by Miguel de la fuente
24 Hour same day Coaching with Miguel, 507-62463797
Most because have many self limiting beliefs about being rich and all the negative associations with becoming rich…
Most people do not become rich because they haven’t made the decision to do so, and they haven’t followed it with a plan of action.
See any achievement starts with the belief that is possible to do it.
So if you don’t belief its possible for you to be rich, or you have a bunch of negative associations to being rich, there is no way you will become rich, in financial terms I mean.
Here a quote from Robert Kiyosaki,
Most People do not become rich because they are set in a way of thinking. They think there is only one way to do something.
Robert Kiyosaki
So the first thing in changing anything is awareness, ask yourself,
What is limiting me from living the abundant life I could be living?
Second question,
What empowering rich beliefs I could adopt to create the life I want?
Here an empowering one you can choose,
You have what it takes to achieve your greatest dreams and desires
The more people you serve, the richer you will become
You can also repeat affirmations intensively like,
I am rich. I am abundant. I am wealthy.
Remember, with intensity.
By Miguel De La Fuente, High Performance and Business Coach
Do you have Any Dream, Goal or Desire you Want to Achieve? I can Help you. I Help People Improve their Lives and Mindsets so they can Give their Greatest Work into the World.
Coaching with Miguel, (WhatsApp)507-62463797
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