“WHEN”, The scientific secrets of PERFECT TIMING, by Daniel Pink, TURBOMIND book summary by Tylor Jones Our passion is learning. And sharing.
You can visit Daniel here https://www.danpink.com/
Make sure you register for the Turbomind Book Club at www.turbomind.com , this year we will be doing 50 video summaries of the best books on business, personal excellence, success and personal growth, and you don’t want to miss it. This book club is for people who want to become unstoppable, achieve extraordinary things in their lives and make a difference in the world. It’s not for everyone.
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
Video 1, Introduction
Ok so what this book about?
This book is about timing, we understand that timing is so important, but we don’t know so well how to time ourselves to work smarter, live better, and basically be more successful.
Well, Daniel Pink basically says timing is really a science, and he and another 2 researchers have analyzed over 700 studies about this.
So, this book is basically what he calls “Time hacker handbook” a collection of tips and exercises to improve your timing, and how you schedule things along the day.
We measure what we think are natural units of time, like minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, these are manmade. One of the most important units is what we call a “day” which is basically the regular period of light and dark that happens every 24 hours.
One of the universal tendencies is that people tend to be more positive and energetic in the morning hours, then usually between 2 to 5 are the down hours and then pick up again in the later afternoon. This universally happens to the whole planet regardless of races, diplomas, world location, or age. It’s kind of universal. It’s a predictable pattern. This is like an ocean wave, with clock wise precision. We all have twin peaks during the day.
We are smarter, faster, slower, tired, energized in some parts of the day than others.
Communications with investors have a more positive outlook early in the morning and as day progresses tend to be more negative, the same thing happens with accidents, the time when most accident occur are between 2 and 4 in the afternoon and between 2 and 6 am. These are predictable.
In another study students scored higher in the morning than in the afternoon.
It will happen even if you place a person I a close room with no sunlight and no noise.
This is because we all have biological clocks. What do I mean? We have an internal biological clock or timer. All living organisms have BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS.
This clock is situated in the hypothalamus, in the center of the brain, and inside there is the SCN, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the size of a grain. That timer takes a little longer that it takes for the earth to make one full rotation, every 24 hours and 11 minutes.
Human performance can varied around 20% depending on the time or the day, so this is huge information about high performance.
However, we also have different chronotype which is a personal pattern of circadian rhythms. So we don’t all experience a day in the same way. Some are early chronotypes others late chronotypes.
Edison was a later chronotype, working many days in his laboratory at 12 or1 am, he hated mornings. Having the most number of register trademarks.
The best time to perform a task depends n the nature of the task.
Video 2:
This is a quiz:
Ernesto is a dealer in Antique coins. One day someone brings him a beautiful bronze coin. The coin has an emperor head on one side and the date 544 BC stamped on the other. Ernesto examines the coin-but instead of buying; he calls the police, why?
Roenneberg the world’s best known chronnobiologist has simple questions to know your chronotyppe like
1. What time do you usually go to sleep?
2. What time do you usually get up?
3. What’s in t middle of those 2 times?
You can find out your type at danpink.com
Scientists after much study found that Most people are neither larks nor owls, but about 60 to 80% are third birds. Tend to be more owls than larks.
People born in the fall and winter tend to be more larks while those born in the spring and summer tend to be more owls. Men tend to be more owls than women.
for losing weight the ideal time is in the morning because the blood sugar is low and when you do cardio, it uses the fuel from fat storage so great time to burn fat is in the morning, it can burn an extra 20%, you save 20%. Also boost mood, feeling great hormones. You are more likely to maintain the routine. Helps create testosterone since it’s a hormone that peaks in the morning.
4 Great habits to develop in the Morning:
- Drink a glass of water just after waking up.
- Don’t drink coffee after waking up, the moment you wake up, your body produces cortisol, a stress hormone, that help you kick up your day. Caffeine interferes with cortisol. On the contrary it increases our tolerance for caffeine, not a great idea. You can drink an hour or 90 minutes after waking up.
- Soak up the morning sun, get as much as sun in the early morning as you would like.
- Schedule therapy appointment for the morning, therapy sessions might be the most effective in the morning.
Lunch and not breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Observational studies and not scientific ones.
Pre induction verification process. Pre incision verification process.
Vigilance breaks, that is brief pauses before high takes encounter.
Afternoons are high risk time zones for hospitals. Have 3 X higher risk of something going wrong.
Most traffic accidents are between 2 and 4 in the afternoon and 2 and 6 during the night, in the middle of both. Everywhere from England, to Finland, to the US.
Judges more incline to issue favorable ruling in the morning than in the afternoon, then back up after afternoon.
These are some suggestions for Having Brakes:
More frequent short breaks are more effective than occasional ones.
Schedule breaks in advance.
- Micro breaks, even a couple of minutes can have great impact, The 20-20-20 rule, every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
- Hydrate constantly
- Moving breaks, take a 5 minute break every single hour you are working, or even on the couch. Can do a push up even.
- Nature breaks, much beer than indoor breaks, even close to plants.
- Social Breaks, are effective for disconnecting, keep timer!! Reach and touch someone.
- Mental breaks, meditation, relaxation.
Ander Erickson, the “world expert on world experts” found that elite performers are great at taking breaks.
Beginnings are very important at something but the end is what is remembered the most, the end is critical.
People use dates both social or personal to start a fresh start, most common are
1. Mondays
2. Beginning new month
3. New year
4. Birthday, anniversary,
Temporal landmarks interrupt attention, to day to day stuff. For a vegan day would be better a “Meatless Mondays” than “Thursday vegan” ??
A month into New Year about 40% of resolutions disappear.
Daniel Pink made the commitment to “I work on the book every morning at least 6 days a week with no distractions and no exceptions”, write that on a card.
Couples that date for 3 years were less likely to get divorced. The more couples spend on the wedding and the engagement ring the more likely to get divorced.
- Set interim goals, in the middle. People tend to be more motivated at the beginning and at the end. Every three months.
- Publicly commit to those goals.
- Stop our sentence midway through. As Hemingway did he would stop a writing session in the middle of a sentence, that made him had to come back next day, made him feel uncomfortable.
- Don’t break the chain, put an X everyday you do whatever you want it to do,
1. Write 25 goals you want to achieve the rest of your life
- Choose the 5 most important and forget about the rest until you achieve them
3. Immediately stat planning how you are going to achieve them
Think about something positive that occurred or you achieved in your life. List all the circumstances that made it possible, like decisions, actions, contact, people that helped etc.
Write yourself a paragraph of self compassion. And send it to your email. Treat yourself how you would others.
Ending shape our behavior more than any other part.
Later years of life friendship tend to be reduce, because people focus more on their inner circle, close friends and family, it’s called “socio emotional selectivity”
Its Better say bad things first to end on a high note, but people tend to say good news first, which is not as effective as the other. People want endings that elevate them.
Awesome exercise for the Day:
write down your accomplishments for the day. Marking progress day to day is the best motivator on the job. Next lay out your pan for the following day.
Send someone a thank you note in one minute. Gratitude has restorative powers.
The Dabbawalas in Mumbai:
Belonging hypothesis, a need to belong is a powerful human motivator, it shapes our thoughts and emotions.
Consider your work sacred, it’s like worship. Sync your job to your heart.
Customer is God.
What is your sacred Mission in life?
What is your higher purpose?
sense of urgency forces commitment
Synchronize with other People:
- Sign in chorus
- Run together
- Dance
- Join activity groups.
- Cook in tandem
At the job or company:
1. Reply quickly to emails
2. Tell stories about struggle
3. Nurture self organized groups rituals
The key to learning strategy is structure interdependence. Each part provides a necessary piece of the whole.
These are the top 10 things I learn from the book, for the sake of time, but there are many more really valuable about this book…
- In mid afternoon between 2 and 4 are the drowsy hours, where more mistakes happen, avoid these hours for important decisions.
- A short nap is excellent all the way to 20 minutes after that starts the SLEEP INERTIA, the napuccino. Have a coffee, and then a nap, caffeine takes about 20 minutes to be activated, after the nap you wake up energized. No more than 20 minutes. After 20 minute mark you feel confused, irritated, boggy, tired. A 20 year Meta study. Mayo clinic says that the best time for a nap is between 2 and 3 in the afternoon. Set a timer for 20 minutes. After the nap take a full glass of water.
- Write your most important goals for your life now, and choose 5 the most important, and make plan for those 5 ones.
- The best time to exercise to burn calories and fat, maintain a routine, and even increase testosterone is in the morning.
- Take more breaks often during the 5. Take 5 minute breaks every hour. Take outside breaks if you can. Move a little. Disconnect completely on the breaks. Avoid eating lunch at your desk, avoid having the phone, those breaks are for disconnecting, not half disconnecting.
- In the morning take a full glass of water after waking up as the firt thing. Don’t take coffee; caffeine inhibits cortisol, which is what you produce after you wake up. Wait for about 0 minutes.
- Publicly commit your goals, share them with people, tell publicly what you are going to do.
- When things get tough ask yourself how am I going to benefit others with what I am doing?
- Awesome exercise: every day write your accomplishments, every day write what you did great, it helps your self confidence. I created a great app for that, the “TotalSuccess Diary” you can download it here:
- And lastly do what thee food delivery organization do in Mumbai,
connect your work with your heart, you can ask these 2 questions,
What is your sacred Mission in life?
What is your higher purpose?Life goes by very fast, the more you connect your job to your heart the better you will live.
suprachiasmatic nucleus
SLEEP INERTIA, the napuccino
socioemotional selectivity
If you are looking for other exceptional books on mental training as well as mental toughness here are my favorites, the ones I have personally read:
- How Champions think by Dr Bob Rotella, https://www.turbomind.com/how-champions-think-by-dr-bob-rotella/
- An IRON WILL, by Orison Swet Mardin, https://www.turbomind.com/an-iron-will-what-all-great-men-have-in-comon/
- The Champion´s Mind, by Jim Afremov.
- With winning in Mind, by Lanny Bassham, https://www.turbomind.com/with-winning-in-mind-by-lanny-bassham/
- Chasing Excellence, by Ben Bergeron, https://www.turbomind.com/chasing-excellence-by-ben-bergeron/
- Mind Gym, by Gary Mack, https://www.turbomind.com/mind-gym-gary-mack-turbomind-book-club/
- Tom Coughlin, by him, https://www.turbomind.com/tom-coughlin-earn-the-right-to-win-best-ideas/
- No Limits, by Michael Phelps, https://www.turbomind.com/no-limits-by-michael-phelps-the-will-to-succeed-turbomind-com-book-club/
- Relentless by Tim Grover, https://www.turbomind.com/relentless-from-good-to-great-to-unstoppable-by-tim-s-grover-summary-by-miguel-de-la-fuente/
- Unbeatable Mind, by Mark Divine, https://www.turbomind.com/unbeatable-mind-mark-divine-turbomind-com-bookclub/
- Get the Life You Want, by Richard Bandler.
- Can´t Hurt Me, by David Goggins, https://www.turbomind.com/cant-hurt-me-by-david-goggins-turbomind-book-club/
- Make Your Bed, by Admiral William H- McRaven, https://www.turbomind.com/make-your-bed-by-admiral-william-h-mcraven-turbomind-bookclub/
- The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone, https://www.turbomind.com/the-10x-rule-the-difference-between-success-and-failure-book-summary/
- Discipline Equals Freedom. Jocko Willink, https://www.turbomind.com/discipline-equals-freedom-by-jocko-willink/
- RAFA, by Rafael Nadal, https://www.turbomind.com/rafa-by-rafael-nadalbook-summary/
I keep updating this list re
Tylor Jones, Master Coach at turbomind.com.
Contact me Through WhatsApp or Telegram for a 45-Minute Free Coaching Session. I love helping people and Businesses become Exceptional. +507-6426-9450. keep updating this list regularly….
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