful with woman, and it’s
this is a completely different approach to chasing women….its about letting women come to you…
what does a woman want n a man?
one thing I like about the book is that a woman loves a confident man, a man that goes for what he wants and that has a mission in his life….one that is his own man, doesn’t need approval to be his own man…
myserious a man…..and someone who is a challenge….
- The book of coaching for extraordinary coaches, Ajit Nawalkha, cofounder of mindvalley.
This is for coaches who want to make a difference in the world, and who is not satisfied to being good but wants to be great….a practical book….
a quote I like about this book is don’t start a business , start a mission and make it your business
being a great coach is about continues learning, continuous growth, - Double your income, Raymond Aaron
This is another great book about how to use the power of goal setting and life management tools to dramatically change your life for the better… think I like is about finding your mission, most people and coaches talk about your mission….. - Relentles by Tim Grover,
Tim has been the coach for some of the best athletes in the world, especially in the world of basketball, like Michel Jordan, Kove Bryan, etc….
this is basically a book about becoming the best at what you do….
This book is about discovering what you are truly capable of, getting results you never imagined, reaching the highest level of success and then going higher…..
Raising your standards means to become unstoppable, raise your level of excellence BEHOND ANYTHING YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY DONE.
And here are some others that really are fascinating and also a must read
- Get clients no, by Christian Mickelsen
extraordinary book on coaching even give you scripts…
the secret to a highly successful coaching business..
coaching is the most powerful force for change in the world…
- Become a coach, Mitch Matthews and David Nadler
short but powerful book you can read in half day….
This book is ala must if you are thinking about beomig a life coach, how much to charge etc…
- Gutsy glorious life coach, Lin Eleoff
what would be your ideal customer, who do you want to coach? - Coach anyone about anything , Germaine Porche and Jed Neiderer.
- Coaching for breakthrough success, Jack Canfield and Dr Peter Chee
By the way, one common thing i find out abou the most successful coaches in the world is that they don’t charge per hour, or if they do, it’s a specific session, they make their client make a long term commitment paymet in advance, say 6 months or more, usually 1 year, paid in full, no returns…
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
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