Hi friends, this month´s Turbomind´s book of the month is
“Get Clients Today”, how to get a surge of new, high paying coaching clients today and every day, by Christian Mickelsen
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
Christian, (as he states in his book), is a leading authority on personal development and coaching. He is also the founder of IMPACT, the world’s leading association for personal coaches. He is on a mission to coach the world. As he says “My mission is to get the world coach”, a very noble mission.
So, Christian, not only is a coach but also coach trainer.
About the book….and what I have learned……
It’s basically a book on successful coaching practices, written for coaches, (and also independent professional) on how to get more clients.
Personally, I really like the book; he has great valuable information, that we, at turbomind, have started using. This is a excellent book, I highly recommend it.
It`s inspirational and educational material for anyone who wants to be a successful coach. At the end of the video we will put into practice what of his techniques. It´s called the red hot offer. Stay tuned.
The reality is that most coaches tend to struggle in their coaching practices, and it´s not because they are bad coaches but because they don’t know the business or marketing part of coaching.
How many artists do you know who are amazing artists, professionals but they struggle to sell their paintings?
Most of the ones i know are in this situation. Is this because they are not so great artists?
No, it’s because the don’t know the marketing and selling part of selling art. Same thing happens with coaching. Coaches who are great at coaching but not good at selling and negotiating their services.
This is an interesting concept and one which happens in most of professions.
And this is why I like Christian´s books, because it helps coaches become more successful.
By the way, let me straight something up. Right now, as i am writing this, I don’t know personally Christian or have used his services. I am only summarizing and talking about the book.
Maybe one day we will meet and I will interview him, which I would love to do, by the way, (if you Reading this Christian). But as today I don’t know him. By the way, I will also summarize this on video, so you will have Access to the video summary, in case you don’t want to read.
Ok, so about the book…..let´s go to the key points….
Some Key Points;….
- Coaching is the most powerful force for change in the world
- Coach the people who want coaching. Coach the people who want to change.
- People don’t pay for coaching they pay for results
- About 60 to 70% of people is the US, and probably in the world as a whole, don’t like their jobs, what an opportunity to help people find what they love and what they would do for a living.
- Connect to your higher and bigger mission. Think bigger. When you develop a bigger mission you have people drawn to you.
- Talk your client’s language and that is the language of results.
Three critical success factors for financial prosperity, as a coach
- You have to help your clients produce results. The name of the game is results. Focus on what your clients wants, not what you want. Ultimately it’s your clients’ responsibility to get the results, you just help them.
- You have to be able to generate coaching leads.
- You have to be able to convert those leads into clients. Otherwise you don’t have a coaching business.
The simple three step process for getting coaching clients;
- Clients somehow hear about you
- They have an intro coaching session with you, you give value
- They hire you
Seems pretty obvious, makes a lot of sense….
One of the most important aspects is the free session you give your potential clients. By the way you can charge this session if you want it’s up to you.
Now there is a critical distinction here,
Instead of the typical coach that offers a no obligation free session, he recommends offering what is called a RED HOT OFFER, in this a limited time offer with some clear benefits.
Let’s say you are a relationship coach, you will offer something like
“Find your soul mate coaching session
During this session we will work together to create a crystal-clear vision for the kind of man you would like to attract and the kind of relationship you would like to have together”
Here he offers a clear offer for the potential, it makes the session much more attractive and appealing.
The important point here is that if you want more clients you definitely want to give more introductory free sessions.
Once your Schedule is full, then you want to start charging for your intro sessions.
When you are paid for your time, you are perceived as an expert and you are even more likely to get hired by these people.
Just make sure that when you give a free session, they are great potential clients for you. Don’t accept anyone; make them fill up a questionnaire, maybe online on your web site. This is an exploratory session to know if you like to work with each other.
Give your initial free session a name, not just anything. A name gives it direction. Something like “explosive business growth”, or “passion into profit”, or “business start up coaching”, whatever you like. Remember you are helping people solve problems.
In the red hot offer mention that you usually charge $197 ( or whatever price you do charge)for such of these sessions but as a limited time promotion you will offer 5 of these for free.
Another great idea of this book is to work the red hot offer with your email list. If you are developing an email list which I super highly recommend, you can offer your email list the red hot offer, and this is a great combination, a genius combination.
By the way, on your introductory free session you don’t micro-focus on one specific goal, but more on what the person ultimately want to achieve and the things that stand in their way.
In the free session try to connect to people, don’t try to sell them, but to connect.
Also, very important, in the free session have a contract ready for them to sign up, with their name, phone number, etc….It´s more powerful when they fill it up versus you writing it up for them.
Additionally, give them a 30-day Money back guaranteed. Make hiring you very easy.
And here is Christian magic sentence to close the client;
“I have a program design specifically to help people overcome these sort of challenges that you mentioned and achieved these kind of results that you are looking for, would you like to hear about it”
So, summary of this part
1. Offer a red hot offer, giving a specific name to the session,
2. You send it to your email list, so you have a much greater possibility for signing free sessions
3. Don’t give the session to anyone, make sure you filter and give it to potential clients. Let’s be honest, a lot of people they don’t want to change. They say they do, but they don’t.
So, we continue with more important point from Christian’s book,
- The lowest price he recommends to charge per month is $500. If they tell you that they can´t afford a fee, you ask them how much can you afford now? If they say $250 and you are a starting coach maybe you want to take it.
- With $500 you only need 17 clients to earn $100.000 which is not so much.
- One of his students was charging $1500 a month and was doing very well.
- He recommends offering the same service with discount for onetime payment. So let’s say you charge $500 a month, which would come up to $3000 for 6 months of coaching, so he would offer a month free or $2500 for 6 months. He doesn’t recommend offering options on hours or sessions of coaching. Some coaches offer “1 hour a week for four weeks, for X amount, or you have the option of 2 hours a week for x amount”.
He offers one deal, one coaching session a week, for six months. - He tries to sign in long term committed clients. You are paying for results and results take some time.
- You can do talks and speeches in your niche area and get great clients that way.
Another important distinction is the issue about high fees. A lot of coaches have an issue about charging high fees. What is a high fee? Well, depends on the coach, but we could say anywhere from $1500 a month to $150,000 a year.
You might ask yourself, $150.000 a year from coaching? Sure, there are lots of high end coaches they charge that. Christian says on his book that he has clients in the area of $250.000. That’s a great yearly fee.
See, your clients are paying for results, not for your time. How much is to attract the ideal mate and life partner to you? Or how much is worth to sell a 30 million dollar property? How much is that worth to you?
Tony Robbins says he charges all the way to 1 million a year a year to specific clients. I believe he is the top charging coach in the world right now.
When you offer coaching, you are offering support, support to help your clients achieve their greatest goals, desires and dreams. You want your clients to get your coaching because you know it will change their lives. You are providing value.
The two Money making activities in coaching are:
- Working with clients, pretty obvious
- Signing up new clients, meaning giving the free sessions and signing them up
Here are the main steps in the free session that sells, which is Christian program for training coaches,
- Build rapport
- Find out what your potential clients really really want
- Show them how having what they want will impact their lives
- Uncover the challenges standing on their way
- Show them the impact these challenges will have on their lives
- Share what you do.
- Accept payment.
Also, remember you can download the “Make it big” app in the Apple store for free, this is an awesome app that will help you develop a crystal clear vision for what you have….see we are using his tuff……ummm….
So here are my top 10 ideas, inspiring message or power concepts from Christian´s book, Get Clients Today;
- Most coaches struggle to get clients. They are very good at coaching but not good at selling and marketing their coaches. You got to learn both. Be a master at promoting your coaching. Have customers trying hard to get you as a coach and not vice versa.
- You can earn a great income being a coach, helping people improve their lives. You only need to learn the skills of promoting your coaching business.
There are coaches who easily earn over $300.000 a year helping clients.
But you need a system to do so. It’s amazing the amount of money people are willing to pay for results. Results are priceless. - People need our help, lets coach them. People need our support, and they also need an outside perspective they couldn’t get without a coach. This is why most of the top achievers in the world have coaches.
- High paying clients tend to be better clients because of the investment and commitment they make. Be confident to charge higher fees as you move along with no ceiling in mind. No matter what you charge there are people who can afford paying you what you are asking. Most people charge their coaching based on what others charge, don’t make this mistake. You will not get ahead.
- Offer one fee, one coaching session per week, at x Price. Let’s say you offer $1997 per month of coaching or 10.000 for six months. Don’t offer several options as far as hours. This is another mistake. The only option should be monthly payment versus 6 months or a year payment. That’s it.
- Limit your availability. Show people you are in high demand. This creates a scarcity feeling.
You can visit www.ChristianMickelsen.com
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
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