MIND GYM, Gary Mack, TURBOMIND Book Summary by Tylor Jones
You can see Gary here:
An Athlete guide to inner excellence.
You can get the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Gym-Athletes-Guide-Excellence/dp/0071395970
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
This week we have another awesome book on mental training and mental toughness. Mind Gym, by Gary Mack was written some years ago, in 2001, but the lesson on mental training are as relevant today as they were almost 20 years ago. This is a great book you can read in 2-3 days.
Gary Mack is a leading sport psychologist who has worked with top athletes in the NBA, NFL, NHL, WNBA and Major League Baseball.
As the legendary soccer player Pelé said many times, enthusiasm and mental edge are the keys to wining. The challenge is, most of us don’t do any mental training at all, so we let our minds run the show, and sometimes it´s not an attractive one.
Pelé, before every important match would lay down, and spend about an hour doing his Mental Workout which consisted of; #1. remembering his best plays and matches since the time he was a youngster playing in the beaches in Brazil, to, #2. Visualizing his incoming performance, playing at his very best. He would do this over and over.
Mental training is as important as physical training. To become truly successful, you need to do both.
The great news is you can always do mental practice, regardless where you are or what you are doing. Make the images are clear and as vivid as you can.
Your number priority is to make your internal critic silent, or at least lower his voice. Negativity destroys performance more than anything. As Gary calls the “Gremlins”. We all have them.
As Gary says, “The world of sports reveals many heroes. So does everyday life. It can take courage to grow up and reach your full potential”
Success is life is having no regrets. It comes from knowing you did your VERY best. The greatest victory is the victory over yourself. Remember, it’s always too soon to quit.
- -Follow Your Goals and not the crowd-
Here are a few interesting ideas from the book……
- The difference between the best and worst performance is about 50% mental. You Need to train your mind the same you train your body. Achieving inner Excellence is a process, same as building physical muscle, mental muscle needs to be develop. Mental skills, like physical skills, need constant practice and reinforcement. It´s hard to win without a wining mental game and the only way you will have it is by mental training.
- The human body treats every vivid image as if it’s REAL, happening in real life, and happening NOW. This is why visualization techniques can greatly help you improve.
- What you think affects how you feel and how you perform. Beliefs drive behaviors and self-limiting beliefs lead to self-defeating behaviors. Believe in yourself and your abilities.
- One key to achieve success in any area is by focusing on the task at hand, and not letting negative thoughts get inside your head. Focus on what you want to happen instead of on what you don’t want. Mind can think only one thought at a time. The mind can sabotage your performance very easily if you let it.
- The mind works better when you tell it what to do, instead of what NOT to do. A negative creates exactly what you don’t want (think of a pink elephant).
- You can always do mental practice, regardless where you are or what you are doing. Make the images are clear and as vivid as you can. Use dead time to do your mental training.
- Arthur Ashe: We have a natural tendency to invest more energy when we are under pressure. But when tension raise, two things happen: the feet can´t move and the diaphragm collapses. It’s automatic. It´s in the genetic code”.
- Mentally tough athletes possess an inner strength. They often play their best when they are feeling the worst. They simply don’t make excuses.
- While you cannot control what happens, you can always control how you respond to something. (and what something means)
- To achieve anything significant in life you MUST get out of your own way. You need to stop sabotaging your own success and interfering with your own performance. Interrupt your doubts, and fears and focus on what you want.
- Remaining Optimistic during difficult times is not easy, but this is exactly what successful people and athletes do. They see setbacks as opportunities for comebacks! They focus on the goal, the outcome and how to improve.
- You want to develop Performance goals as well as outcome goals. Performance goals are about improving, getting better, doing a specific number of pushups, or pitches. Outcome goals are about results.
- What you find depends on where you look. Stay focus on your goals and avoid fatal distractions.
- COGNITIVE DISSONANCE: The uncomfortable psychological state that arises when how you see yourself and what is really happening come into conflict. Many people who experience this conflict revert to their comfort zone (example, winning millions in the lottery to lose them after just a couple of years).
- Limits begin where vision ends. Visualize success and give yourself permission to win. Be willing to take a risk. There is no security in life, only opportunity and adventure.
- Optimists tend to internalize victories and externalize defeats. “We played great today. We deserved to win. They were lucky today. Tomorrow we will win”. The pessimists tend to do the opposite; “we were lucky to win today. It´s my fault we lost. I am a worthless loser”.
- Don’t let fear scare or stop you. Just do it anyway. Fear is often false evidence appearing real-FEAR
- Draw an imaginary line on the floor, after this line, your worries, fears, and everything is left there. In this area you give your best effort, your total focus and complete commitment to the task at hand and to become better.
(something similar used to do legendary coach Joe Paterno). - Be 100% Committed to Every Action, to getting Better, to Producing the Outcome.
Special Olympics Program Motto
“When the game is over I just want to look at myself in the mirror, win or lose, and know I gave it everything I had”
“He doesn’t have the speed. He doesn’t have the height. But he works and works, shoots and shoots…He sets inner goals for everything- for the week, for the month, for the season”
Auerbach, talking about Larry Bird Exceptional Work Ethic
“Competitive toughness is an acquire skill and not an inherit gift”
-Chris Evert
“The biggest thing is to have a mind-set and a belief you can win every tournament”
-Tiger Woods
Mariel Margaret Hamm
The harder you work, the harder is to surrender.
Vince Lombardi
“A Man Can Be AS GREAT as he wants to be”
Vince Lombardi
Talent is NEVER enough. With few exceptions, the BEST players are the hardest workers.
Magic Johnson
“I remember how I used to take the train to Stockholm every day after School to play, coming home late, studying, getting up to go to School, getting on the train again, all those years. It has gotten results. But even if it hadn’t, even if I wasn’t able to become a Champion, I would still know that I gave it my best shot. I tried. I got on the train and I tried”
Bjorn Borg
We are on a MISSION, Sir.
Find Your true passion and make it happen. Be on a mission and live your life on purpose. Be motivated by your desire to achieve rather than your fear of failure.
Are You Walking Your Talk?
“The absolutely worst thing a receiver can do is worry about not catching the ball or about getting hit”
Jerry Rice
“The quality of a person´s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to Excellence, regardless of their chosen field”
-Vince Lombardi
“You can raise above almost any obstacle if you are willing to work hard and believe you can do it”
Dr. Thad Bell
“I am proof that great things can happen to ordinary people if they work hard and never give up”
The difference between the best and worst performance is about 50% mental. You Need to train your mind the same you train your body. Achieving inner Excellence is a process, same as building physical muscle, mental muscle needs to be develop. Mental skills, like physical skills, need constant practice and reinforcement
The great news is that You can always do mental practice, regardless where you are or what you are doing. Make the images are clear and as vivid as you can.
To become truly successful, you will need to train your mind in the process. It can be your greatest asset.
If you are looking for other exceptional books on mental training as well as mental toughness here are my favorites, the ones I have personally read:
- How Champions think by Dr Bob Rotella, https://www.turbomind.com/how-champions-think-by-dr-bob-rotella/
- An IRON WILL, by Orison Swet Mardin, https://www.turbomind.com/an-iron-will-what-all-great-men-have-in-comon/
- The Champion´s Mind, by Jim Afremov.
- With winning in Mind, by Lanny Bassham, https://www.turbomind.com/with-winning-in-mind-by-lanny-bassham/
- Chasing Excellence, by Ben Bergeron, https://www.turbomind.com/chasing-excellence-by-ben-bergeron/
- Mind Gym, by Gary Mack, https://www.turbomind.com/mind-gym-gary-mack-turbomind-book-club/
- Tom Coughlin, by him, https://www.turbomind.com/tom-coughlin-earn-the-right-to-win-best-ideas/
- No Limits, by Michael Phelps, https://www.turbomind.com/no-limits-by-michael-phelps-the-will-to-succeed-turbomind-com-book-club/
- Relentless by Tim Grover, https://www.turbomind.com/relentless-from-good-to-great-to-unstoppable-by-tim-s-grover-summary-by-miguel-de-la-fuente/
- Unbeatable Mind, by Mark Divine, https://www.turbomind.com/unbeatable-mind-mark-divine-turbomind-com-bookclub/
- Get the Life You Want, by Richard Bandler.
- Can´t Hurt Me, by David Goggins, https://www.turbomind.com/cant-hurt-me-by-david-goggins-turbomind-book-club/
- Make Your Bed, by Admiral William H- McRaven, https://www.turbomind.com/make-your-bed-by-admiral-william-h-mcraven-turbomind-bookclub/
- The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone, https://www.turbomind.com/the-10x-rule-the-difference-between-success-and-failure-book-summary/
- Discipline Equals Freedom. Jocko Willink, https://www.turbomind.com/discipline-equals-freedom-by-jocko-willink/
- RAFA, by Rafael Nadal, https://www.turbomind.com/rafa-by-rafael-nadalbook-summary/
I keep updating this list regularly….
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
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