“Create Your Destiny”, How to master the 12 critical factors of success, by Brian Tracy, TurboMind Book Summary by Miguel De La Fuente
You can visit Brian Here, https://www.briantracy.com/
Brian Tracy is a master at putting together success principles and concepts that make a difference in people’s lives. He is better than anyone I have read or study at this.
This is not a book; it’s like a bible on success. It’s huge, with 100s of principles, laws, suggestions and exercises to help you increase your luck factor and the probabilities of becoming more successful.
The core message of the book is straight forward: you are the master of your life. Your success depends on you and what you do on a daily basis.
This core belief is the basis for many other things and supporting believes.
You are the master of your own life. Your destiny is in your hands. You are the master. You are constantly creating your own life by your thoughts you have, emotions you feel, the words you say, what you decide to read, or listen to, by the actions you take or not take.
You are the creator of your own life more than what you probably realize. This is the core believe of the book, and it is a believe I also have in my own life.
I choose to believe that I create my life, that I am responsible and I take full responsibility for what happens to me and the results I produce, or the ones I don’t. Why I choose to believe that?
Because I know I can change the results and my life.
We live in a society in which the majority of the people believe they are governed by external forces and that they don’t have much to say.
These concepts are priceless. I tried to summarize and put into my own words the most important concept on the book, about success and living a prosperous life.
There are basically two types of people in our world, the active and
the passive. Only about 10 percent are proactive
They are the people who take their lives into their own hands and
make things happen. They accept complete responsibility for themselves
and the results of their actions. They dare to go forward in the
face of risk and uncertainty.
This book also stays the critical impact that your thoughts play in your life and your personal success. Thoughts are things and are powerful.
Interestingly, many of “The Secret” principles were first introduced and presented by Brain Tracy in this book and in some of his audio programs, without having the world exposure that “The Secret” had.
All around, I give this book an 8. Even though it’s written almost 15 years ago, many of the principles still apply today.
This is a must have book in your success library and use it as a guide or reference book.
Some of Brain Tracy audio programs are based from this book.
Enjoy the read,
And remember, your Destin is in your hands. It depends on you.
Miguel de la fuente
Summary of the 12 critical principles of Success and how to make your life a Masterpiece.
Interestingly, the real secret of success is that there are no secrets.
These are more like eternal truths that people and generations have come back and forth to refresh them about what it takes to become truly successful.
The most important belief to hold is that you create your own future, you own destiny. Your destiny is in your hands (and in your head)
Principle 1: Your Potential Is Unlimited—You can take complete control
of your mind, and you can learn to unlock your personal powers to attract
and manifest whatever you want into your life.
Principle 2: Clarity Is Critical—You must be absolutely clear
about the things you want to achieve and the person you want to
become in your life.
Principle 3: Knowledge Is Power—Learn everything you need
to know to be an expert in your field. Read continually, listen to
audio programs, and take every course you can to stay ahead of
your competitors.
Principle 4: Mastery Is Magical—Decide today to become absolutely excellent at what you do. Develop your skills to a higher
level, and resolve to be among the top 10 percent in your field.
This will help you more than anything else.
Principle 5: Attitude Is Everything—You can Become a totally positive
person, so that people like you and want to be around you and help
you. Think and talk only about the things you want, and refuse to
think or talk about the things you don’t want.
Principle 6: Relationships Are Essential—Develop a strategy
For constantly expanding your network of contacts and improving your key
relationships in every part of your life. The more people you know, the more doors they will open for you.
Principle 7: Money Matters—Develop the habit of saving. Start with 1 percent of your income, and then gradually
build up to 10 percent, 20 percent and 30 percent. A person with
money in the bank attracts more opportunities and good fortune
than a person who is broke most of the time.
Principle 8: You Are a Genius—Unlock your natural creativity
by constantly looking for ways to get results faster, better, and
cheaper. There is absolutely no problem that you cannot solve, and no goal
that you cannot achieve by applying the incredible power of your
Principle 9: Results Determine Rewards—Concentrate single
mindedly on getting the most important results possible in everything
you do. Focus continually on your highest priorities, on the
most valuable use of your time, every minute of every day.
Principle 10: Seize The Day!—Develop the habit of action,
the essential quality of all successful people. Practice a sense of urgency. Stay in continuous motion in the direction of your goals.
Principle 11: Character Counts—Become a thoroughly good
person. The better a person you become on the inside, by practicing
the qualities of character that you most admire and respect, the
better will be the quality of your life on the outside.
Principle 12: Fortune Favors the Brave—Have the courage to
begin and the persistence to continue. Resolve in advance that you
will never give up.
When you combine all these principles, you will become a
positive, future focused, highly energetic, likable, talented,
skilled, intelligent, and optimistic human being.
You will become unstoppable. You will start to have lucky experiences in
every area of your life. You will achieve your most important goals.
General Summary, review and personal notes from the book. The most important points and aspects.
One of the most important points in the book is that success is predictable, that if you do what other successful people do you will also achieve the success level of those people. The notion that Hope is not a strategy for success, or at least a good one.
You can not rely on hope, but you can rely on hard work towards your most important goal and desires.
When Brain asks in his seminars “Is there anyone here who
would like to double their income?” Almost immediately and instinctively, they all raise their hands.
The question is not if you can double your income, of course you can, the real question is how fast you could double your income. You will be able to double your income. There is no doubt about that. The challenge is how fast can you do it?
How fast can you double your income? It’s a matter of time. So how do you reduce time and increase productivity?
You optimize your time. You become better at what you. It is always about becoming better at what you do.
You learn from the experts. You can learn from the experts and save huge amount of time in the process.
The key is to find out what the MOST SUCCESSFUL people in your industry do, learn from them and then improve what they do.
One of Brian’s recurring question was, “Why are some people more successful than others”? That has been a critical question Brian has been asking all his life.
It’s not so much a matter of luck as people think; it’s a matter of commitment, action, determination, focus, goals discipline etc.
Some people succeed in spite of no education, no contacts, no degrees, and no money, and others with everything on their favor achieve nothing in life. Why?
According to Brian, and the IRS statistics (from 2002, probably are similar to 2015), there are more than five million millionaires in the United States, most of them self-made.
There are almost 300 billionaires, most of whom started with little or nothing. In addition, more than 100,000 people become millionaires in the United States each year, at a rate of approximately one every five minutes.
The question is, Are all these people just lucky?
The law of cause and effect says that there is a cause for every effect, and it’s under your control. Change your actions and thoughts and change your life.
The law of cause and effect means that everything causes for a reason and it can serve you, it can help you if you want it to. Nothing happens by chance.
The “Probability theory” says that you can improve the likelihood of success
It teaches that there is a likelihood that any particular event will occur.
This likelihood or probability can often be calculated with good accuracy, and sometimes not.
The Law of Probabilities is one important factor in explaining luck. This
law says that for every event, there is a probability of that event occurring under certain circumstances
If you want to achieve success in any field, and you have clear, written
goals and plans that you follow and work on each day, you are much more likely to attain it.
If you then study and apply yourself to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your field, you will increase your probabilities of success. Additionally, If you associate with the right people, manage yourself and your time extremely well, move quickly when opportunities presents themselves, persevere in the face of obstacles, you will
get your lucky breaks.
Also, the willingness to take intelligent risks in the pursuit of your clearly
defined and desired goals, puts you on the side of the angels. You
will increase all the probabilities in your favor. You could achieve
the same level of success in one or two years that other people may take 10 or 20 years of less focused, less directed behavior.
The key of success is to use everything you can to increase the probabilities of what you want occurring. Even one small action or factor can make a huge difference between success and failure, one small factor, one small action; one small effort can make a huge difference.
Remember, your destiny is in your hands.
One of your primary goals in life could be to become one of those people that create extraordinary lives and make a difference in people’s lives.
Organize your own life in a way that the probabilities of achieving your goals and desires are extremely high.
That is the key:
When people achieve great success, they immediately are accused of being lucky, as if luck is all you need to become really successful.
Most people confuse chance with luck.
Chance is what you get in a casino, or playing the lotto. What we call luck is really the Law of Probabilities in action.
Whenever you see a person who has become really succesful, you see the result of many events that have happened in the past to achieve a particular outcome in the present moment.
The lucky individual has done many things that, in combination, dramatically increased the likelihood that his or her desired goal would be achieved.
There is a direct relationship between the number of different
things you attempt and your likelihood of eventual success. The more you do of something, the more likelihood of becoming very successful at what you do.
Brian also talks about the Law of Averages, which is an extension
of the law of probabilities. This law says that although you cannot
predict which one of a series of events will be successful, by the Law of Averages you know that by doing a certain thing a certain number of times, you will achieve your goal.
If you continually innovate and try new methods to achieve your goals or solve your key problems, you are going to be vastly more successful than someone who plays it safe and tries nothing new or different.
You are where you are and what you are because of yourself. Your
choices and decisions over the months and years have inevitably determined
the condition of your life at this moment
There are some success factors that make the difference.
The Law of Probabilities is what helps you create your own future
with a high level of accuracy and predictability. You want to learn and
practice the specific behaviors that increase your likelihood of success,
however you define it, and you can take complete control of your life and future.
You can achieve anything you really want in life.
ACTION EXERCISES recommended by Brian:
1. Write down your own personal definition of happiness. What sort of activities or conditions do you enjoy more than anything else? What is happiness for you? When are you the happiest?
2. Go to the top people in your field and ask them for advice
that will help you to be more successful.
3. Search for your luckiest events in the past, and then trace back the various actions you took that contributed to them.
4. Think and determine the cause and effect relationships between something you want and the best way of getting it. What are they?
5. Take one specific action immediately that can increase the likelihood of success in something you want.
2. Your potential is unlimited
There is a basic believe, that your mind has all the power you need to get you anything you really want in life. In other words, your most powerful asset is your own mind and the ability and skill to use I properly is the number one priority.
Perhaps the most important corollary of the Law of Cause and Effect is
this: Thoughts are causes, and conditions are effects
Your mind is the most powerful force in your universe. You are where you are and what you are because of your regular and recurring thoughts. Your thoughts are things, and they ultimately create your reality.
As Emerson stated, “A man becomes what he thinks about most of the time.” Change your thinking, and change your life.
You are a living magnet, and you inevitably attract into your life the people, circumstances, ideas, and resources in harmony with your predominant thoughts.
The Law of Attraction explains many circumstances in your life. The people who think and talk continually about what they want seem to attract more of those very things into their lives. Furthermore, people who talk about what they don’t want, including the things they fear most or worry about all the time, the people who are angry and resentful, continually attract negative and unhappy experiences into their lives as well.
The Law of Attraction is neutral in its essence.
Successful people think and talk constantly about what they want.
Others talk about what they don’t want or complain about those things. Successful people think and talk about what they want most of the time.
Think about it, it makes all the sense. When you are talking about what you want you are magnetizing to those things, or events that you want to manifest in your life.
The Law of Belief is another luck factor or principle that you can use to your advantage. It states that whatever you believe with conviction becomes your reality. William James of Harvard said: “Belief creates the actual
If you absolutely believe that you are destined for extraordinary success,
you will think and behave accordingly to that belief, and you will find ways make it come true. If you confidently believe that you are a lucky person, and that great things are continually happening to you, your belief will become the actual fact of your life. You will see What You Already Believe.
You Create Your Own Reality. There is a short poem that says, “Two men looked out through prison bars. One saw the mud, the other saw the stars.”
Shakespeare wrote, “Nothing is but thinking makes it so.”
In the New Testament, Jesus says, “By their fruits, ye shall know them.” You can easily tell what a person thinks about most of the time by looking at the fruits (thoughts) of his or her life. A happy, healthy, prosperous person with good friends and family is invariably a person who thinks about his life in positive terms. On the other hand, those who seem unhappy do not adjust to the rapid rate of change; can also tell by their thoughts and attitudes.
One of the greatest luck factors of all, which few people realize or
appreciate, is the factor of being born and living in our world as it exists
at this moment but….many people don’t see it, and don’t believe it, so they don’t take advance of that truth. We are living an age that has been dreamed
about throughout history for thousands of years.
There Are No Limits to what you can achieve, experience or realize in your life. Your greatest limits are not external. They are internal. They are invisible. They are inside of you, within your own thinking. They are in your personal self-limiting beliefs. These are the beliefs that act as the brakes on your potential. These are the beliefs that cause you to sell yourself short, and to settle for far less than you are truly capable of.
Many people think don’t believe they can achieve great things in their life. They believe that they are not smart enough, creative enough, or talented enough to get the things they want. But the fact is that most of these beliefs have no basis in reality. They are simply not true. There are very few limits on what you can really accomplish, except the ones you accept in your own mind.
As Henry Ford said, “If you believe you can do a thing, or you believe you cannot, in either case, you are probably right.”
Here is an important point: You cannot intensely desire something
without simultaneously having the ability to attain it. The existence of
the desire itself is usually a proof that you have within you everything you
need to realized that desire. Your job is simply to find out how to do it, how to make it happen.
The Law of Expectations contains and explains another luck factor.
This law says that, whatever you expect, with confidence, becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy
The Success Secret of the Wealthiest 500
Napoleon Hill, in his study of 500 of the richest men in America, concluded
that one characteristic that all multimillionaires and billionaires had in common was this attitude of positive expectancy, as if they expect to win, to achieve extraordinary things. They made a habit of looking into every
obstacle or setback for an equal or greater advantage or benefit. And
they always found it. You can do the same.
Your subconscious mind can be another luck and success factor when you use it correctly.
The Law of Subconscious Activity says, whatever thought or goal
you accept in your conscious mind will be accepted by your subconscious mind as a command or instruction. Now, this instruction cannot have conflicting commands. It has to be 100% convinced and in a state of expectancy that the goal will be achieved.
Your subconscious mind is very powerful. It works without your conscious attention, and it works 24 hours per day. Once you begin using it in achieving your goals, you will begin to move forward at a speed that you cannot now imagine.
There is a small finger-like organ in your brain called the reticular cortex.
This reticular cortex is like a telephone switchboard that accepts and
forwards calls from the outside. Your reticular cortex takes in information
and passes it on to your conscious mind, as well as to your subconscious
mind. Your reticular cortex, or reticular activating system, works on
the basis of commands that you have given it about what you want and
what is most important to you. It’s
an automatic system which never stops working.
You act on the outside consistent with the way you are programmed subconsciously on the inside. This programming can be accidental and random or it can be deliberate and purposeful.
The power of repeated intense affirmations actually changes your
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Just as you become what you think
about most of the time, you also become what you say to yourself and believe deep inside.
Whatever goals you repeat, over and over, in a positive, present tense, will be accepted by your subconscious mind as commands.
The key for an affirmation to work is intensity, repetition and consistency to what you want. The key is a deep believe that it will happen.
Your subconscious mind will start working at attracting and manifesting these goals into your life. For example, when you repeat an affirmation such as, “I earn
$50,000 per year! I earn $50,000 per year and you truly believe it, you mind will work on making that affirmation a reality in your life.
The Law of Correspondence explains another powerful success factor, which is: the outer world tends to be a mirror image of your inner world.
The power of suggestion influences the way you think, feel, and behave. It affects your whole life.
The easiest way to change how you feel, and what you are saying to yourself is with what I call “poweraffirmations”. It is using your whole body, breathing deeply, and affirming with intensity and desire what you want. It completely changes your state, mental, emotional and physical.
I usually perform these while drinking water, and hydrating my body.
Accept Responsibility, take charge of your life
Another factor that will increase the number of lucky breaks you get in life is the acceptance of complete responsibility for yourself and for everything that happens to you. The mark of really successful people is that they refuse to make excuses, blame others, or complain about their situations. Instead, they say, over and over, “I am responsible!”
1. Make a decision today that you are going to think and talk about only the things that you really want in your life. What are they? Practice with people talking about the things you want in your life.
2. Challenge your self-limiting beliefs now; identify the negative ideas
you have that are holding you back, and then treat them as liars.
3. Exercise Expecting the best in every situation. Tell yourself and other what will happen in a positive and optimistic way.
4. Identify your biggest problems or source of worry. What can
Do about it?
5. Program your mind for success every single day, by repeated personal affirmations of your goals in the present positive tense—I can. . . .
6. Control your environment; continually feed your mind with positive books, audios, people, and conversations
7. Discipline yourself to look for something good or helpful in every
experience. You will always find it.
Principle 2—Clarity Is Critical
Probably the most important of all success factors is knowing exactly what
you want, in each area of your life. The primary reason for great success
is clear, specific, measurable goals and plans, written down, with a burning desire to accomplish them.
Knowing what you want dramatically increases the probabilities that you will get it.
The primary reason for underachievement and failure is the fact is that you can’t hit a target that you can’t see. If you don’t know where you’re going, you will probably end up somewhere else. You have to have goals
A lot of people believe in coincidences. They believe in the power of random
events to make and shape a person’s life. But the reality is that in most
cases, coincidences don’t just happen, we make them happen, or help them hapen.
Look for Serendipity in Everything
Develop an Attitude of Positive Expectancy the key to understanding serendipity is the principle of positive expectations. The more confidently you expect something to happen, the more likely it is to occur.
Another important point in the book is that your Current Situation Is Exactly What You Need.
Your situation today is exactly what you need, at this moment, for your own personal growth and development. Every part of your life is exactly as it should be. Every challenge you are facing or dealing with today contains within a gift, a unique present, to turn to them into your greatest asset.
Ask yourself, “If I could do anything I really wanted, what would it be?”
Think about the Future. It doesn’t matter where you are coming from; all that really matters is where you are going.
Sincronicity and thePower of Meaning:
The Law of Cause and Effect states that every effect in your life
has certain specific causes that you can relate to each other. On the other hand, the principle of Synchronicity says that things will happen
in your life that have no direct cause–effect relationship. Synchronicity
happens when events that occur in your life are linked together, not by causality, but by meaning. There will be no direct or discernible connection
between events except for the meaning they have in relation to one of
your goals.
Get Yourself into the Zone
This sort of synchronous event will tend to occur when you get into the zone. This is the mental state where you feel and perform at your best. (“in the zone” is a common state in athletics.) When you use your mind, clarify your thoughts, intensify your desires, and approach your life with an attitude of confident, positive expectations, all sorts of serendipitous and synchronous events will begin to occur in your life. The only relationship that these events have to each other is the meaning that you give them by the thoughts you think.
The Power of Strategic Thinking
Clarity is a critical success tool. The clearer you are about what exactly you want, the more rapidly you will manifest it.
These are the most important points at manifesting:
1. Be clear about what specifically you want and why you want it
2. Develop a plan to achieve it.
3. Be confident, believe you CAN achieve it
4. Have a positive expectancy that it will happen.
5. Be flexible in your approach but committed to your outcome.
Most People are unhappy:
Everyone in the world wants to be happy. But most people are unhappy
When you ask them , they have no real goals. Unhappy people have no clear sense of meaning and purpose in their life.
Success Is Not an Accident
Instead of practicing the principles of cause and effect, most people live unconsciously by the Law of Accident, which says “failing to plan means planning to fail”.
People who live by the Law of Accident believe that life is a series
of random events, like the throwing of dice or the turning of
a roulette wheel. They believe that “It’s not what you know, but who you
There are Different Rewards for the Same Job
In every industry, there are people who are doing pretty much the same
job but who are earning much more than others. This is very common in sales. You have two people selling the same thing in the same office with the same team, selling 10 times more.
It is simple, the more successful person has done many little things to increase the probabilities of success in his or her particular field.
The highest paid people, in every field, have personal strategic plans. These people are intensely goal oriented, know exactly what they want, have written plans and blueprints, with priorities, schedules and action plans to achieve them, and every day work very hard on achieving them.
Taking Control of Your Life
The principle of control is another important success and luck factor. It is based on years of research, says that “you feel positive about yourself to the degree to which you feel you are in control of your own life; you feel negative about yourself to the degree to which you feel that you are not in control, or that you are controlled by external forces or other people”.
The Power of Purpose
Another success factor is intensity of purpose. As Benjamin Disraeli said, “The
secret of success is constancy of purpose.”
Successful people are very focused and purposeful. Two people with basically the same abilities, the one who wants it the most—the more intense of the two—is the one who will almost always be more successful
What Is Your Vision for Your Future, your Ideal Life?
Your vision is a picture of your ideal life sometime
in the future. You create your vision for yourself, your family, your career
or business, by imagining that you have no limitations whatsoever, that you can do, create or experience anything you want.
Imagine that you won $10 million cash, after taxes, or that you inherited it from a long lost relative. What would you do with your life?
Leaders Have Vision
One of the qualities of leaders in every field is that they have a vision of
Where they want to go and what they want to do.
They allow themselves to dream big. They create a picture of what
is possible rather getting stuck with what exists at the present moment. George Bernard Shaw, the famous English playwrighter,
once wrote, “Most men look at the world and ask ‘why?’ I look
at the world and ask ‘why not?’
Create a Mission Statement
Once you know what you ideal future ad life is you can write out your personal mission statement. Your mission is a little different from your vision.
While your vision is an ideal image of a desired future, your mission
is a specific statement of the kind of person you want to become, or you want to live as.
Your mission statement describes how you want to live, and how you are going to make a difference in the lives of other people.
When Albert Einstein was asked the purpose of a human life, he
answered , “Why, it must be to serve others. What other purpose could there be?”
Your mission statement also tells how you want to be described
by others. It’s like your DNA, the core or essence of who you are.
You write out your personal mission statement as if you were writing your own obituary. Define your mission as the way you would like to be remembered at your funeral.
The One-Two Combination
The most important factor is to read your vision and mission statement daily so you activate and work with all the success laws.
Create Your Own Dream List
Here is another great exercise for you. Get a piece of paper and begin
to create your own personal dream list. Let your mind float freely.
Imagine that you have no limitations. Go to www.turbomind.com hoe page to download the pdf book to write your life’s 100 dreams, or register at the site.
Once you’ve finished your dream list, take another sheet of paper and
write today’s date at the top. Then make a list of at least 10 goals that
you want to accomplish in the next 12 months.
Then at the end of the day ask yourself,
what did I do right?
what would I do differently if I lived this day again?
This is a powerful goal achieving exercise you can do. It is both simple and powerful, and all it requires is a piece of paper, a pen, and little time.
About 97 percent of adults have no written goals. When you make
out a list of 10 goals that you want to accomplish in the next 12 months,
you move yourself into the top 3 percent of people living and working
today. By the simple discipline of committing your goals to paper, you
join the elite of achievers.
Determine Your Major Definite Purpose
Once you have created the list with your top 10 goals, ask yourself, “Which
one goal on this list would have the greatest positive impact on my life if I accomplished it?”
Whichever it is, take that goal and write it at the top of another
sheet of paper. This goal now becomes your major definite purpose for the
foreseeable future.
Make a Plan to Achieve Your Goal
Below your goal on that sheet of paper, write out every single action that
you can possibly think of that you can take to achieve that goal.
Take Action on Your Plan
Once you have a list of all the activities, select at least one and take action on it immediately, and do it right away.
Miracles Do Happen
This principle says that whatever you are moving toward begins moving toward you as well, that is if you truly believe you can achieve it.
Create Affirmation Cards for Each Goal
This is a great addition exercise to manifest faster your goals. Write each of your goals on a three-byfive- inch index card, one card per goal. Write each goal in a personal, present tense, and positive affirmative statement.
This method will speed up your success ad goal achievement.
For instance, you could write goals like, “I weigh 156 pounds.” “I
earn $50,000 per year.” “I speak Spanish fluently and well
Additionally, Combine the mental picture of your goal
with the same feeling or emotion that you will enjoy when you achieve
your goal. As you think about that beautiful car you want to drive, imagine
the feeling of happiness and pleasure that you will have when you
drive away in that car.
Another powerful success principle is the power of concentration. This principle says that “whatever you dwell upon grows and increases in your world”
The more you think about, talk about, affirm, visualize, and emotionalize
a desired goal, the more of your mind works to draw that goal toward
you, and to move you toward that goal.
1. Write down your top 10 goals for this year
2. Ask yourself, which one would have the greatest impact in my life?
Choose one, this is your Major Definitive Purpose.
3. Create a plan to achieve this purpose, with all the actions and possibilities.
4. Write down your vision, how would your ideal life be like? How would your ideal day be like?
5. Write down your mission statement. Imagine a freidn is reading your obituary.
6. Write an affirmation for each goal, in present tense as if you already did achieve them.
6. Write your goal in index cards with that affirmation.
7. Write a commitment letter to yourself, with a promise for action.
8. Read all of these every single day and visualize the goals with the corresponding emotions of having achieve them.
Principle 3—Knowledge Is Power
It took about 6000 years of recorded history for man to move from the
agricultural age into the industrial age, which officially began about
By 1850, the majority of workers in the developing countries
were basically industrial workers. But by 1960, in less than 150 years, the industrial age was mostly over.
We had entered into the Service Age. There were more people working at delivering all kinds of services than there were in manufacturing jobs.
What an amazing change in a little time.
Now we are in the information age to the age of communication. Just imagine what is coming in the next years.
The Primary Source of Value
According to Moore’s Law in computers, information processing capacity
doubles every 18 months. At the same time, the cost of information
processing drops by 50 percent. By the way, this law is becoming obsolete because the capacity is improving and the cost dropping even faster.
The Winning Edge
The Winning Edge Concept is a fascinating concept. It says that small differences in knowledge and ability can lead to enormous differences in results.
For example: If a horse runs in a horse race and comes in first by a nose, it wins ten times as much as the horse that comes in second, by a nose. Does this mean that the horse is ten times faster? Is it twice as fast? Ten percent as fast?
No. The horse is only a nose faster, just a little bit faster than the second and the third. But that nose translates into ten times the prize money.
The difference in achievement and results are massive, but the difference in ability is not that much.
When a company gets the business in a very competitive market, usually it
is only a tiny bit better than the company that failed to get the business
This is why we always have to strive to be the best we can be, and do the best possible job we can do.
There is an old saying that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
Today, however, it is not a contest between those who have more and
those who have less. It is a competition between those who know more
and those who know less, and what they do with what they know.
A very empowering thought is this: You can learn anything
you need to learn to achieve any goal you can set for yourself
You can start from zero, and create a billion dollar company in less than three years; it’s amazing, kind of crazy.
You Don’t Need to Be a Genius
Ninety percent of all fortunes are still made in ordinary businesses selling familiar products and services in local markets to regular customers.
All you really need is an idea that is 10 percent new to start a fortune, or improve what is already in the marketplace by 10%.
Ideas Are the Keys to Your Future
You can dramatically increase the odds in your favor by constantly seeking
new ideas to help you to achieve your goals. Focus on improving what’s already being done.
Superior Knowledge Is a Key Luck Factor
Your knowledge is becoming obsolete y the day. You need to keep learning as a daily exercise.
The more you feed your mind with new knowledge, new insights,
new ideas, and new information, the more you magnetize your mind to its greatest possibilities.
You then attract into your life all kinds of opportunities and possibilities
to use your abilities at a higher level to achieve more and more of
your goals.
Leaders Are Readers
One of the best ways to expand your knowledge is reading. Perhaps not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers. How much do you think should you read?
According to some research, the highest paid Americans read an average of
two to three hours per day. The lowest paid Americans don’t read at all.
In fact, the statistics are kind of shocking. According to the American
Booksellers Association, 80 percent of American families did not buy or
read a single book in the last year.
Seventy percent of American adults have not been into a bookstore in the last five years. Fifty-eight percent of adults never read another book after they leave school, including 42 percent of university graduates.
According to USA Today, 43.6 percent of American adults read below
the seventh grade level. This basically means that they are functionally illiterate.
Fully 50 percent of high school graduates can neither read their graduation diplomas nor fill out an application form for a job at McDonalds.
Many large companies that advertise continually in search of qualified
people are forced to reject as many as 95 percent of all applicants
because of their lack of basic reading skills.
Charlie Jones says, “You will be in five years where you are
today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”
Brian adds to that: “That you will be in five years where you are today except for the audio programs you listen to, the courses you take, and the other sources of information you absorb. You just can’t learn too much about how to succeed in your field”.
About TV
If you go into the home of a rich and wealthy person, what is one of the first things you probably will see? And the answer is, a library! The wealthier the homeowners, and the larger the home, the more likely it is that they will have a huge library.
What about, If you go into the home of poor people, what is the very first thing you see? That’s right! The biggest television they can afford!
How to Read Effectively
The very best books to read are those written by men and women
who are actively working in their fields. They are books written by experts,
by practitioners of their crafts. People who are involve in what they are writing about.
Stay away from books written by university professors and management consultants. These people simply do not have the in-depth understanding that comes from working day after day and year after year in a particular field.
Learn Speed Reading
Speed reading is a skill that you can learn with practice.
It is based on what is called the OPIR Method, or O-P-I-R. These
four letters stand for overview, preview, in-view, and review.
Before you start a book, always start with an overview. Read
the front of the book and the back. Read the biography of the author
and make sure that the author really knows what he or she is
talking about.
Read the contents and ask yourself whether you are interested. Read the appendix and the index quickly to see what information sources the author used.
If you like what you see, go to the next stage.
The second stage of rapid reading is the preview stage
Save Hours in Reading a Book
Interestingly, one of the best ways to save several hours on a book is to throw it away and not read it at all. One of the best of all time savers is to decide in advance that the book doesn’t provide real value, or at least not enough for you.
After you have completed the overview and the preview, and you
think that you want to read the book, ask yourself, “Why?” When you ask
yourself this question, it makes you think about what you can gain from
the book and how you can apply it to your life or work
Keep Current with New Knowledge
Where do you get the best business books? Join the various
book clubs advertised in the business magazines. Order the books that
they offer at a reduced introductory rate, and add to your library by buying
one or two of their choices each year. In no time at all, you will be
one of the best-informed people in your circle.
Save Time Reading Magazines
With magazines, you can use the rip-and-read method to save time.
Go to the table of contents of the magazine. Note the articles
that you feel would be important to you. Go directly to those articles
and tear them out. Throw away the rest of the magazine.
Then, whenever you have a few moments, pull out your rip-and-read file and read through the articles with a highlighter.
There are two important types of reading: maintenance reading and growth
reading. Maintenance reading consists of the current magazines and
publications that keep you up to date with your field. Growth reading,
on the other hand, consists of the books you read that will increase
your knowledge in your chosen field. They enable you to grow and become better at it.
Automobile University
Another excellent advice to become more successful and increase your success probabilities is to listen to audio programs in your car, and whenever you can that doesn’t interrupt what you are doing.
The average car owner in America drives 12,000 to 25,000 miles each year.
This is the equivalent of 500 to 1,000 hours that you spend in your car.
Use this time well. Turn your car into a learning machine, a university
on wheels.
This is a huge time available to you that most people waste or underutilized.
Attend Courses and Seminars
Take every great seminar and course you can. Go to courses taught by
practical authorities, experts in their fields. Take courses that are
taught by people who are actually in the field practicing in their professions
during the daytime.
This will make a massive difference in your career and your life.
Fish Where the Fish Are
Make a habit to attend trade shows, conventions, and exhibitions, especially those that are specific or relevant to your field.
Ask for Ideas and Inputs
Perhaps one of the most important things you can do to rise to the top
of your field in the Information Age is to ask people for advice and for
Ask top people for recommendations on books, audio programs,
and courses. Ask them for answers to questions and for solutions to
What You Can Do Now
1. Identify the critical knowledge that is critical for success in your
field; how can you increase your store of this knowledge?
2. Determine specific things you can do to develop the winning
edge in your work; which are the most important for success, productivity and profitability, and how can you improve in these areas?
3. Develop a reading plan to keep you both current with and ahead of
your field; schedule regular times every day to upgrade your knowledge.
4. Investigate additional courses and seminars you can take to stay
abreast of your field; enroll in and attend three or four seminars each
5. Take a speed-reading course and practice until you can read and remember 1,000 words per minute or more.
6. Go to the most successful people in your field and
ask them for advice on what to read and listen to, and what courses to attend.
7. Turn your car into a mobile classroom; listen to educational audio
programs as you drive around rather than wasting this precious time.
Never stop learning.
Principle 4—Mastery Is Magical
You have the ability to exceed all your previous levels of accomplishment.
You have within you at this moment the talents you need to be, do, and have far more than you have ever achieved in your life to date.
The wonderful news is that you can learn any skills that you need to
learn, to do any job you need to do, to achieve whatever goal you want to achieve.
There is tremendous resentment against achievement in the world
today. In a highly competitive society as this one we are living now, it takes many years to achieve excellence and to earn the rewards that accrue to top performance.
Brian states: “The market only pays extraordinary rewards for extraordinary
performance. The market pays ordinary rewards for ordinary performance, and below average rewards, unemployment, and insecurity for below average performance”
Two Mental Illnesses
There are two mental illnesses that are rampant across America, and
much of the industrialized world today. The first is the something-for-
nothing disease and the second is the quick-fix disease. Either of
these can sabotage your success but both of them, in combination, can
be fatal.
The Practice of Service
Dedicating yourself to serving others is something that will bring
you more success, and luck than you can imagine. The commitment to service helps you to focus on contributing value to those people whose satisfaction determines your own success.
This is an important truth:
Your rewards in life will always be equal to the value of your service to others.
A great question to ask is:
how do I increase the value of my service today?
Deserve the Things You Want
I love another concept from the book: “You do not get what you want but what you deserve.”
Your most important priority is to deserve the things you want, and how do you deserve them? You work at them with everything you got. You work hard, consistent, and congruent to what you want. Make the universe have to bring them to you by pure reward for your effort.
The word deserve comes from the two Latin words, De and Servus.
These two words combined mean “from service.”
Do Your Work Well
Dean Briggs of Harvard once wrote, “Do your work. Not just your
work, but a little bit more for the lavishing sake. And if you suffer, as you
will, do your work. And out of your work and suffering will come the
great joys of life.”
Peter Drucker said that, even if you are starting a new
business from your kitchen table, your goal should be leadership in your
industry or you shouldn’t even begin at all.
However, if your goal is to create an extraordinary business that offers an excellent product or service, better than anyone else, in a competitive market, and you focus on your goal with tremendous intensity of purpose, you will eventually be a big success in your chosen field.
Like the hunger that Steve Jobs and Steve
Wosniak had, designing the first Apple computer in their garage, you could end up building a world-class organization.
Any goal less than being one of the best in your niche, or industry is not worthy of you.
Make a commitment in advance that you will overcome any obstacle,
solve any problem, and pay any price to be the best at what you do.
Be Prepared to Pay the Price
To become a master at anything requires months and years of
hard work on yourself and your job. Make a commitment in advance that you will invest whatever time it takes to become excellent at what you do.
Most people don’t realize that long-term success is the direct result of becoming absolutely EXCELLENT at what they do.
Your Attitude toward Excellence is very important. You can tell if you are in the right field by your attitude toward excellence in that field, especially your attitude toward the people who are the very best at what you are doing or thinking of doing.
All really successful people have great admiration and respect for the top performers in their industries.
Because you always move in the direction of what you most admire, the more you look up to and admire the best people in your field, the more you become like them.
Make the top people your role models. As you evolve and grow, compare your accomplishments to the accomplishments of the top people.
You cannot intensely desire a goal or quality without having the ability to acquire it. You can truly become whatever person you want to become if you are only willing to work at it long enough and hard enough.
Preparation is the Key
Here is an important rule:
Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.
Your commitment to prepare thoroughly determines how well you
will do, how far you will go, and how much you will earn. It will make the whole difference.
The most extraordinary achievers and performers in any field prepare and train for hours per day in order to deliver the best performance possible, to become the very best at what they do.
Make Skill Development a Major Goal
Once you have make a decision on your major definite purpose, your number
one, most important single goal, you want to ask yourself,
“What must I be absolutely excellent at doing in order to achieve this goal?”
Determine Your Key Result Areas
The key result areas are an important concept.
These are the core skills at which you must absolutely, positively be excellent if you want to be really good at what you do, and if you want to achieve extraordinary levels of success.
Your key result areas are the specific outcomes or results that you are focusing on accomplishing.
All truly excellent people are very good at performing the key tasks
that are critical to excellent overall performance of their jobs.
A key result area can be defined as a specific outcome for which you are completely responsible. It is measurable and it is under your control. If you
don’t do it, it doesn’t get done.
For What Results Are You Responsible?
One way of determining your key result areas is by asking, “What are
the specific results for which I am the most highly paid and rewarded?”
Of all the things I do, which are the things that I do that are the most important to my success
There are seldom more than five-seven key result areas in any job.
They are specific tasks that must be accomplished for the job to be completed successfully. In every occupation, these five to seven factors can
be identified.
If you are in sales, the key result areas:
prospecting, establishing rapport and trust, identifying needs or problems, presenting solutions, answering objections, closing the sale, and getting re
sales and referrals.
If you want to be a good parent, there are five to seven key results,
such as communication, caring, consideration, courtesy, and complimenting
A Powerful Ability
One of your most powerful ability is your ability to think, to apply your mind to getting the critical results that determine your future.
The majority of people operate on autopilot, doing the minimum to get by. They get into a comfort zone of average performance, and rarely question their behaviors.
Thomas Edison said, “There is no expedient that the average person will not go to avoid the hard labor of thinking.”
The contrary to the mediocre comfort zone is the Improvement Zone:
You want to engage in continuous and never ending improvement (CANEI).
The Determinant of Your Income
Here is an interesting concept. Your weakest key skill determines the height
at which you can use all your other skills.
Your weakest important skill determines your income, your rate of promotion, and your future in your career.
For example:
Let’s say you were absolutely excellent in every part of selling except for prospecting, that weakness in prospecting would set the height of your sales and your income. If you were absolutely excellent at every key skill except for closing the sale, that weakness would determine your level of sales and how much money you earn.
The Great Question for Rapid Advancement
Here is one of the great questions you can ask to move ahead faster in
your work: “What one skill, if you developed it and did it consistently
in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on
your career?”
You probably know the answer to that question as soon as you
hear it. What is your personal answer to this question? If you don’t
know the answer, go and ask the other people around you. Remember,
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”
Be Open to Feedback
Remember, you cannot see yourself as clearly as other people can see
you. You have to be willing to open yourself to constructive criticism if
you want to grow.
Ask your boss for impuct and advice
The Principle of Incremental Improvement
The Japanese revolutionized and reinvented their after war torn economy during the 1950s and 1960s with what they called the Kaizen Principle.
Kaizen in Japanese means “continuous betterment.” It is based on the idea
The most important message of Kaizen is:
There are ALWAYS LITTLE WAYS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE and results in a person’s line of sight, at whatever they do.
In Japan, at that time, every employee at every level was encouraged to make a commitment to make little improvements every single day.
The cumulative effect of continuous improvement over time is the achievement of extraordinary levels of efficiency and quality.
The principle of incremental improvement is a key success factor you
want to use in anything you do in life. This principle says that you can improve step by step rather than by quantum leaps. Step by step will give you soon a quantum leap.
The achievement of excellence, and then mastery, in any field is a long, hard and intense process of little, incremental advances, each one of which may be small, but when they are added together they can eventually lead to extraordinary changes and performance in anything you do.
The important message here is that everyone has the ability to be excellent at something
Every one has the ability to be excellent at something
The attainment of excellence in your work consists more of attitude and commitment than natural talent and ability.
The truth is that you are just as good and potentially better in many areas,
than anyone else you will ever meet. If you focus your time, energy and dedication to be exceptionally good in one single area, you would have a high degree of probabilities of succeeding in this particular area.
Every Day in Every Way
In 1910, Emil Coué, a Swiss doctor, achieved remarkable cures and transformations by teaching patients at his clinic in Geneva the power of affirmations, and to repeat the sentence:
“Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.” This repeated affirmation brought about amazing improvements in people suffering from every kind of illness.
“Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.”
Increase Your Productivity Daily
Think how your life would dramatically improve if you could find and apply just one idea each day that would enable you to accomplish faster, better, cheaper performance and productivity in your work and your life.
That would amount to about 350 ideas each year. The news are always talking about the rich, and how lucky and fortunate they are to be earning far more than the average person.
However, rich is the wrong word. Instead, the better word would be productive
Productivity is the key to wealth, fortune and success.
Make More Money, Guaranteed!
Do you want to earn more money? Here is a guaranteed way to do it.
Just become very good at what you do.
The better you get at your job, at what you do, the more likely it is that you will keep earning more and more. And if your current company won’t pay you more, some other company who is looking for excellent people will want to pay you more.
How Many Job Offers Have You Had?
This is a question Brian loves to ask: “How many people here have received a job offer in the last 30 days?” usually about 10 percent to 15 percent of the people in an audience raise their hands.
Make a Decision!
One quality that will contribute enormously to your success is to develop the power of decision.
The power to make fast and firm decisions can transform your life. People are successful because they have made clear, unequivocal, do or die decisions to be successful. People are unsuccessful because
they have never made such a decision, or they haven’t follow it up with consistent action.
Get Serious about Your Future
I order to achieve excellence and success in your chosen field, you must get serious about yourself and your future. Most people are wandering
generalities. They want things to get better, and they hope that
things will get better, but they don’t make a clear definite decision
to make things better.
Doing What You Love to Do
The most successful and happy people in society are men
and women who have thrown their whole hearts into becoming excellent
at doing something that they care about, something that they feel
really makes a difference in the world.
Mastery May Be Easier than You Think
People sometimes get discourage because they think it will take them years or decades to improve and achieve mastery in their current field, however, often you can bring up your skill level in a particular area of weakness in a matter of weeks or just a few months.
1. Identify the key skills that are necessary for really succeed in your field; select the one skill that will help you the most and make a plan to become
excellent in that area.
2. Determine the most valuable service that you can render in your job, and concentrate on that every day.
3. Identify your primary customers, and make a plan to become more valuable to them.
4. Make a commitment to join the top 10 percent of performers in your business, and then make a plan to achieve excellence in your key result areas.
5. Project forward and decide upon the skills you will need to learn and
master to lead your field five years from now. Make a plan to acquire
those skills and start immediately.
6. Look inside yourself and discover what do you really love to do, and how could you organize your career around it.
Principle 5—Attitude Is Everything
People are usually described as lucky when they move ahead faster and go further in a shorter period of time than others. Whenever someone
rises to the top of his field and accomplishes wonderful things with his
life, people who are not doing as well as others usually describe their success
to luck. However, this is not luck but clear goals, excellent planning and amazing work ethic. With an amazing work ethic you can create miracles.
The most popular people tend also to be the most influential
people in every field. A positive mental attitude is closely associated
with success in almost everything you do, specially your job or occupation.
The One Thing You Can’t Hide
Earl Nightingale, one of the famous inspirational radio commentator, called attitude the most important word in the English language or in any language whatsoever.
Your attitude can be defined as your general emotional approach to any person or situation. It one thing about you that people notice immediately.
It radiates from you in your facial expressions, your tone of voice
and the body language you use. It is seen and felt immediately in every human interaction.
Be a Team Player
The ability to get along well with others, to cooperate, and to be
a good team player is one of the most important qualities of successful people.
People are usually let go more for their inability to get along with others than for any other reason. Even in times of recession, it is the negative people
The Key to Your Personality
Your self-esteem is an important the key to your personality. How you genuinely feel about yourself determines your impact on others more than any other factor. Your self-esteem is best defined as how much you like yourself
In order to eliminate the negative emotions like anger, blame, envy, resentment, or self-pity, make a conscious decision to accept complete
responsibility for your life, for everything you are and everything you will
ever be. Refuse to make excuses or to blame anyone else
additional suggestions….
Take charge of your life by seeing yourself as active rather than passive. You make things happen rather than waiting and hoping
for them to happen. See yourself as a master of change rather than
as a victim of change
Set clear, written goals for yourself in each important area of your life.
Recognize that knowledge and skill are the keys to financial Freedom
Recognize that personal mastery in your field is absolutely
essential to success, achievement, and what people call luck. Excellent
performance opens every door and is the key to your earning what you
are really worth.
Have a plan for personal and professional development that
includes reading, listening to audio programs, attending courses and
seminars, and taking every opportunity to increase your knowledge and
The more you work hard on becoming better at the key skills you need
to achieve your goals, the more confident and competent you will feel and the more you will earn.
Success is not an accident. Luck is just a word that people use
to explain the good things that continually happen to people who are excellent at what they do.
Remember, that you become what you think about most of the time
Program Your Mind for Success
There are a series of powerful mental programming techniques that will help you. You can use them throughout the day to become a more positive and effective person.
They can make you unstoppable when you combine them…
- Regular use of positive affirmations to program your subconscious mind and to keep yourself feeling optimistic and upbeat throughout the day. Abut 95 percent of your emotions are determined by your self-talk, that is, by what to tell yourself moment to moment.
Dr. Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania calls this
your “Explanatory Style.” The way that you usually talk to yourself and
explain things to yourself largely determines how you feel about what is going on around you. In other words, it is not what happens to you, but how
you interpret what is happening to you, that determines your response, positive or negative.
The principle of affirmation says that strong, affirmative statements
repeated continually in your conscious mind will inevitably be accepted as commands by your subconscious mind
Positive self-talk and positive affirmations are the tools you use to
control your thinking and keep focused on achieving your goals.
Mohamed Ali repeated for hours and days this affirmation: “I’m the
best! I’m the best! I’m the best!”
Talk about yourself and your ideal life, your dream life, what you want to achieve or manifest in your life, your most important desires and goals, not what is happening at this moment.
Block Out Negative Thoughts
Ihzrat Khan, the Sufi Master, once wrote, “Life is a continuous
succession of problems.” At this very moment, your life is probably
filled with problems of all kinds, large and small either you are in a problem, you are getting of one, you are going into one or you are at one. It’s part of life, and part of being alive.
You can counter this natural tendency toward negative thinking by
focusing instead on what you want, on your goals and desires.
Whenever you have a problem of any kind, discipline yourself to
think about the solution instead of the problem.
Whatever You See,You Will Be
The ability to visualize your goals and dreams as current realities, and to see
yourself as you really want to be, is one of the greatest powers a person has to create success, happiness, and great achievements.
To get the most
The more you practice visualization, the closer you will come to your goals.
All improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental
It’s interesting, If you talk to unhappy people and ask them what they think about most of the time, you will find that almost without fail, they
think about their problems, their bills, their negative relationships, and all the difficulties in their lives.
However, when you talk to successful, happy people, you find that they
think and talk most of the time about the things that they want to be, do,
and have. They think and talk about the specific action steps they can
take to get them. They dwell continually on vivid, exciting pictures
One of the keys to learning any skill is your ability to successfully visualize yourself using that skill. One of the keys to becoming excellent in any sport is
your ability to see yourself performing in that sport.
Your mental pictures are a form of visual affirmations. When done properly they are accepted by your subconscious mind as commands, and your subconscious mind then works to bring them into your reality. But both affirmation and visualization are neutral processes.
The problem with most people is that they change states along the day, from believing into fear state. From visualizing their successes into seeing images of their worst fears happening.
They keep sending their minds a series of conflicting and contradictory messages, like giving a taxi driver different instructions at every corner. As a result, they make first a little progress, and then a little regress. Over time, they never seem to get anywhere.
Your affirmations and visualizations have t be consistent in time, consistent in the message.
You want to continually affirm, visualize, and act in a manner consistent with what you want, and keep your mind off of what you don’t want.
To strengthen your ability to visualize, buy magazines containing pictures of the home, car, clothes, equipment, vacation trips and furniture that you intend to have one day. Cut them out and post them all around your house and office. Think about and imagine them continually.
One of the most important ingredient that you can add to the process
of affirmation and visualization is the constant emotionalization of your
words and mental pictures. Feel the feeling of the picture.
Thought multiplied by Emotion = Reality (T E = R)
The thought or image of the goal you desire, multiplied by the
emotion of desire and excitement that you associate with it, will determine
how fast your goal appears. The more you can emotionalize a
goal, affirmation, or picture, the more energy that command will have
and the more rapidly it will be acted upon by your subconscious mind
In other words, use strong emotions with your images and your thoughts to speed up your success rate.
William James of Harvard wrote, “Just as feelings generate actions that are consistent with them, actions generate feelings that are consistent with those actions, as well.”
What this means is that you can act your way into feeling the way
you want to feel. You can easily program your subconscious mind by behaving as if you already have the qualities and characteristics that you most desire.
Let’s say you want to sell your car, or house. You ask yourself, how would I feel once I sell that car? You record that feeling and live with that feeling as much as possible as if you already sold the car, and that feeling will tend to create the actual situation in your life.
You act as if you already done what you want
And this means you can attract the goal you want by feeling the way you would when this goal was achieved.
An extension of the principle of empathy is the Law of Emotional Reciprocity.
This law says that when you do and say things that make other people
feel good about themselves, they will want to reciprocate and make you feel
good as well.
What people want more than anything else in their lives is to feel important.
They want to feel valued and appreciated. They want to feel that what
they are doing really makes a difference. They want a sense of significance.
People make up their mind about you in the first four seconds. Each person’s mind is like quick drying cement, and the first four seconds leaves the first impression.
The fact is that you are most comfortable dealing with people who are very much like you
Appropriate Dress in Business
The ideal colors for business, for men, are navy blue, dark gray, and, occasionally, beige. These are also the ideal colors for women; in addition, women can wear hunter green. Men should wear white or pastel shirts and silk ties, carefully coordinated with the color of their suits. Women should always wear accessories that complement the main color and design of
their clothes. Both men and women should wear high quality shoes,
properly polished.
Remember, everything counts! Everything counts, not just what you want to
count. Every little thing that you do or don’t do counts in some way towards making you more successful or less, more attractive or less.
Everything helps or hurts. Everything adds up or takes away. Everything
moves you toward your goals or moves you away from them.
Little things do mean a lot. You should read at least one book on how to dress for success in business. Leave nothing to chance. Study the top people
around you. If you work for a salary, dress the same way the people two
jobs above you dress, or even better.
One reason why image is so important is that, when you look absolutely
excellent in a personal or business situation, you feel absolutely excellent
as well.
Your personality and your attitude are two of the most powerful of
all success factors. When you combine them with a commitment to doing
your job in an excellent fashion, you motivate the people around
you to help you move forward in your career.
The nicer you are to others, the nicer they will be to you. The more positive a person you are, the more people will want to be involved with you and to do business with you.
1. Make a commitment now to develop and maintain a positive mental attitude, no matter what happens in your life.
2. Visualize yourself continually as a positive, confident, and successful.
3. Make other people feel important; take every opportunity to offer
praise, encouragement, and gratitude to the people around you.
4. Act as if you were already one of the most popular, persuasive, and
influential people you know; fake it until you make it.
5. Dress the part of a successful person with a great future; people are
highly visual and they judge you by the way you look on the outside.
6. Become a completely solution-oriented person. Whenever there is a problem, immediately start talking in terms of what can be done to solve it
rather than who is to blame.
7. Be a team player; always be looking for ways to help your co-workers
make a greater contribution.
Principle 6—Relationships Are Essential
“The best portion of a good man’s life,—
his little nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.”
—William Wordsworth
The quality and quantity of your relationships with other people will
determine your success as much or more than any other factor.
Relationships are essential; the more people who know you
and think of you in a positive way, the more opportunities you will have to
achieve your goals.
Every important change in your life will involve other people. If
you want to achieve big goals, you will need the active involvement and
cooperation of many other people
The Law of Probabilities, which says, the more different things you try, the
more likely it will be that you will try the right thing at the right time.
This law also applies to relationships as well.
The more people you know, and the more consistently you are at expanding your network of contacts, the more likely it is that you will meet the person you need, at the right time, with exactly the right resources for you.
The key here is to continually expand your network.
The most successful people in our society are those who know and are known by the greatest number of other successful people, either in person, or by TV, or other broadcasting ways.
The Law of Attraction says that: You inevitably attract into your life the people and circumstances in harmony with your dominant thoughts.”
On the other hand, the Law of Repulsion, says, “You automatically drive away or repel people and circumstances that are not in harmony with your dominant thoughts.”
The Law of Indirect Effort says that most often you get what you want with other people indirectly rather than directly. In fact, if you attempt to get other people to help you or cooperate with you directly, you will often end up looking foolish. You will actually drive those people away. Try to help other people as the best way for them to help you.
Everybody Likes a Compliment
Abraham Lincoln said, “Everybody likes a compliment.”
People love to be acknowledged and admired for things they have accomplished. Make it a policy to find out what they have achieved and then
compliment them on their successes. You can also complement people the way they look, the way they dress, something about themselves.
The weight is one complement women love to hear. Something like: “You look like you’ve lost weight” can be lovely for almost any woman.
Satisfy One of the Deepest Human Needs
Do you want people to respect you? This is one of the deepest desres people crave for.
Almost everything you do, either you realize it or not is to earn the respect of the people you respect, or at least not to lose the respect of the people you respect. So if you want people to respect you, the best way is for you to respect them, in advance.
Successful people are always looking for ways to do things for other people. The great majority of underachievers and unhappy people are those who are waiting for others to do something for them, in advance. Be generous in your time, money, dedication and help to others.
The more you give of yourself without expectation of return, the more that will come back to you from the most unexpected sources.
Some people make the mistake of thinking that their giving should
come back to them from the very people that they have given to. But
this very seldom happens. When in reality it can come from anywhere and anyone.
There is something about helping others, about giving of yourself
to others in need, that makes you feel wonderful about yourself.
The reality is that you benefit as much, and often, much more,
than the person for whom you do a kindness.
Generosity of all kinds triggers happy, serendipitous events in your
life. Always look for ways to help others.
Tide 10% off your income to charity.
Generosity Really Pays
John D. Rockefeller began his life as a clerk earning only $3.75 per week. He
Regularly saved 20 percent of his income and gave 50 percent to his church.
He lived on the remaining 30 percent of his income. Eventually, he got into the fledgling oil business and built Standard Oil, the biggest oil company in the United States and probably one of the biggest in the world.
His entire fortune was based on his obsessive drive to reduce the cost of fuel
oil to the American consumer.
He used every business strategy possible to acquire ever-greater quantities of gas and oil. He built complex and sophisticated systems of distribution and delivery. He was so efficient that he was able to continually lower fuel prices.
He was able to take away the market from anyone who was charging more than he was. His company, Standard Oil, was eventually called a monopoly, but it was completely customer centered.
It was built on his skill and ability to give his customers what they wanted cheaper than anyone else. As his business interests grew and expanded tremendously.
He lost sight of his original desire to share his benefits with others. In the back of his mind, he had always intended to give money to worthy causes, but he became so busy building his empire that he forgot to make it a priority.
When Rockefeller was 52 years old, he was the richest man in the
world. He was also in a very bad physical condition, in a state of collapse. His body was falling apart.
The doctors told him that he only had a few months, perhaps a year, to live. He had worked for so long, and so hard, and had taken such poor care of himself physically, that even though he could afford any kind of treatment, there was nothing they could do for him. He forgot to take care of his number one asset, his body.
So, he decided that if he was going to die, he was going
to go back to his original intention and give away most of his money.
So, he decided to sell half of his interests in the Rockefeller oil companies for cash, an amount of about $500 million dollars. He then set up the first Rockefeller Foundation and began giving his money away to worthy causes
that he had admired over the years.
And something amazing happen…..
The more money he gave away, the healthier and richer he became.
Eventually, his physical problems improved. The more dedicated
he became to charitable causes, to funding churches and foundations
and other key organizations, the better he felt, and the healthier, happier,
and more positive he became.
In the meantime, the Rockefeller oil companies continued to grow and expand. His half ownership that he retained in his companies increased in value at a rate faster than he could give the other half away. He was becoming richer giving away money.
Rockefeller lived to the age of 92, another 40 years. By the time he died, he had given away hundreds of millions of dollars. But the amazing thing was that he was worth more when he died than when he had sold half of his interests at the age of 52 and began his charitable activities.
That is the power of giving and helping people.
The Giver Benefits More than the Receiver
The person who benefits the most from acts of kindness and generosity
is always the giver, not the recipient. When you give generously
of yourself, you change the kind of person you are inside and outside. You transform your inner self. You become luckier.
Find the Ideal Person for You
Your choice of a mate in marriage or in a key relationship will do more
to determine your overall success and happiness in your life than probably any other factor.
Many people have all type of successes, in their work, career, and financial success but are very poor in their love relationships.
They have broken relationships with their spouses and children being
disintegrated for lack of time and attention. Is success worth that much?
One way for you to find your ideal mate, or life partner is the same way that you achieve any worthwhile goal in life.
Simply, sit down with a pad of paper and write out a description of the perfect person for you, your ideal mate.
As you do this exercise, imagine that you are putting in an order to the universe that you are going to mail and the ideal mate is going to be delivered back to you, exactly the way you have described him or her.
Take the time to write out every detail of you ideal mate. Be sure to describe the ideal person’s appearance, height, weight, color of skin, and level of physical fitness.
Describe the person’s personality, sense of humor, education,
intelligence, and attitude. The more precise you are the better. Describe the person’s values, beliefs, philosophies, and opinions about the important
things in life.
The more detailed your description, the more likely you will be to find the ideal person for you.
Read and re-read this description for your ideal mate every single day. Add new details and characteristics to the description as you think more about them. Modify and adjust the existing description so that it is more and more accurate and precise to what you really want to manifest.
Each time you review the description of your ideal mate, you will
program this picture deeper and deeper into your subconscious mind.
Decide What You Have to Offer
The next step in finding your ideal relationship is to do an honest
evaluation of yourself. You want to be objective in what you bring to the table, evaluate your strengths and weakness.
An important decision is your choice of the people with whom you habitually associate. Associate with the right people. People that help you grow, who are optimistic, positive and who are going somewhere with their lives.
Spend time around winners, and get away from negative people. Get away from people who complain and condemn and criticize all the time and who are going nowhere with their lives.
These toxic people steal your energy, depress you and take all the joy out of living. After you have spent time with them, you feel discouraged and
demotivated. You feel like one of them.
Choose your friends and associates carefully. As Baron de
Rothschild said, “Make no useless acquaintances.” Dr.
David McClellan’s research into achievement at Harvard University
concluded after 25 years that the members of your “reference group”
will have a big impact into your life than probably anything else.
Your reference group is made up of the people with whom you
identify and associate most of the time. This is the group you share your values with and have a strong connection with.
As the saying goes, If you fly with eagles, you will think and feel like an eagle. If you associate with turkeys, you will think, walk, talk, and act like a turkey.
One of the most common characteristics of self-made millionaires is that they are continually networking, therefore, are great networkers.
The more people you know, and who know them, the more luck and success you are going to have when it comes to making sales and creating new opportunities.
The law of reciprocity says, “If you do something for another person, that other person will want to do something for you. He will want to reciprocate in some way so that he does not feel a sense of obligation.”
Human beings tend to be fair in their dealings with others
The key to success in your business and your life is for you to build more and better relationships, and for you to become more known and respected by a greater number of people in your field. You must do this deliberately, carefully selecting the people and organizations you want to be associated with.
Human beings tend to follow the line of least resistance. The more people that know you, the easier is for you to be successful.
Principle 7—Money Matters
“More gold has been mined from the
thoughts of men than has ever been taken from the earth.”
—Napoleon Hill
One of the most important goals and desire in life for the majority of people is to be financially independent. Today we live in one of the best time to be financially independent.
Today, you can start on your way to financial independence from your very own computer.
The Law of Abundance says that we live in a universe of unlimited abundance where there is plenty for everyone who knows how to get it.
Your ability to think and to generate new ideas and innovations
represents your true wealth.
Most of the world’s richest people started with little or nothing. Less than 1 percent of financially successful Americans started off with a family inheritance of any kind, the rest built it from the ground.
The most important equity is sweat equity, which is your willingness to WORK HARD HARD HARD.
Sadly, most American families today have no savings or cash reserves. About 70 percent of Americans have no savings at all. This means that they are living paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes even worse, with accumulated credit card and other debts.
The average American family is only two months away from potential
Kop Kopmeyer studied successful people for more than 50
years. He read more than 6,000 books on success and derived 1,000
success principles from his research. He suggests that the most important
success principle he ever discovered was simply this: “Learn from
the experts.”
There is not enough time left on earth to figure it all out for yourself
Learn from the experts.
The principle of value creation is a critical key to your financial
success. It says, all wealth comes about as the result of increasing value in
some way.
Your ability to create and add value to your work, your company,
and your customers is the key to high earnings and rapid advancement
Seven Secrets of Wealth Creation
There are seven great ways to increase your value in your work and
in your world. Any one of these ideas can be enough for you to become financially free.
Do It Faster
The first way to increase your value is simply to do things faster than the average person. Increase the speed at which you deliver the specific result that other people want. People want and expect results fast.
Improve Your Quality
The second way that you can add value and create wealth is by offering
better quality than your competitors at the same price. Try to improve the quality. Ask yourself:
How could I increase the quality of what I do, in terms of what my customer really wants?”
Look for Ways to Add Value
The third key to becoming wealthy is by looking for ways to add value
to everything you do. Offer superior products and services to your competitors.
For example, you could add value to a product or service by improving the design so that it is easier to use. You can increase its value by simplifying its method of operation. For example, Apple Computers did both at the same time.
Make It Easy to Do Business with You
The fourth way to adding value is to increase the convenience of purchasing
and using your products or services. Fast food stores illustrate this concet. People pay more for convenience, usually between 15 to 20 percent premium on most items.
Improve Customer Service
The fifth key to creating value and increasing wealth is by improving
customer service and by treating customers better than your competitors do. People love to be treated greatly.
Create Customers for Life
Carl Sewell, in his book Customers for Life, tells the way he built the most
successful Cadillac dealerships in the United States. His philosophy
was to continually look for ways to offer customers what they really
wanted from a car dealership, giving total service and value.
Follow the Trends
The sixth way to add value and create wealth is to recognize new trends and follow them. Look for ways that customer groups are changing habits and preferences.
Sell for Less
The seventh way to create value for your customers, and create wealth
for yourself, is by discounting, selling for less. Find ways to sell more of your products or services to more people at lower prices.
Become Wealthy
First, to become financially independent, you must begin by setting it as a goal. The problem with most people s that they don’t set to become financially free as a goal.
Next, set a deadline on your goal. Put a date on your goal. When will you achieve it?
Next, Set sub deadlines as well. Determine how much you will have to earn, save, and invest every month and every year to achieve that goal. Determine the actions you will have to take. Create specific measures so that you can track your progress every month. Whatever gets measured it improves. The more detailed your plan, the more likely and easier it is that you will accomplish it.
Make a commitment to Excellence
Once you have a clear goal and a plan for financial freedom, ask
yourself the key question: “What must I be absolutely excellent at doing
in order to earn the kind of money that I will need to achieve the financial
freedom that I have set for myself?”
Change Your Thinking about Wealth
The most challenging aspect of achieving financial independence
is the changes you will have to make on the inside to become a
millionaire on the outside.
Becoming a millionaire in your own thinking requires that you
Move yourself from positive thinking to positive knowing.
Keep a long-term vision of your financial goals in front of you. Combine that mental picture with a short-term focus on the work that you have to do extremely well to deserve the kind of money that you want to earn.
You can have your goals in your wallet, or carry pictures in your Smartphone that represent the financial success you are looking for.
The habit of saving your money is a key success factor that increases the
probability that you will achieve financial independence.
You can read Classon’s famous story, The Richest Man in
Babylon. It’s a great book with great financial principles, as the one, “Pay pay yourself first”
The principle basically says that if you save and invest 10 percent of your
income throughout your working lifetime, you will become a millionaire.
Invest in Yourself
Probably one of the best investment you can make is back into yourself, invest in yourself, improving continually better at the skills that are enabling you to earn the money in the first place.
Remember, you can get the equivalent of full-time university attendance each year by reading an hour a day in your field, listening to audio programs in your car, and attending seminars and courses on a regular basis.
Listening to audio courses in your car, or Smartphone, whenever you are is probably one of the easiest ways to improve yourself without any additional effort. Is the lazy man way to riches.
Listen to audio courses in your car or phone for one hour a day, as the easiest way to improve yourself.
Principle 8—You Are a Genius
“The source and center of all man’s creative power is
his power of making images, or the power of imagination.”
—Robert Collier
Your mind is your most valuable asset you have in your life, together with your commitment and desire to improve yourself. .
Your mind can make you rich or poor, happy or unhappy. By applying your intelligence properly, you can create a wonderful life for yourself.
According to brain expert Tony Buzan, your brain has about 100 billion
cells. Each of these cells is connected and interconnected with as many
as 20,000 other cells. This is the mathematical equivalent of
100,000,000 to the 20,000 power, or the number one followed by eight
pages of zeros.
Each of these connections and interconnections is capable
of new ideas or insight. This means that the possible total number of different thoughts and ideas you can generate is a number greater than that
of all the atoms in the known universe. Your mind is huge.
According to the Brain Institute at Stanford University, the average person uses not 10 percent of their potential, but closer to 2 percent. The remainder goes unused and unappreciated, basically waste land. usually
There are more than 600,000 words in the English language. The
average person uses only about 1,200 of these words in daily conversation.
About 85 percent of all English usage is covered by 2,000 words
and fully 95 percent of newspapers, magazines, radio, and television use
about 4,000 out of the 600,000 words available, so the easiest way to learn a language is to use the 4000 or so words average usage in any language.
You can easily actually increase your intelligence and your
thinking by merely increasing your vocabulary. Interestingly, each word you learn introduces you to and improves your ability to use as many as 10 or 15
other words.
The more words you learn, the more words you can learn.
If you were to learn one new word per day, 365 days per year, within five
years you would be one of the most articulate and intelligent people in
our society.
Napoleon Hill described the mind as “Infinite Intelligence.” He
discovered in his interviews that every wealthy man in America had become
rich by learning how to tap into this superconscious mind on a regular basis.
There are four elements of visualization that can stimulate your superconscious mind. These are vividness, duration, intensity, and frequency
Probably when you begin visualizing, your goal will often be fuzzy and unclear. The more you visualize your goal, the clearer your goal will become.
The clearer you can see your goal, the more motivated and focused you will
become, and the more rapidly it will come true for you.
The second element of visualization is duration.
The more you visualize, with vividness, duration, intensity, and frequency,
the more you program your subconscious mind to direct and
control your thoughts and feelings
Using Your Common Sense
A key success factor is good judgment, or what is often called common
sense. You develop this common sense by continually comparing the results
of your actions to what you expected to achieve.
In other words, what you are doing versus what you are getting.
You need this daily evaluation in order to make the fastest progress possible.
Daily evaluation of your actions versus your results is one of the most important factors of success. Do it daily.
Combine planning, visualization with evaluation to turbocharge your success.
This regular reflection helps you recognize patters and improve efficiency.
Trust Your Instincts
Men and women begin to become great when they begin to listen to
their inner voices and trust their intuitions. Trust your instincts.
Develop the habit of developing ideas constantly. Spend at least 1 hour a week brainstorming and writing ideas for improvement. These sessions are critical for improvement. You can devote one day per week, for example Sunday, to develop this hour of ideas. And then resolve to act on these ideas.
Don’t sell yourself short, you have the worlds most powerful computer between your two ears.
Become a Professional Problem Solver
You know what they say, you are either part of the problem, or part of the solution. Make a decision to be part of the solution. Always be looking for solutions.
The highest paid people in every industry are the very best problem solvers in that industry. And remember, a goal unachieved is just a
problem unsolved.
Solve Your Problems Systematically
The regular use of a systematic method for solving problems activates
your mental powers. This requires the practice of a simple, seven-step method.
Step one in systematic problem solving is for you to approach it
with confidence, with positive expectation that there is a solution just waiting to be found.
Change Your Use of Words
The second step is for you to change the language or words you use to describe it, instead of problem, better a challenge or, even
better, as an opportunity. Words are critical. They create emotional states. important. They have the power to create emotions, either positive or negative. Think about a problem, as a situation to be resolved.
The word problem is a negative word. It tends to create tension and anxiety.
It can cause worry and stress.
The Great Success Secret
Napoleon Hill, in his 22 years of interviewing successful people, looking
for the secrets of success, found that they tend to see problems as opportunities, as something of value that you can get something great out of it.
Clarity Is the Key
The third step in this systematic method is to define the problem or
challenge clearly. Ask yourself, “What exactly is the problem?” Write it
down. Define it clearly on paper. A problem properly defined is half
solved. Accurate diagnosis is half the cure.
Once you have defined the problem clearly, ask yourself, “What
else is the problem?” you can also ask, what is the situation waiting to be resolved?
Identify All the Possible Causes
The fourth step in systematic problem solving is for you to identify all
the possible causes of the problem, challenge or situation. Look also for hidden causes.
Test your assumptions. Ask yourself, “What if we were completely wrong in our approach to this current situation?” If you were doing exactly the opposite to what you should be doing, right now, what changes would you have to make? Errant assumptions lie at the root of every failure.
Determine All the Possible Solutions
Step five in this systematic method is for you to determine all the possible
Solutions to this situation, challenge or opportunity. Start with the obvious solutions and then some of the not-so-obvious solutions. Pick solutions that are opposite to the obvious solutions. Interestingly, Sometimes the solution is to do nothing at all. Sometimes the solution is to do something totally different.
Make a Decision
The next Step is to make a decision among the various solutions
you have developed. Any decision is usually better than no decision. A
clear, unequivocal decision gives you peace of mind.
Assign Responsibility for Results
Last step is to take full responsibility or to assign responsibility to someone else for implementing the solution. You then take action on the decision. Get started as quickly as possible. Don’t procrastinate or delay
Principle 9—Results Determine Rewards
“My success just evolved from
working hard at the business at hand each day.”
—Johnny Carson
Your Results Determine the Rewards you will obtain in your life.
The Result principle says that, your rewards will always be equal to the quality, quantity, and timeliness of the results that you achieve for other people.
So, the key is helping others get the results. Contribution is closely related.
“Your financial rewards in life will always be in direct proportion to the value of the contribution that you make to others, as they value it.”
Become Intensely Results Oriented
One of the fastest ways to rapidly advance in life is to become an intensely results-oriented person. Super achievers are result oriented.
According to Theodore Leavitt, Dean of Business area at Harvard University,
the most valuable asset that a company has is its own reputation, which is how it is known to its customers.
Be Prepared to Work Hard
In addition to quality work, you have to ready to work hard. Hard
work is essential for any kind of real and lasting success. Good work habits go
hand in hand with what people continually refer to as success.
Most People Are Lazy
Unfortunately, most people are lazy. They do the minimum possible to get by, to live a mediocre life. They do just as much as they have
to do to avoid getting fired. They think they are entitled to a job, whether they do it well or not.
Time Wastage Is Universal
According to Robert Half International, the average person works less
than 50 percent of the time for which they are paid. This means that half of the time they are working, they are not working but losing time. They are not doing things related to their job. Some people even waste more than 50% of their work. Most of th wasted time is socializing with others workers. Other time is coming a little late and leaving a little sooner, as well as extended lunch breaks. .
Working on Low Priority Tasks
What is even worse is that when people are not wasting time, they are
usually working on low priority tasks, and working inefficiently as
well. As a result, they get very little done. Their work mounts up and
they shuffle it around.
The average employee in America begins shutting down at about
3:30 in the afternoon, even if their working hours are until 5 P.M. or 5:30
The Law of Applied Effort says that it says, any goal, task, or activity is amenable to the sustained effort of hard work.
There is very little that you cannot accomplish in life if you are
willing to work at it long enough and hard enough, and to persist in the
face of all obstacles and difficulties until you win through.
Hard, hard work is and has always been the key to extraordinary achievement.
Work All the Time You Work
Your goal is to be in the top 10% in your field, the top performers.
Your goal should be to develop a reputation as one of the very best people in what you do. The key to achieving these goals is simply for you to work all the time you work. That means working when you are working.
Brian recommends every time you get distracted: “Back to work! Back to work! Back to work!”
Double and Triple Your Output
Once you become the hardest working and best employee in your organization, you will soon be producing double and even triple the output of the average person.
Time Management and Personal Performance
There are several key principles about time that can help you.
First of all, time is inelastic. It cannot be stretched. It is fixed in quantity. And it goes by with an absolutely unstoppable regularity. This is a fact of nature
to which you must conform, because it cannot be changed.
This is like the law of gravity. Time doesn’t stop. It has unstoppable regularity.
Time is limited. You can’t get any more of it. But the fact is that
you have all the time you need, that is 24 fresh hours every day.
Here is something critical. You can tell your true values and beliefs
by the way you spend your time. You can tell how important something
is to you by measuring the amount of your time that you are
willing to invest in it.
Your decisions about time usage tell you who you really are, what you really want, and where you are really going in life.
Saving versus Spending
Another key principle of time is that it cannot be saved. Time can only
be spent, but not saved. Time passes by quickly no matter what you do. The only power you have is to decide how to spend your time.
You can reallocate time away from lower-value activities and toward higher-value activities, but you cannot save it.
Highly successful people are so because they spend more of their time doing
things of higher value.
They do more of the things that move them toward their goals faster. People underachieve and fail because they do too many things of low value, or no value at all.
They perform tasks and engage in activities that do not move them toward the things they really want in life. Even worse, they waste their time doing things that actually move them away from their goals and dreams.
You are always free to choose how you spend your time. Its your decision, and is one of the most important decisions you can make.
You are in total control of your time and your life. You are in the driver’s seat. You are the architect of your own destiny. Each moment, you can decide to spend your time on high-value activities or on low-value activities. The sum of your choices will determine your results and the quality of your life.
Dr. Edward Banfield, of Harvard, suggests that success is largely attitudinal. What he and others have found is that the most important determinant of what happens to you is your attitude toward time.
Do you think short term or do you think long term when you make
your key decisions?
Dr. Banfield concluded that people with long time perspective, as Dr.
Banfield called it, are invariably more successful than people with only a
short-term outlook.
People with long time perspective make their day to-day decisions based on where they want to be many years in the future.
As a result, they make decisions today that are more likely to create the future they truly desire. Basically: Long-term thinking improves short-term decision making.
You begin to develop long time perspective
Imagine what you ideal life would be 10 and 20 years in the future.
Visualize what your life would look like if it turned the way you want it, with all the major goals and dreams achieved.
Then come to the now and ask yourself,
“What would I have to do, right now, to begin creating the future
I really want?”
Then plan your goals, priorities, and activities in terms of what you will have to do to get to where you really want to go.
Less than 3 percent of people have long time perspective. These people eventually become the leaders of the world. They move to the top of most organizations. They end up controlling most of the money and assets in our country.
The key here is sacrifice and delayed gratification as the key to personal and economic success.
The Two Most Important Words for Success
Two important words to be successful are focus and concentration.
Your ability to focus clearly on your highest priorities, and to concentrate single-mindedly on them until they are complete, will determine how much you achieve more than any other qualities you can develop.
All success comes from the ability to select priorities intelligently and then to stay at your most valuable task until it is completed.
Ask yourself:
What are my top priorities and how can I accomplish them fast?
One of the most important list you can develop is your daily
list. This is a complete blueprint of the present day from morning to
night. It is an organized plan that you can follow to maximize your day, your time and your life. All you have is today, maximize it as much as possible to create the life you really want and deserve.
Always start your day, your week, and your month with a list. Make
lists for everything. Think on paper. All the most productive people think
with a pen in their hands. They have lists for everything.
Plan every day in advance
Write out a list for each day, preferably the night before.
Determine the Sequence of Events
Time management is the process of determining the sequence of events in
your life. It consists of deciding what you are going to do first, then you are going to do second, and what you are not going to do at all.
By choosing or changing the sequence of events, you control the direction of your life.
Remember the 20/80 Rule. This rule says that 80 percent of the value of
any list of activities will be contained in 20 percent of the items on that
Sometimes even 90 percent of the value of your entire list of activities
will be represented by only 10 percent of them.
One item in a list of ten tasks can be more important than the other nine. Your ability to decide which tasks are in the top 20 percent largely determines your productivity and performance.
Begin with the Most Important
Never give in to the temptation to clear up small things first. Once you have
identified the 20 percent of tasks that can account for your most valuable
results, begin with the most important. When you start off with the idea
of clearing up all your small tasks, they tend to increase.
Set Both Priorities and Posteriorities
Setting priorities means also setting posteriorities. A priority is something
that you do more of and sooner. A posteriority, on the other hand,
is something that you do less of and later, if at all.
Five great Questions for Peak Personal Performance
1. What are my highest-value activities?
2. What are your key result areas?
3. Why are you on the Payroll?
4. What can you—and only you—do that, if done well, will make a real difference?
5. What is the most valuable use of my time right now?
Your ability to ask and answer this question, and then to apply
yourself to doing only that one thing, is the key to high personal performance
and maximum productivity. Additionally, your ability to concentrate single mindedly on your most valuable task is the true measure of
self-discipline and self-mastery.
Also ask yourself, “If I had it to do over, is there anything that I am doing today that, knowing what I now know, I wouldn’t get into again today?”
Because of the rapid rate of change in your life, there are often
things that, knowing what you now know, you wouldn’t get into again today
if you had to start over.
Principle 10—Seize the Day!
“If your real desire is to do good, there is
no need to wait for money before you do it;
you can do it now, at this very moment, and just where you are.”
—James Allen
Move Quickly When Opportunity Appears
Move fast and quickly when opportunities appear. However, Opportunities Are Everywhere
Opportunities like this exist all around you, every day, but you have to be alert and look for them, otherwise you will not find the even though they are in front of you.
One of the most important success factors is the Momentum
Strategy of Success. It is based on the principle of inertia. This
principle, paraphrased from Sir Isaac Newton, says, “A person in motion
tends to remain in motion; it takes much less energy to keep moving
than it does to stop and try to start moving again.”
So, the key I to create momentum, focusing on your highest priorities and working hard to accomplish them.
Trying More Things
When you dril more holes in your life, you will get better chances of finding the right hole.
Here is the key, the faster you move, the more energy you have. The faster you move the more experience you get. The faster you move and the more
experience you get, the more competent and confident you become.
The faster you move, the more ground you cover, the more people you
Get Busy on Your Key Tasks
In studies of unemployed people searching for new jobs, the researchers
made an interesting discovery. They found that there are two types of
unemployed people. There are those who quickly get back into the
workplace, at good jobs with good salaries, and there are those who are
unemployed for long periods of time.
The main difference of the people who quickly got back to work after they had lost a job was that they looked upon job-hunting as a
full time activity.
They got up and got going at seven in the morning.
They worked steadily all day long. They continually studied the ads,
made phone calls, sent resumes and went to interviews. They made 30
or 40 contacts a week.
On the other hand, most of unemployed people only go on an average of two job interviews per week. They send out a few resumes, post their information on a few Internet sites, and then wait around for someone to call or contact them.
Become an Intelligent Risk Taker
Really successful people tend to be calculated risk takers. They are not gamblers. They usually do not go to casinos or buy lottery tickets. They are always willing to take intelligent risks in the pursuit of their goals. This type of
managed risk may have a likelihood of loss, but they know they can influence
the outcome with their own intelligence and ability.
The more positive and enthusiastic you are about what you do, the
more energy and ambition you will have.
Seven Keys to Action Orientation
There are seven ways to increase your productivity, performance, and
output immediately.
Work Faster
The first key to high productivity is for you to work faster. Pick up the
pace. Get on with it. Move quickly. Develop a sense of urgency. Whatever
you have to do, do it in real time. Take action on it immediately.
Fast tempo is essential to success.
Repeat to yourself, “Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!”
Work Longer and Harder
The second key to high productivity is to work longer and harder. A reputation for hard work will cause you to stand out immediately. Most people are lazy. They don’t work very hard, even when they are at work.
Sustained, concentrated, applied effort is the key to high performance
and high productivity.
Getting a Jump on the Day
The top people tend to be in the office earlier, sometimes by 6 or 7 A.M. If you want to avoid the receptionist, wait until the company closes and then
call at 6 or 7 P.M. Very often, the person who answers the phone will be
the top person in the company. Top people get in early and stays late.
Don’t Be a Clock Watcher
The regular office hours are for average people with average futures, with average results, not for highly successful people who are going somewhere with their lives. Your attitude toward the clock is a good indicator of whether or not you have much of a future in your current job.
Set Your Own Schedule
There is no law that requires you to automatically get up at 12:00 noon
and walk out the door for lunch with whoever is standing there. Successful
people simply don’t work this way. They make every minute count.
Take the hour between 12:00 and 1:00 P.M., close your door and concentrate on getting your top priorities done. This one uninterrupted hour will enable you to produce what could take you two or three hours of interrupted
time during the normal workday.
The highest paid people-entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals—work an average of 59 hours per week.
This amounts to either six 10-hour days, or five 12-hour days
It’s hard to achieve anything worthwhile working the standard 8 hours per day, in this era of ultra competitive.
Do More Important Things
The third key to high performance is to do more important things. Since
you only have a certain number of hours each day, make sure that you
spend every minute doing those things that are more valuable to you
and your company than anything else.
Continually ask yourself, “If I had to leave town for a month,
and I could only complete one task before I left, what one task would
that be?”
You’ve heard it said that, “If you want something done, always give
it to a busy man or woman.” This is because a busy person is working at
a higher rate of output than the average person.
Do Things You’re Better at
The fourth key to higher performance and productivity is for you to do
things that you are better at. When you work on the things that you do best,
you not only enjoy your work more, but you also get it done faster. You
make fewer mistakes.
You make a more valuable contribution.
One of the best time-management techniques of all is to get better
at the most important things you do. This is a key success factor.
Since your major rewards and recognition come from
your ability to do your most important tasks and to do them well, the
better and better you get at those key tasks, the more rewards, recognition
and opportunities you will have. By being excellent at your key
tasks, you will experience more success than the average person.
1. Find out your key task areas
2. Dedicate most of your time there
3. Become really good at them.
Bunch Your Tasks
The fifth key to high productivity is for you to bunch your tasks. Do
groups of similar tasks together. Return all your phone calls at the same
time. Do all your telephone prospecting in a single block of time. Fill
out all your expense accounts at the same time. Write all your letters and
proposals one after another. Work in bunches of actions and tasks.
The principle of the learning curve says that, “The more you do of a repetitive task, the faster and easier you will perform each subsequent task of that kind.”
Do Things Together
The sixth key to high productivity is to do things together well. Your ability to
work well and function as part of a team is critical to your success. You will achieve bigger and faster things when you work great together.
Simplify Your Work
The last key to increasing your productivity is for you to simplify
and streamline your work. This is often called reengineering.
Reengineering and simplifying the job follows a simple process.
First, make a list of every step necessary to complete a particular
job, from start to finish.
Second, examine each step and decide if it is still necessary.
Third, determine those tasks you could simplify and do faster.
Fourth, look for steps that you can combine with others or jobs that you can consolidate in a single person.
Finally, look for parts of the task that you could eliminate altogether. Continually look for ways to reduce the time that it takes to complete the entire job
Reduce Time Required
There is a very powerful productivity improvement technique called time
compression by responsibility expansion. This basically is when one person is
made responsible for several steps in a particular task. This dramatically
simplifies the task and makes it possible to get it done far faster.
Principle 11—Character Counts
“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”
—Thomas Jefferson
Aristotle’s one of the most important contributions to philosophy was
contained in his principle of causality. He taught that we live in an orderly
universe and that, therefore, everything happens for a reason.
There exists a related cause-effect relationship among all events. Even if you do not know the reason for a particular effect, this does not mean that a reason does not exist, only that you don’t know it.
Success in any area comes from finding out the cause-effect relationships between the things you do and the things you want, and then
organizing your activities so that they are in harmony with what you are
trying to achieve or make haapppen.
The ultimate goal of all human behavior is purpose. It is aimed at a goal or result of some kind. He said that everything you do, you do for a reason, and behind every smaller or intermediate goal, there is a larger goal and vision that you are striving to achieve.
Aristotle was the first to declare that the ultimate goal of every person is
the desire to be happy.
He arrived at the conclusion that “Only the good can be happy, and only the virtuous can be good.”
So basically it says that You can only be happy if you are a good person, and you can only be a good person if you practice the virtues that are associated with goodness
When you think of success in your own life, you will find that it is
closely tied to the respect you get from the people that you also respect.
Aristotle also taught that man is a social animal
The highest virtue in life and relationships is the virtue of
integrity. The dictionary definition of integrity includes, “Absolute
truth, oneness, wholeness, perfection, fully integrated, without blemish
or fault.”
Be Honest with Yourself
At a very minimum, you must always be true to yourself. The psychologist
Abraham Maslow studied successful, self-actualizing people for
many years. He found that a predominant characteristic of the best
people he interviewed was that they were extremely objective and truthful about themselves.
The key to success is discipline. Elbert Hubbard, a twentieth century writer, once wrote, “Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”
Self-discipline is the iron quality of a successful person. It is the foundation
stone of integrity and courage. Your level of self-discipline has a major
impact on what you accomplish in every area of your life.
You are where you are and what you are today because of the choices
and decisions that you have made in the past, even the smallest actions and decision can have major impact overtime.
These are the essential qualities that make up human nature and
determine individual behavior. The normal person, including yourself,
is lazy, greedy, selfish, ambitious, ignorant, vain, and impatient
First, integrity is the core virtue, the one that guarantees all the others.
Your level of integrity determines how consistently you live by your
virtues, by what you know to be right and true.
The second key virtue of successful people is responsibility. When you
take complete responsibility for yourself, you accept that you are the
primary creation force in your life, that your destiny I in your hands.
The third great virtue is compassion, one of the finest of all human qualities.
Like all virtues, compassion is expressed in action.
Practice Kindness in Every Situation
The fourth great virtue is that of kindness. Everyone you meet has problems, challenges and difficult situations. Be kind with them.
Be a Friend to Others
The fifth great virtue is that of friendship. You know that to have a friend,
you must be a friend first.
Ask people……..“What sort of work do you do?”
“How did you get into that field?” “How is everything going for you?”
“How are you feeling today?”
The Quality of the Strong
The sixth virtue is that of gentleness, especially with the important people
in your life. The fact is that only the strong can be gentle
Great men and women are often the kindest and gentlest people
that you will ever meet.
Principle 12—Fortune Favors the Brave
“Courage is rightly considered the
foremost of the virtues, for upon it all others depend.”
—Winston Churchill
Probably, the most important of all success factors is the quality of courage.
The development and improvement of self-confidence, courage, boldness, and the willingness to move forward toward your goals, with no guarantees of success, especially when everything is against you is the essential requirement for high achievement.
With courage, you can do virtually anything in life and achieve your highest goals and dreams. Without it, none of the other qualities will help you.
The opposite of courage is fear.
The only question you need to answer is this: How badly do I want it?
Its not abut resources but about resourcefulness, as Anthony Robbins said.
Once you have decide exactly what you want, you can activate
the principle of courage to increase your success possibilities.
This principle says that when you move boldly in the direction of your goals, unseen forces will come to your aid.
The power of a true Commitment
Charles Murray, a mountain climber, wrote these beautiful words:
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation,
there is an elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless
ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits
oneself, then providence moves, too.
All sorts of things occur to help one that would never have otherwise
occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision,
raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings
and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed
would have come his way.
Are you in earnest? Seek this very minute. Whatever you can
do, or dream you can; begin it. Boldness has genius, power and
magic in it. Only engage and the mind grows heated; begin and
then the task will be completed.
Practice courage every day in the smallest things and actions, which are the best way to develop your courage muscle. Talk to people you don’t feel like talking, call clients you don’t feel like calling, take action on your laziness. Get use to being uncomfortable.
Act as if you were a person of courage, act your way to being courageous.
All Fears Are Learned
The good thing about your fears is that is a learned process, and can be unlearned.
As a child you heard NO constantly.
As a child, whenever you tried to touch, taste, smell, feel, or get into
something, there was always someone there telling you to stop doing it.
“It’s too dangerous.” “ You are too small.” “Get away from there.”
The Fear of Rejection
The second major fear that most people have developed is the fear of rejection. This fear comes about when your parents make their love for you conditional upon your behavior.
Whenever you think of a person or circumstance that is making you tense or fearful, you cancel Eliminating the Fears That Hold You. You interrupt the pattern. Take a deep, slow, 8 second inhalation breath.
Use the principle of substitution. Repeat these words, “I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!” To overcome the fear of rejection, you repeat to yourself, “I don’t have to! I don’t have to! I don’t have to!”
Unlocking Your Mental Powers
The more boldly you act and the more confidently you move in the direction
of your dreams, the more you increase your luck and success factors. You will attract the people and resources you need to achieve your goals.
You will become more positive and optimistic
Here is a great question you can ask to blast through the barriers of
fear and doubt that hold you back: What one great thing would you dare to
dream if you knew you could not fail?
Dr. Martin Seligma, in his extraordinary book Learned Optimism, explains, on the basis of 25 years of research, that perhaps 80 percent or more of the population has this feeling of learned helplessness, to a greater or lesser degree.
Learned helplessness is the feeling that there is nothing you can do
to change or improve your situation. You feel trapped. Whenever you
get an opportunity to change, you say, “I can’t! I can’t!”. So, you need to start saying , “yes I can”, “Yes I can”
Psychologist Abraham Maslow suggests that the history of the human
race is the story of men and women selling themselves short. The reason
you settle for less than is possible for you is because you have unconsciously
accepted that there is very little that you can do to change things. You feel helpless.
The Only Real Limitation
This is not true. You can create your most amazing future, almost without limitation. You can bring about dramatic changes, and sometimes
very quickly, by practicing the key principles of success.
Your only limits are your imagination and the level of your commitment to action.
Remember Napoleon Hill’s famous words, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
The second factor that holds most people out from great success, and
Achieving extraordinary things is that they get stuck in a comfort zone.
We are all creatures of habit. We form habits and then
our habits make us. And even if we are not particularly happy with the results
we are getting I life, we sty there.
Your behavior is governed by your habits; in the absence of a clear decision ad action on your part, or some external stimulus, you will keep on behaving the same way indefinitely.
The Law of Habit is another expression of Sir Isaac Newton’s Law
of Inertia. He said, “A body in motion tends to remain in motion unless
acted upon by an external force.”
Whatever you sincerely desire, act as if it were impossible to fail.
Everyone is afraid. You are not the exception.
You are afraid, and every one to a degree is afraid.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote that one of the most important
Success rule is to “Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.”
The actor Glen Ford once said, “If you do not do the thing you fear, the fear controls your life.”
Mark Twain wrote, “Courage is not lack of fear, absence of fear; it
is control of fear, mastery of fear.”
The great Questions
The first question that you ask yourself, no matter what happens
is, “What did I do right?”
Then, ask yourself, “What would I do differently if I had this situation
to do over again?”
Great Success Is Preceded by Failure
A beautiful quote is from Phil Knight of Nike shoes. He said,
“You only have to succeed the last time.”
Assume That Success Is Inevitable
Practice this great approach; imagine that your ultimate success is guaranteed.
Whatever setbacks or challenges you have, make a commitment to extract every possible lesson from them. Think on paper.
Make careful evaluation. Analyze every single part of your performance and
write down what you learned from that situation. Lock in the lessons so
that you don’t have to repeat them.
Prepare for the Persistence Test
No one ever accomplishes greatly without having passed the persistence
test. It is like an exam that you must take over and over again. You
can only move ahead in your life and your career as you develop ever higher
levels of persistence. This quality is one of the greatest success factors
of all!
Most people achieve their greatest successes one step beyond
where most people would have quit. But because they persisted, they finally
broke through.
Continually remind yourself that you could be only one step away from success. I love this poem:
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow;
You may succeed with another blow.
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far.
Sometimes your greatest failure can be the springboard to your
greatest success. Sometimes the complete collapse of a project, idea, or business, could be the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle that enables you to make the breakthrough that enables you to achieve your goal at last.
Becoming an Unstoppable Person
You become unstoppable by refusing to stop, by refusing to let your challenges, difficulties stop you. You become unstoppable by making a decision to be so.
You develop the qualities of courage and persistence by practicing these qualities whenever they are called for.
The more you persist, the more you believe in yourself, and
the more you believe in yourself, the more you will persist. Your persistence
is actually your measure of how much you believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.
- You are the architect of your own destiny. You are the master of your own life. Your destiny is in your hands. You are the master. You are constantly creating your own life by your thoughts you have, emotions you feel, the words you say, what you decide to read, or listen to, by the actions you take or not take.
- Your thoughts create your destiny.
- Success is predictable.
- How fast can you double your income? It’s a matter of time. So how do you reduce time and increase productivity?
- You optimize your time. You become better at what you. It is always about becoming better at what you do.
- The key is to find out what the MOST SUCCESSFUL people in your industry do, learn from them and then improve what they do
- You learn from the top experts in your field. You learn from the BEST.
- The “Probability theory” says that you can improve the likelihood of success. It teaches that there is a likelihood that any particular event will occur.
- If you want to achieve success in any field, and you have clear, written
goals and plans that you follow and work on each day, you are much more likely to attain it
- If you then study and apply yourself to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your field, you will increase your probabilities of success. Additionally, If you associate with the right people, manage yourself and your time extremely well, move quickly when opportunities presents themselves, persevere in the face of obstacles, you will
get your lucky breaks.
- The law of expectancy says that, whatever you expect, with confidence, becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy
- Successful people think and talk constantly about what they want. Others talk about what they don’t want or complain about those things. Successful people think and talk about what they want most of the time
- The Law of Belief is another luck factor or principle that you can use to your advantage. It states that whatever you believe with conviction becomes your reality. William James of Harvard said: “Belief creates the actual fact.”
- There Are No Limits to what you can achieve, experience or realize in your life.
- Your greatest limits are not external. They are internal
- Napoleon Hill, in his study of 500 of the richest men in America, concluded that one characteristic that all multimillionaires and billionaires had in common was this attitude of positive expectancy, as if they expect to win, to achieve extraordinary things
- The more confidently you expect something to happen, the more likely it is to occur
- Your Current Situation Is Exactly What You Need.
- Everyone in the world wants to be happy. But most people are unhappy
- failing to plan means planning to fail
- The highest paid people, in every field, have personal strategic plans.
these people are intensely goal oriented, know exactly what they want, have written plans and blueprints,
with priorities, schedules and action plans to achieve them, and every day work very hard on achieving them.
- The secret of success is constancy of purpose
- What Is Your Vision for Your Future, your Ideal Life?
Your vision is a picture of your ideal life sometime
in the future
- Create a Mission Statement. Your mission statement also tells how you want to be described by others. It’s like your DNA, the core or essence of who you are. You write out your personal mission statement as if you were writing your own obituary. Define your mission as the way you would like to be remembered at your funeral.
- Write your top10 goals for this year, and then ask yourself, which one of these goals would have the greatest positive impact in my life? This goal becomes your major definitive purpose. Then read them every single day.
- The more you think about, talk about, affirm, visualize, and emotionalize a desired goal, the more of your mind works to draw that goal toward you, and to move you toward that goal.
- The highest paid Americans read an average of two to three hours per day. Go to a rich persons house and the first thing you will see is their library of books, go to a poor persons house the first thing you will see is a huge TV.
- How do I increase the value of my service today?
- Any goal less than being one of the best in your niche, or industry is not worthy of you
- Most people don’t realize that long-term success is the direct result of becoming absolutely EXCELLENT at what they do.
- Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.
- What must I be absolutely excellent at doing in order to achieve this goal?
- The majority of people operate on autopilot, doing the minimum to get by. They get into a comfort zone of average performance, and rarely question their behaviors.
- Everyone has the ability to be excellent at something
- Productivity is the key to wealth, fortune and success.
- People are successful because they have made clear, unequivocal, do or die decisions to be successful
- The principle of affirmation says that strong, affirmative statements
repeated continually in your conscious mind will inevitably be accepted as commands by your subconscious mind
- You act as if you already done what you want
- The most successful people in our society are those who know and are known by the greatest number of other successful people
- Generosity of all kinds triggers happy, serendipitous events in your
Life. Always look for ways to help others.
- The person who benefits the most from acts of kindness and generosity is always the giver, not the recipient
- Simply, sit down with a pad of paper and write out a description of the perfect person for you, your ideal mate
- Learn from the experts.
- The principle of value creation is a critical key to your financial success. It says, all wealth comes about as the result of increasing value in some way.
- 7 Secrets of wealth creation: Do it faster. Improve your quality. Look for ways to add value. Make it easy to do business with you. Improve your customer service. Create customers for life. Follow the trends. Sell for less.
- Listen to audio courses in your car or phone for one hour a day, as the easiest way to improve yourself.
- The more you visualize, with vividness, duration, intensity, and frequency,the more you program your subconscious mind to direct and control your thoughts and feelings
- Daily evaluation of your actions versus your results is one of the most important factors of success. Do it daily.
- Combine planning, visualization with evaluation to turbocharge your success.
- The highest paid people in every industry are the very best problem solvers in that industry
- According to Robert Half International, the average person works less than 50 percent of the time
- here is very little that you cannot accomplish in life if you are
willing to work at it long enough and hard enough, and to persist in the face of all obstacles and difficulties until you win through
- Time is inelastic. It cannot be stretched. It is fixed in quantity. And it goes by with an absolutely unstoppable regularity
- Time passes by quickly no matter what you do. The only power you have is to decide how to spend your time.
- Highly successful people are so because they spend more of their time doing things of higher value
- Do you think short term or do you think long term when you make your key decisions?
- Dr. Banfield concluded that people with long time perspective, as Dr.Banfield called it, are invariably more successful than people with only a short-term outlook.
- Your ability to focus clearly on your highest priorities, and to concentrate single-mindedly on them until they are complete, will determine how much you achieve more than any other qualities you can develop.
- One of the most important list you can develop is your daily list.
- 20/80 Rule. This rule says that 80 percent of the value of
any list of activities will be contained in 20 percent of the items on that
- The highest paid people-entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals—work an average of 59 hours per week.
- One of the best time-management techniques of all is to get better
at the most important things you do
- The principle of the learning curve says that, “The more you do of a repetitive task, the faster and easier you will perform each subsequent task of that kind.
- Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.
- integrity is the core virtue, the one that guarantees all the others.
Your level of integrity determines how consistently you live by your
virtues, by what you know to be right and true.
- The fourth great virtue is that of kindness. Everyone you meet has problems, challenges and difficult situations. Be kind with them.
- “What sort of work do you do?”
How did you get into that field?” “How is everything going for you?”
How are you feeling today?
- This principle says that when you move boldly in the direction of your goals, unseen forces will come to your aid.
- Practice courage every day in the smallest things and actions, which are the best way to develop your courage muscle
- Dr. Martin Seligma, in his extraordinary book Learned Optimism, explains, on the basis of 25 years of research, that perhaps 80 percent or more of the population has this feeling of learned helplessness, to a greater or lesser degree.
- Everyone is afraid. You are not the exception.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow;
You may succeed with another blow.
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far.
Sometimes your greatest failure can be the springboard to your
greatest success. Sometimes the complete collapse of a project, idea, or business, could be the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle that enables you to make the breakthrough that enables you to achieve your goal at last.
It’s interesting, If you talk to unhappy people and ask them what they think about most of the time, you will find that almost without fail, they
think about their problems, their bills, their negative relationships, and all the difficulties in their lives.
Five great Questions for Peak Personal Performance
1. What are my highest-value activities?
2. What are your key result areas?
3. Why are you on the Payroll?
4. What can you—and only you—do that, if done well, will make a real difference?
5. What is the most valuable use of my time right now?
However, when you talk to successful, happy people, you find that they
think and talk most of the time about the things that they want to be, do,
and have. They think and talk about the specific action steps they can
take to get them. They dwell continually on vivid, exciting pictures
The Winning Edge Concept is a fascinating concept. It says that small differences in knowledge and ability can lead to enormous differences in results
One of the best ways to expand your knowledge is reading. Perhaps not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers. How much do you think should you read?
According to some research, the highest paid Americans read an average of
two to three hours per day. The lowest paid Americans don’t read at all.
According to Brian, and the IRS statistics (from 2002, probably are similar to 2015), there are more than five million millionaires in the United States, most of them self-made.
There are almost 300 billionaires, most of whom started with little or nothing. In addition, more than 100,000 people become millionaires in the United States each year, at a rate of approximately one every five minutes
“If we did all the things we are capable of doing,
we would literally astonish ourselves.”
—Thomas Edison
“It is our duty as men and women to proceed
as though the limits to our abilities do not exist.”
—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams
and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet
with a success unexpected in common hours.”
—Henry David Thoreau
“Two men looked out through prison
bars. One saw the mud, the other saw the stars.”
Shakespeare wrote, “Nothing is but thinking makes it so.”
Ford said, “If you believe you can do a thing, or you believe you cannot, in either case, you are probably right.”
“The greatest thing that a man can do in this world is to make
the most possible out of the stuff that has been given him.
This is success and there is no other.”
—Orison Swett Marden
“The man who comes up with a means for doing or producing
anything better, faster or more economically has his future
and his fortune at his fingertips.”
—John Paul Getty
“Even if you are starting a new business from your kitchen table, your goal must be leadership in your industry or you shouldn’t even begin at all”
Peter Drucker once wrote that,
Every one has the ability to be excellent at something
Ihzrat Khan, the Sufi Master, once wrote, “Life is a continuous
succession of problems
“The best portion of a good man’s life,—
his little nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.”
—William Wordsworth
“If your real desire is to do good, there is no need to wait for money before you do it; you can do it now, at this very moment, and just where you are.”
—James Allen
William James of Harvard said: “Belief creates the actual fact.”
Benjamin Disraeli said, “The secret of success is constancy of purpose.”
George Bernard Shaw, the famous English playwright,
once wrote, “Most men look at the world and ask ‘why?’ I look
at the world and ask ‘why not?’
Albert Einstein was asked the purpose of a human life, he
answered , “Why, it must be to serve others. What other purpose could there be?”
Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.”
The actor Glen Ford once said, “If you do not do the thing you fear, the fear controls your life.”
Mark Twain wrote, “Courage is not lack of fear, absence of fear; it
is control of fear, mastery of fear.”
If you are looking for other exceptional books on mental training as well as mental toughness here are my favorites, the ones I have personally read:
Download Now my TotalSuccess App, Your Daily Medicine against being “average”, for my most important ideas about these exceptional books. This app will help you develop the ultimate vision for your life and steps to get there.
- How Champions think by Dr Bob Rotella, https://www.turbomind.com/how-champions-think-by-dr-bob-rotella/
- An IRON WILL, by Orison Swet Mardin, https://www.turbomind.com/an-iron-will-what-all-great-men-have-in-comon/
- The Champion´s Mind, by Jim Afremov.
- With winning in Mind, by Lanny Bassham, https://www.turbomind.com/with-winning-in-mind-by-lanny-bassham/
- Chasing Excellence, by Ben Bergeron, https://www.turbomind.com/chasing-excellence-by-ben-bergeron/
- Mind Gym, by Gary Mack, https://www.turbomind.com/mind-gym-gary-mack-turbomind-book-club/
- Tom Coughlin, by him, https://www.turbomind.com/tom-coughlin-earn-the-right-to-win-best-ideas/
- No Limits, by Michael Phelps, https://www.turbomind.com/no-limits-by-michael-phelps-the-will-to-succeed-turbomind-com-book-club/
- Relentless by Tim Grover, https://www.turbomind.com/relentless-from-good-to-great-to-unstoppable-by-tim-s-grover-summary-by-miguel-de-la-fuente/
- Unbeatable Mind, by Mark Divine, https://www.turbomind.com/unbeatable-mind-mark-divine-turbomind-com-bookclub/
- Get the Life You Want, by Richard Bandler.
- Can´t Hurt Me, by David Goggins, https://www.turbomind.com/cant-hurt-me-by-david-goggins-turbomind-book-club/
- Make Your Bed, by Admiral William H- McRaven, https://www.turbomind.com/make-your-bed-by-admiral-william-h-mcraven-turbomind-bookclub/
- The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone, https://www.turbomind.com/the-10x-rule-the-difference-between-success-and-failure-book-summary/
- Discipline Equals Freedom. Jocko Willink, https://www.turbomind.com/discipline-equals-freedom-by-jocko-willink/
- RAFA, by Rafael Nadal, https://www.turbomind.com/rafa-by-rafael-nadalbook-summary/
I keep updating this list regularly….
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